Dirty Dozen Beatdown

10 HIM posted at the CHOP in the misty gloom for the dirty dozen circuit course

Date: 9/13/18

QIC: Chattahoochee

WARM UP– 20 SSH, 20 Windmills, 20 Cherrypickers all in cadence followed by 10 arm circles forward 10 backwards OYO

THE THANG–  12 stations set up in the parking lot at the AO

1) weighted run 20 lb weight vest run the back entrance to the street and back the runner was the timer for the other stations.

2)  Dips on the bench

3)  Box jumps

4)  Slosh pipe lunges

5)  Flutter kicks

6)  Rowing Merkins with 15 lb dumbells 

7)  Squats

8)  Bearcrawl

9)  Abyss Merkins 

10)  WWII situps

11)  Burpee

12) Tire flip

We completed 2 complete rounds

Message for the day was a poem by 

Robert J. Robicheau titled the Eleventh of September.

COT: Prayers for Chairmans mother, All of the people in the path of Florence, Waterfall and family , Leatherman and Ruxpins Ms in their upcoming women’s retreat

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