Patriot run-story time.

9/6/2018. Nugget on Q. 7 HIM posted for a beat down in Milton, DE.

Warm up.
20 SSH.
15 cherry pickers.
15 windmills.

Patriot run with the flag ((for election today) with last man doing 1 burpee before he runs to front of line), to Spruce St. for first of 3 ‘story time chats’.

***Instead of one third F message I broke it up into 3 story time chats where i gave some personal background and thoughts on how we can be HIM in our home, businesses, community etc, while we all held a squat.

Patriot run plus burpee to baseball field for 2nd story time chat/squat.

Patriot run to water tower hill for pain station on hill.
All IC. Bear crawl up hill. At top do 10-4ct big boys while declined. Then do 10–4 ct flutter kicks while inclined. Do 10–4 ct inclined merkins. Then 10–4 ct declined merkins. Crawl bear down hill.

Patriot run to fire hall for final story time chat/squat.

Patriot run to AO, made it in right on time!

Ended in COT.

Thanks for coming out today men!

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