Back-2-Back beatdowns

27 June 2018, 7 HIM posted for my Back-2-Back beat downs and to watch a beautiful sunrise over the canal and fishing fleet

Warm-up  50 SSH, 25 cherry pickers, 25 windmills

The Thang-  Mosey 1 lap inside tennis court, 1 lap karaoke switch sides at half way, half lap high knees, half lap toy soldiers.

Deck-of-death –  Deck of cards each suite represents an exercise  deal off 1 card at a time face value represents reps lots of spades seemed to of showed up during the beginning to create a little chatter

Diamonds- diamond merkins

Clubs- prisoner squats

Spades- big boy sit ups

Hearts- Bobby Hurleys

left 2 Jokers in the deck if joker showed up that was 5 burpees

With the message I asked each pax to tell the group what F3 meant to them lots of good input

ended with Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama and COT


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