When googling counting this was a result I located….
Benefits of Counting Activities for Children….since we are working for the kids this month
Developing their cognitive skills
Today as you go throughout your day you will think more level headed and be sharper, because you counted cars this morning….it’s a subliminal benefit to our workout
Improves logical thinking and reasoning skills.
Today as you go throughout your day you will think more level headed and be sharper, because you counted cars this morning….it’s a subliminal benefit to our workout
Builds confidence
You should now have confidence that you are able to multitask, and continuously think while under physical stress
Improves fine motor skills (building those fingers and hand muscles)
Everyone who has participated this month has certainly increased there finger tip strength and their hand muscle, and or toughness, as they push theirselves back up continuously
Enhances their sense of numbers and quantity.
You’ve counted by in multiple ways today certainly enhancing your ability to do so and we all have figured out quantities we wish he hadn’t
If we could spend time counting our blessings, one by one, rather than obsessing on our obstacles, we would realize how blessed we are, truly.
Moseyed to “Oh Hill No” where Pax completed a bear crawl up the hill and a crawl bear down. Then each Pax completed 10 burpees, 20 merkins, and 30 squats. Plank for the six. Pax Nur’d up the hill and ran down and completed 10 burpees, 20 merkins, and 30 squats. Plank for the six. Pax Nur’d up the hill and ran down and completed 25 LBC’s, 25 flutter kicks, and 25 squats. Plank for the six. A break was taken for the 3rd F Message. Then each Pax completed a bear crawl up the hill and a crawl bear back down and completed 5 of the 6 previously identified exercises at their discretion. Plank for the six. Pax mosey’d back to the AO for a round of Mary to finish the beatdown.
The beatdown ended with a COT with a name-o-rama, announcements, and a prayer.
F3 message 03/23/2023
God created humans in His image. We have the distinction of being designed on the model of our creator and Lord. As such, we are treasured by Him. We should take note that those around us are also made in the image of God. That person in line at the grocery store, that face on social media, that server at dinner — all are made in God’s image, and God cherishes them all. They are all human beings and creations of God. Knowing that we are all made in the image of God should prompt us to see value in others. God calls us to love one another. Seeing value in everyone is not the same as agreeing or being best friends with everyone. Instead, it means showing all people the love of Christ through what we do and how we treat them. Each person brings value to the world and to God’s kingdom. We all have purpose, and we should treat all people mindfully and with great respect because God has deemed them of value.
F3 Message – Q shared the story of how he found a painted rock at the workout on 3/14/23. The hashtag on the rock pointed to #Teamlennyrocks on Facebook. The message was about Lenny Williams, a 20yr old that passed away from a battle with cancer back in October of 2022. Lenny’s family are all Milton FD members and Lenny was bestowed honorary membership in the dept. posthumously. He loved the FD, and he loved baseball as he was active with his family at the Milton Little Park. A benefit tournament was held on the Little League premises and it was only fitting that the rock be “hidden” there for the next person to find and to be inspired by the story and the strength of young Lenny Williams. Q offered a word from Ron Hutchcraft below about preparing for the worst and the power of God’s Grace.
The Cycle – From home plate, bear crawl to 1st base, 3 burpees, crawl bear back to home From home plate, bear crawl around the bases to 2nd base, 6 burpees, crawl bear back to home From home plate, bear crawl around the bases to third base, 9 burpees, crawl bear back to home From home plate, bear crawl around the bases to home plate. *The Thang was modified for time and all PAX completed the full cycle Bear Crawl around the bases, 9 burpees at home plate, and then a full cycle Crawl Bear back around the bases to home plate.*
Mosey back to AO
Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust. Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayer.
During the high school football season, our Campus Life Club used to have a crowd breaker that provided a lot of entertainment for all of us. We had four cheerleaders up front with a box of football equipment, minus the more personal stuff, of course. They raced to see who was the first to get fully dressed in shoulder pads, hip pads, knee pads, helmets, the rest, you know. Well, they each had a football player providing verbal coaching, but the results were still hilarious. Those cheerleaders had no idea what gear went where. But that’s okay. They didn’t need to know. You can be sure the players knew. Every day, whether it was for a practice or a game, they got that equipment on. They didn’t need it all day in school, of course, because they weren’t generally being chased, or run into at high speeds, or thrown to the ground. But when it came time to play, the coaches made sure they had the equipment they needed. The coach wasn’t about to send them into the battle without what they would need to protect them.
I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “Preparing For the Worst.”
Our missionary son called us one day and, in an uncharacteristically sober tone of voice, he opened with these words: “Mom, Dad, get your grace helmets on.” He was preparing us for some bad news. They were in their sixth month of pregnancy with our grandson, and the doctor had just spotted some rare and serious medical problems. Our son knew what he, his wife, and our whole family were going to need for the trying months ahead. We were going to need God’s grace; the equipment that God provides to give us that extra strength and protection we will need for the battle we’re headed into.
Right now, you may be in one of those seasons where all your human resources are just totally inadequate to keep you going. Here’s God’s open invitation, recorded in Hebrews 4:16, our word for today from the Word of God. “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” See, grace is God’s enabling power that sustains us when we’re running on empty. It’s sort of like a reserve fuel tank that kicks in when our emotional and physical fuel tank has run out.
And it’s not just generic grace, you know; not like “one size fits all.” No, it’s customized grace, specially designed for the kind of situation you need it for. So, God provides parenting grace when that’s needed; forgiving grace when forgiving is what you need to do. He’ll give you cancer grace, suffering grace, persecution grace, funeral grace. For our family, facing the deep questions, the deep feelings, and the critical decisions about that little baby, God’s grace came in like a Daddy’s arms picking us up and carrying us when we couldn’t walk any farther.
That little guy has had his battles, and he’s not a little guy any more, and he’s doing okay. But even if we have some more, you know what? His story is already one miracle after another. Not the least of which is the strength and the grace that has protected us like body armor on a soldier, or gear on an athlete. And, as God promised Paul in the pain and limitations of his thorn in the flesh, “My grace is sufficient.” (2 Corinthians 12:9) Or, as the original Greek says, “Enough for you – My grace.”
His grace really is enough for you, no matter how desperate the situation. Because He’s said “your strength will equal your days.” (Deuteronomy 33:25) Whatever the burden, He will match it with His grace. More than match it, if you’ll go to His throne of grace to get it. You have to go for the grace that this moment requires.
No matter what hits you, God is no less in charge; His plan is no less on target. Things may be out of your control. They are never out of His control. If you trust Him, He will give you just the equipment you need for the battle you’re facing right now, because God’s plan will not lead you where His grace cannot keep you.
A series of societal shifts have broken the bond between boys and their fathers.
Boys have grown up without a healthy male role model and have as a result adopted a feminized version of masculinity called the Nice Guy Syndrome.
Nice Guys force themselves to live according to a set of rules they have acquired in their childhood as a result of not getting their needs met.
The pattern goes like this: I have needs -> they’re not met, probably because I am bad -> I have to be good to get my needs met.
Nice Guys believe that they have to do everything well to satisfy everyone and get their needs met.
Doing so, they cut themselves from their core masculinity which prevents them from being happy and fulfilled.
They expect other people to fulfill their needs as a result of them being “good boys”, and become rageful and frustrated when they don’t.
To recover, Nice Guys must understand that they have to put their needs a priority, change the way they think and act, face their fears, and express themselves clearly.
What No More Mr. Nice Guy Talks About
No More Mr. Nice Guy is a book written by the psychiatrist Dr. Robert Glover. It explains how societal changes have led young boys to hopelessly seek everyone’s approval constantly. They try their best to be “good boys”, get split from their core masculine identity, and struggle in their daily lives as a result. The book is a proven method to help men reclaim their masculinity and get the life they desire.
I noticed lately that I had a tendency to lack assertiveness, so I read The Assertiveness Workbook but I didn’t find it good enough. I remember that No Mr. Nice Guy, which I read in 2017, was much better, so I decided to re-read it.
This book is by far the best book for men’s mental health.
10/10. If you’re a man and you’re struggling in your life, read it (do not let the ugliest cover in the history of books discourage you).
If you have never read it, do yourself a favor and buy a copy. Don’t read the summary.
If you have read it though, this is the best summary on the Internet (!!).
Bolt 45’s – 15 squats full up to halfway down, 15 squats halfway down to full down, & 15 squats full motion. All completed IC as a 4 count.
Hydraulic Squats – 17 IC (6 Count)
Mosey @.5 miles to Holy Hill and took a brief break for the F3Message…see below
The Thang
1st & 10 Routine per the Exicon…Well sort of….:)…..Perform 10 merkins and 1 burpee. Nur up the hill and run down. Perform 9 merkins and 2 burpees. Nur up the hill and run down. Perform 8 merkins and 3 burpees. Nur up the hill and run down. You recognize a pattern developing here. Rinse and Repeat until you complete 1 merkin and 10 burpees followed by your final Nur up the hill and a run back down.
Mosey @.5 miles back to CHOP.
Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust. Prayers were offered for multiple needs within the attending PAX, but please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.
The Ozark Mountains of Arkansas and Missouri are known for their rocks. They make for some hard farming, some beautiful views, and some challenging road building. Like this one stretch of highway from Branson, Missouri, to Springfield, Missouri, that they widened. As you slowed down through those construction zones, there were some pretty impressive changes that were taking place. Some places were nothing but solid-rock mountain, but somehow they managed to blast away at those mountains and they literally made a road where a mountain used to be!
I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “Removing a Mountain, Making a Road.”
Now if human engineers can do that, don’t you think God can? In fact, God’s mountain-moving ability may be your only hope right now.
Let’s remember the miracle Jesus promised to us, as recorded in our word for today from the Word of God. In Mark 11:23, He says, “I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Obviously, it’s not the power of your word that removes mountains; it’s the power of God. The words immediately preceding these dramatic promises are these: “Have faith in God.”
But we have a God who does remove mountains that appear as if they could never be moved – in answer to the faith-believing prayers of His children. This might be one of those times when the only way there’s going to be a road for you is if God blows away the mountain that stands in the way. But you can ask Him, you can trust Him to do just that, within the boundaries of His perfect will of course.
Our mountains don’t usually come in the form of some huge rock formations. For you, what blocks the way might be a person whose heart is hard; whose heart needs a miraculous change. God does those. According to Proverbs 21:1, “The heart of the king is in His hand.” Maybe your mountain is seemingly impossible financial obstacles.
That’s the kind our ministry has faced a number of times, and we were facing that as it became clear that God wanted us to build our own headquarters to better carry out His orders. We didn’t have one dollar in a building fund. We had no reserves and no clear idea of where an amount like that would come from. But in less than a year, there was the headquarters, totally debt-free. There was this mountain, and then by God’s power and grace, there was a road.
Maybe it’s going to take a change of leadership in order for there to be a way, a miraculous recovery, or seemingly impossible breakthroughs. But God does all of those. God’s allowed you to run up against this mountain so you would run to the end of you. All our lives, we underestimate and under trust the God we have. There’s way too much of us and way too little of God. And then there it is – that massive mountain looming in the way, so huge there’s nothing you can do to move it. There’s nothing any human solution can do to move it.
Well, praise God! You what? Yeah, praise God! You’ve just reached the end of you and possibly you are at the beginning of unleashing your Lord as never before. I love the promise in Ephesians 3:20, “He is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine according to the power that works in us.” I call that a 320 in Ephesians 3:20.
Looking at that mountain, you’d have to say, “No way.” But looking at your all-powerful God, don’t you ever say, “No way.” He blows away mountains and makes a road where you could have never dreamed there would be one, and then you know what? He gets all the glory!