Running Fool

By Sweet n Lo


Buy in: 15 burpees

400m run

30 air squats

15 burpees

400m run

30 Mericans

15 burpees

400m run

30 alternating lunges

15 burpees

400m run

30 air squats

15 burpees

Buy out: 15 burpees

For those counting that’s 90 burpees for the Boro this morning and just shy of a mile run.

3rd F:
10 things that require ZERO talent

  1. Being on Time
  2. Work Ethic
  3. Effort
  4. Energy
  5. Body language
  6. Passion
  7. Doing extra
  8. Being prepared
  9. Being coachable
  10. Attitude

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