
500 flutter kicks?

7 PAX rolled in ready to get their sweat on this Gloom.    A lot of chatter about two strong Qs back to back with Fireplex and Leatherman bringing the heat Tuesday and Wednesday.    Pressure was on…
  • Warm-a-Rama
SSH- 15
Cherry pickers – 15
Moroccan Night Club- 15
Bolt 45s- IC
  Standing to half way- 15 .
  Half way to full squat- 15
  Full squats -15
SSH- 15
  • Mosey to Ace parking lot.
Split into 2 groups.
1st group – 4x4s oyo
2nd group – Nur across lot. Lt Dan back.
Groups switch once all Pax return
Rinse and repeat for 2 rounds.
  • Mosey  to Dr office lot.
Pair up
One partner stays and does exercise while other runs circle around dr office. Switch when partner gets around circle. Group Totals. PAX keep count.
Total of 150 dips on curb.
Once finished dips move on to total of 500 flutter kicks.
  • 3rdF-  I had a message typed out that was on my heart.  About consistency in all areas of life and how true High Impact Men stay consistent to develop trust, always add value and lead from the front.   But when I arrived to the AO this morning I opened up F3 nation and when I selected QSource a message popped up from nearly two ears ago written by ‘Dancing Idiot’ on ‘the Q’
Immediately when I read it I thought of our local leader , Chappie , who with out him I wouldn’t be here today at 5am preparing to start my day with other Men who likely have been influenced by him as well.    We  are grateful for you leading the way in your Chappie style. And excited to expand F3 throughout the state with your guidance.  Maybe it was fitting he was on vacation today, but we all appreciate your vision and have grabbed ahold of it ourselves.  Each of us are better because of it.
  • Full 3rdF message is below –
  • Mosey back to CHOP
To the Wall
10 count wall sit
10 diamond merkins
10 count wall sit
10 wide merkins
10 count wall sit
10 merkins
10 count wall sit
10 ranger merkins
10 count wall sit
10 wide merkins
10 count wall sit
10 ranger merkins
10 count wall sit
10 hand release merkins
Go dominate your day.

Yea, Though I [Mosey to] the Valley…

Date: 8/7/18

QIC: Chappie

What happens when you buy sidewalk chalk at Family Dollar (not a commercial) and pick up a prescription next door at Walgreen’s (not a commercial)? You discover a yet-to-be-minted F3 pain station. YHC couldn’t believe these two walls separated by about a 20′ alley-way had somehow been overlooked for the past 2+ years, even after working out in and around the parking lot so many times. How’d we miss this grand station of a beatdown location? Who knows! YHC noticed it a few weeks ago and could hardly wait to get his Q on and personally introduce it (like a new found friend) to the rest of the PAX from the Milton Mustard Seed CHOP AO – Semper anticus! Well, this little “canyon” or “valley” IS ON THE MAP NOW! YHC will tell you all about it. In meantime, what say ye, men? Shall we call it The Valley of the Shadow of Death (even though there really was no “walk” through it) or Death Valley (because it was so doggone hot and there was no air)? The place will live up to its name either way. Here’s what it looked like after the Gloom — YHC had to go back and get a shot for this post:

Well, call it what you will…here’s how it all went down:


SSH – 18 IC

MNC – 15 IC

Shell Picker, Crab Flipper, Cherry Picker – 10 IC

Hillbillies – 18 IC

Flying Squirrel – 10 OYO

Calf Raise (toes in) – 20 OYO

Calf Raises (toes out) – 20 OYO

The Thang:

Mosey to the new station (The Valley of the Shadow of Death  or Death Valley): Steady Mosey interchanged with a Picked-Up Mosey, switching between power poles/light poles all the way to Food Lion parking lot, ending in front of Walgreens:

Between the Walls (in the valley) – all OYO

5 Mike Tysons on one wall

10 Bombjacks in middle of alley

5 Mike Tysons on other wall

15 Burpees in middle, and so on…

5 Mike Tysons

20 MJB’s

5 Mike Tysons

10  Count/Breather (PAX had to get out of the valley because it contained no air!)

Back between the walls…

BTTW – 10 Count

People’s Chair – 10 Count

BTTW – 10 Count

PC, Leg Up (L) – 10 Count

PC, Leg Up (R) – 10 Count

YHC  forgot all who counted, but some counts were brutally slow. But, hey, it was in the valley of the shadow…

3rd F Message – a Brief Shared By YHC:

One leadership principle I’ve been pondering lately is this: “OUR REFERENCE POINT IS CRITICAL.”

Years ago I heard someone say that “if the whole world stinks, check your mustache.” The idea being that if there’s some old moldy cheese or other leftover food in your stache and that’s all that you’re able to smell, then from THAT reference point the whole world is going to stink. The metaphor is clear. It may not be the whole world at all; it might be your perspective, the reference point from which you “smell” [see] the world.

HOW WE SEE ANYTHING DEPENDS ON OUR REFERENCE POINT. I shared that thought in a recent sermon, but I think it’s just as applicable here, in F3. In fact, part of what we do here at O-GAWD-THIRTY (the Gloom) just about every day of the week, in some measure gives us a reference point for leadership. We get up very early; that’s the hard thing to do. We Q and prepare workouts and 3rd F messages hoping to inspire one another in spiritually, mentally, and physically in leadership; that’s the hard thing to do. We push ourselves and each other past self-imposed limits; that’s the hard thing to do! And we do all this and more, not just because of the fitness but because it does make us better leaders.

How does all this make us better leaders?

I believe one of the ways it makes us better leaders is that doing the hard stuff gives us a reference point. Let me explain, Mark Batterson mentions that psychologists refer to this as the contrast effect: If you lift a really heavy weight, then lift a lesser weight, it will seem lighter. We do this simply enough by doing really hard workouts. We do this with sandbags and cinderblocks. We do this with our rucks especially — we carry around 40lbs and then when we carry around 30lbs or less and everything else seems lighter. The reference point is the 40lbs or its the hard workout before anything else in the day comes along. Having that reference point is to help us to see things from a different perspective, one that is meant — in terms of leadership — to give us the reference point that just about everything else that follows throughout the day will not seem all that tough or difficult because we’ve already done something incredibly harder by comparison. This, again, is called the “contrast effect.”

The practice of Q’ing a workout also leads to the same outcome: We practice that leadership here regularly, and, in part, that practice carries over where it ought to most (it’s supposed to) — at home, in the workplace, and in the communities in which we serve.

In real life, it might bring about a different reference point after going through difficult circumstances. We are to see them differently after God carries us through them. (Point being that He is the One, then, who actually carried the weight…POINT BEING that Christ must be our reference point.) That’s why we cling to verses like Romans 8:28, “AND WE KNOW THAT GOD CAUSES ALL THINGS TO WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THOSE WHO LOVE GOD…”

Those words of Scripture and the experience or fulfillment of them train us and give us perspective — and how you see anything depends on your reference point. When we’ve been through something, tough circumstances, and we can see how God turned them around for our good, it gives us a new critical reference point. Doing the hard thing here, carrying the extra weight here (in the Gloom) trains our bodies and our minds with the reality of these truths.

Back to work:

YHC’s failed attempt at the Hands of Time (one of his favorites, but its been awhile and he forgot how to do it. Oh well, still got in some ab-burn)

Steady mosey return to the AO.

Meanwhile, back at the AO…

GFerkins (Good Form Merkins) – 10 OYO

Mary, all 9 PAX got in a round but YHC can’t recall all that was chosen

Time’s up, only thing we missed on YHC’s Weinke was a round of Partner Push; next time. It’s all good, the Valley of the Shadow of Death (a.k.a. Death Valley) took a good bit out of us.

Great push by all the PAX.



Everyone is welcome to join Grace Church’s Warriors for Him men’s ministry for a hot dog cookout at The Home of the Brave this evening at 6. Home of the Brave is a homeless shelter for our veteran’s. Join us for some dogs and a few rounds of cornhole as we serve those who’ve served us.

Thursday Gloom we’ll have a guest Q – Nunchuk will be here serving up the beatdown and getting his F3 Passport stamped; let’s make a good showing in support of our brother from York, SC!

Prayers: Prayed for the substance abuse blanket to be lifted from Sussex County; prayer for others…


Welcome back Ying Ying, we’ve missed you brother! Good to see you. It was a privilege to lead all the fine HIM who broke the hold of the Fartsack and posted! Humbled and honored to lead the way.

~Chappie, out!



QIC: Fireplex

AO: CHOP Milton, De.

PAX:  Chairman, Chattahoochee, Leatherman, Skipper, Waterfall, & Fireplex.

Warm up

SSH – 20 IC

Cherry Pickers – 15 IC

Bolt 45’s (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Windmills – 15 IC

The Thang

Mosey 0.5 mile to “Oh Hill No” to complete the Thang.  Complete 10 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 Merkins & 10 Big Boys.  Nur up the hill and run down and complete 9 Burpees, 9 Squats, 9 Merkins, & 9 Big Boys.  All completed OYO.  Rinse and repeat in descending order until reaching 5 of each exercise.  Extra credit and a shout out to Leatherman who did not hear the descending order part of the exercise and he completed 10 of each during each cycle of the exercises.  The F3 message (see below) was an opportunity to catch a breather, and because of time we did not complete the exercises descending all the way to 1 of each.  However, Chairman decided to “poke the bear”.  We added one full exercise evolution that was comprised of a crawl bear up the hill and bear crawl down, where we completed the next cycle of Burpees, Squats, Merkins & Big Boys before moseying 0.5 mile back to the AO.

F3 Message

Q spoke about Caleb and how he had spent 45 years in the wilderness in his obedience to God when others that were filled with disbelief created that exile.  He persevered when it would have been easier to fold.  Once all the disbelievers had passed away, and the promised land was realized, he went on at 85 years old to defeat the Anakites to take the hill country that he had been promised.  Caleb did not give up much like Jim Kelly, Hall of Fame QB of the Buffalo Bill who received the ESPY Jimmy V award for perseverance on 07/18/18.  His life is a testimony to perseverance as he led his team four times to the Super Bowl and was defeated each time.  He has two lovely daughters but had a son that was born with Krabbe’s disease which is a deadly nervous system disorder.  His son passed at the age of 8.  Mr. Kelly has battled cancer himself having been diagnosed in 2013 with oral cavity cancer that had been in remission.  Recent reports are that the cancer has returned.  I am sure that he will face that diagnosis as he has faced all other adversity; while all the time praising God and living for Him as is evident from the quotes below.

“We are shocked, heartbroken, sad, angry, confused, and just darn tired,” Jill Kelly said in her post. “Yet, despite how we feel, we KNOW that God is a promise maker and keeper.”

Kelly, who remained a towering force in Buffalo and in the N.F.L. despite all of his Super Bowl appearances ending in losses, said he was relying on what he called the “four Fs”: faith, family, friends and fans.

“With all of you by my side we will fight and win this battle together,” he said. “Staying ‘Kelly Tough’ and trusting God will carry us through this difficult time.”

“O Hill NO” doesn’t seem so steep and exercises don’t seem so taxing when you are inspired by these stories of facing such huge adversity.

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Prayers for traveling mercies for Chappie, peace for an upcoming event for Leatherman, heat related health concerns for brother Firemen responding to recent alarms.   Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.

Respectfully Submitted,


Dirty Thirty Birthday Beatdown


QIC: Vanilla

AO: CHOP: Milton, DE

PAX: Chappie, Chattahoochee, Chairman, Leatherman, Toy Soldier, Fireplex, Summit, Vanilla, Waterfall (Early Dismissal)


SSH – 30 IC

Seal Jacks – 30 IC

Cherry Pickers – 15 IC

Windmill – 15 IC

The Thang: Dirty Thirty Birthday Beatdown

Shuttle Run format with exercises on each end. 30 exercises for 30 reps with Prison Break in between from end to end of CHOP parking lot.

  1. Merkin
  2. Squat
  3. LBC
  4. Derkin
  5. FWD Lunge (Alt. Legs)
  6. Flutter Kick IC
  7. Incline Merkin
  8. Reverse Lunge
  9. Scissor Kick IC
  10. Diamond Merkin
  11. Mexican Jumping Beans
  12. Box Cutters IC
  13. Ranger Merkin
  14. Calf Raises
  15. Leg Lifts
  16. Wide Arm Merkin
  17. Iron Mikes (Lunge Jumps)
  18. High Plank – 30 Count
  19. Shoulder Taps
  20. Apolo Ohno’s
  21. American Hammers IC
  22. Overhead Claps
  23. Burpees
  24. Box Cutters IC
  25. FWD Arm Circles IC
  26. Broad Jump to Back Peddle
  27. Forearm Plank – 30 Count
  28. Reverse Arm Circles IC
  29. Wall Sit – 30 Count
  30. Big Boys

3rd F Message: The Joy is in the Journey

“Success is a journey, not a destination”

I’ve heard many times that if you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans. As I reflect on the last decade of my life, it looked nothing like I would have scripted. It had deep dark valleys and some wonderful mountaintop experiences, both of which I would not have expected. I had big goals set for things I wanted to achieve by 30 and quite frankly the bulk of them never came to fruition. But I’m confident in this, that He who began a good work in me, will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6).

“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.” -Jeremiah 29:11

As leaders and High Impact Men, it is our responsibility to cast vision, set goals, and know our direction. However, as leaders, we also need to be emotionally stable enough to embrace and enjoy the journey, even when it takes us down a different path than planned. Leaders love the journey, leaders love the process. Leaders stay diligent even when things shift, because ultimately they know that God will work all things out for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28). Embrace the Journey, Find Joy in the Journey, and keep traveling toward your destination, even when a decade is nothing like you expected.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest, IF we do not give up.” -Galatians 6:9

Ended with Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, & COT/BOM

Humbly Your QIC,


Muggy Morning Beat Down!!!


QIC: Leatherman

AO: CHOP , Milton

PAX: Fireplex, Summit, Vanilla, Chappie, Nugget, Chairman, Skipper, Wolverine, Chattahoochee, Wonderbeard, Ying-Ying, Waterfall


SSH -20 IC

MC-20 IC

CP- 15 IC

Lap around Church .

The Thang ! Doracide Modified 2-2-2

The PAX partnered up for the beatdown.

5 Cones set up spaced out 2 parking spaces wide for Suicide Burpees .

Partner 1 starts the suicides drill while Partner 2  started the Merkins ( 200) to completion switching back and forward with Partner 1.  Immediately switch to  (200 )LBCs until completion Switching with Partner . Finished with (200) Prison Squats until Completion in same fashion.  

Cone 1 – 1 Burpee

Cone 2 – 2 Burpee

Cone 3 – 3 Burpee

Cone 4 -4 Burpee

Cone 5- 5 Burpee

200 Merkins

200 LBCs

200 Prison Squats

Break for 3rd F

I spoke about how the sport of Wrestling taught me how to handle certain situations in my life. whether I win or lose taking those experiences and learning from them. I read 3 Quotes from a Legend in the sport and another Man who is becoming a legend in his own right.  I explained what they meant to me and how I thought described us as HIM.

Pain is nothing compared to what it feels like to quit. Give everything you got today for tomorrow may never come.  -Dan Gable

The easiest thing to do in the world is pull the covers up over your head and go back to sleep. -Dan Gable  

To get better you have to step out of your comfort zone. You cant do the same things you’ve always done and improve. – Jordan Burroughs

Thang 2-

Rapid Fire Coupon Set.

20 Curls IC

20 Tricep Extensions IC

20 Overhead Press IC

20 Bent Over Rows IC

20 Dips

15 1 leg dip Switched legs 15 more.

Finished with some MARY each HIM called out a Exercise until time was up.  

Leatherman – Flutter Kicks 20 IC

Summit – 10 Big Boy

Nugget – 35 Reverse Crunches

Chappie – 18 Hello Dolly IC

Fireplex -15 E2K Each Side

Wolverine- High plank  60 Second countdown  

Ended with Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, & COT/BOM

Humbly Your QIC,

Leatherman .

50th Birthday beat down

26 June 2018

12 HIM beat the fartsack  and posted for my 50th birthday beatdown

Warm-up  50 sidestraddle hops, 25 cherry pickers, 25 windmills, 25 MNC

The Thang,  Mosey from the AO to the town fishing pier for the  pain station #1

dragon crawl the length of parking spots, 10 merkins, crawl bear back to starting point, 10 merkins.

Mosey to grass lot across from firehouse for pain station  #2

25 flutter kicks,  Toy soldier set 30 LBCs,  E2Ks 20 each side, 15 big boy sit-ups

Mosey across footbridge to town park for pain station #3

50 prisoner squats, 20 step ups on benches,  10 burpees

Mosey back to AO

Quote from John Quincy Adams- If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more you are a leader.

Talked about how to me being in the military along with F3 is a brotherhood

Ended a great beat down with count-o-rama, Name-o-rama and  a COT









AO -Milton, De.

PAX – Chappie, Toy Soldier, Summit, Vanilla, Waterfall, & Fireplex

QIC – Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 25 IC

Cherry Pickers – 25 IC

Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Windmills – 25 IC

Inch worms  – Approx. 70 ‘(7 Parking Spaces)

Bear Crawls – Approx. 70’ (7 parking Spaces)

The Thang

The Sheldon Cooper – Not On a Hill! –  We did not mosey to “Oh Hill No” to complete the Thang as was originally planned.  Q will save that one for a Saturday or for a much cooler morning.  Complete 10 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 Merkins & 10 Big Boys.  Run around the AO (Capri Lap that measures by Google Earth at .26 miles) and complete 9 Burpees, 9 Squats, 9 Merkins, & 9 Big Boys.  Run Capri Lap after each set.  Descending until reaching 5 of each exercise as time was not in our favor to descend all the way to 1 of each exercise.  79o and very humid conditions at 5:15 a.m. worked against all HIM.

F3 Message 

Q shared some personal reflections on Father’s Day.  The focus placed on positive influences of a Father that instilled a gift of work ethic that included follow through on commitments and obligations.  I am forever grateful for that gift.

Q shared excerpts from a word found online from the Everyday Christian published in 2009 by Chuck Mason .  The full message as posted by Mr. Mason appears below.

“In Numbers chapters 28-30, Moses prepares the Israelites to enter the promised land by reviewing God’s rules on offerings, sacrifices, celebrations and vows. Moses is going to die and Joshua has been appointed to take over. So the generation has changed, the leadership is about to change, but the ways of God never change. Isn’t that refreshing? When God says something, He means it. He is faithful and true to His word; He can be counted on.

Unfortunately that isn’t always true for you and me. Numbers 30:1-2 says “This is what the LORD commands: When a man makes a vow to the LORD or takes an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he must not break his word but must do everything he said.”

Our words are important to God. When we make a commitment to someone we should keep it. He takes our promises to others and to Himself very seriously (whether we do or not). Let’s face it, we all have good intentions, but many times we don’t follow through on them.

Jesus spoke about this as well in Matthew 5:34-37: “But I tell you, Do not swear at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.”

This is a scripture I have used over and over again with my daughters. The first time it came up was when I overheard them in the back of the van doing a “pinky promise”. This verse came to mind and I explained to them that Jesus wants us to be so honest and careful with our words that any kind of “special promise” is unnecessary. The other important parenting application of these words from our Savior is that when Mom or Dad says “no”, we mean “no” so there is no need to ask again. It is easy to see that breaking a commitment to do something you said you would do is wrong, but sometimes a little less obvious when it is applied in the other direction. When we say “no” and then later give in, we are sinning according to this scripture. In order to properly model this biblical principal to our kids we must allow our “no” to mean “no”. Eventually they will understand that asking again and again is of no profit.

Too many times in our culture, our promise is like saying “unless something better comes along.” This command of the Lord says we should not break our word, period. We may very well change our mind about something, but we still do not break our word. I once heard a male celebrity say of his wife: “We’ll stay together as long as things are good.” You may have guessed–they are divorced today.

Whether we are joining a team, an activity or a class, God expects us to fulfill our obligations. Volunteer work, job, church, marriage, home mortgage, etc., we should live up to our word. In many circles today, the breaking of an oath is just standard business practice–but before God, it is simply sin.

Because God takes our vows so seriously, sometimes it is better not to make a vow. Ecclesiastes 5:5 says, “It is better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill it.”
This passage goes on to say “do not let your mouth lead you into sin”. We need to carefully consider our words and the commitments we make for ourselves and for our family. Vowing is voluntary and should stay in line with what pleases God. We need God’s direction in making vows. Take some time, don’t answer someone rashly, seek the Lord’s best and His wisdom before making a decision.

If you find yourself breaking commitments you’ve made on a regular basis, it may be that you are overcommitting yourself to begin with. Too many times we think everything looks good, there are so many opportunities for “good” things, activities and social events and we want to do them all, but it is not feasible or realistic for us or for our families. We must be discerning, prayerful, cautious about how we commit ourselves and our family. We need room in our days, our weeks and our lives. If the only speed in your life is “rush”, this can be a sure sign of overcommitment.

So, what about you? How does the Lord want you to apply this scripture? Ask yourself these questions:

Can I be trusted?

Am I known for my integrity?

Does my “yes” mean “yes” and my “no” mean “no”?

Think of the last 3 obligations you made. Did you completely fulfill them?

What am I teaching my kids regarding commitments? From my example and from what I require of them with their commitments?”

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Prayers specifically for the Pedrick Family, Jones family, Aaron, Stealth & Toy Soldier.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.

Respectfully Submitted,


Jack Webb2.0 plus some

Another  Beautiful Saturday morning where  seven high impact men separated themselves and did what HIM do best.
Warm up – in cadence
SSH – 30
Cherry picker- 20
Merkins- 10
SSH- 15
Cherry picker – 10
Merkins -5
Todays Separator – 
Mosey to park by church –
only coupons this morning were 10 cones placed approx 10 yards apart
Suicides jack Webbs.
Sprint to cone 1 for 1 Merkin/ 4 overhead claps, sprint back.
Continue up to 10th cone – finishing with 10 merkins , 40 overhead claps
10 count
Lt Dan to 5th cone for  Super toy soldier set
50 lbc, 30 etk, 20 Big Boys
Lt dan back to start
Toy soldier set
30 lbc , 20 etk, 15 Big Boys
leisurely walk to the shade of a tree for The 3rdF
Back at it –
Nur to 10th cone For 10 burpees , nur back for 10 more burpees.
10 count
‘Wosey’ over to swings for round of squats and swirkins. Pair up.  One man does 15 swirkins while partner does squats.  switch.  Rinse and repeat for 3 rounds.
Mosey back to circle-
End with 1 man doing 15 dips while other pax hold plank.  Recover once all men have competed dips in rotation.
3rd F
“The people we surround ourselves with either raise or lower our standards. They either help us to become the-best-version-of-ourselves or encourage us to become lesser versions of ourselves. We become like our friends. No man becomes great on his own. No woman becomes great on her own. The people around them help to make them great.
We all need people in our lives who raise our standards, remind us of our essential purpose, and challenge us to become the-best-version-of-ourselves.” Matthew Kelly
“The Best Version of yourself “
What does that look like ? In all aspects of life.   As HIM – Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.
I say Focus less on trying to be someone you aren’t sure you can be and choose to surround yourself with people who raise the bar, challenge you, encourage you, uplift you, stretch you , and have the ability to raise your belief and ultimately you will be on your way to “The best version of yourself’
This falls perfectly into the F3 credo- Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.
Surrounding yourself in this F3 environment is exactly what this quote is all about.  And why we need to continue to grow our numbers and invite FNGs.
out –

Super Duper Toy Soldier Saturday

It was a beautiful day on Delmarva for a Super Duper Toy Soldier beat down!

The Pax:  Chappie, Chattahoochee, T1, Chairman, and Waterfall on Q

Congratulations to Chappie, Chattahoochee, and Chairman on posting 6 consecutive days in a row!  That’s some serious dedication right there!

The Warm Up:  I figured I needed to stretch these guys out after 5 days in a row.  20 Side Strattle Hops IC, 15 windmills IC, 20 moroccan night clubs IC, 15 cherry pickers (shell pickers) IC

The Thang:  This is where it got fun.  I have to admit that I sort of made this up on the fly.  Are those the best?  We took a mosey to a new soccer field.  Started at one soccer goal with 40 LBCs, ran to the center and did 30 E2Ks each side, ran to the other goal and did 20 big boys.  Then we ran back to the center and threw the dice of doom (A dice of exercises I found at Five Below).  Each PAX had to roll the dice individually and do what was on it.  If a PAX rolled 15 burpees, every PAX had to do it.  We rolled the burpees twice!  Run back to the first goal to start over!  We reduced the exercises by 2 each set and ran out of time at 28 LBCs, 18 E2Ks each side, and 8 big boys.  That’s a total of 238 LBCs, 168 E2Ks each side, and 98 big boys!  Chairman did some more big boys for extra credit.  Some kinda beast.

The F3 message:  Talked about a pastor in my church that recently died.  He documented every funeral, marriage, and baptism through his whole life career.  They displayed it at his funeral so you could look through and find where he baptised and married you.  He gave his last sermon in December 2017.  He knew it was his last and told us so.  He preached on Heaven and how he wanted to see us all there.  It was clear he knew what he set out to do in his life, did what he came to do, and was ready for the next life.  He knew his purpose and was able to say mission accomplished!  I encouraged us all to keep “posting” in every area of our life so that someday we can say “mission accomplished.”

We took a mosey back to the AO to finish up with some more stretching exercises:  Windmills, cherry pickers, and moroccan night clubs IC.  Finished with 20 diamond merkins OYO just for fun.

Countarama, Namarama, and Circle of Trust!  With this awesome weather we are having, we need to get some FNGs out on Saturdays!  Aye!

Six, er…uh…Seven is the Perfect Number

5/28/2018 – Memorial Day

QIC: Chappie

AO: CHOP semper anticus

Warm-O-Rama: Courtesy of Waterfall: 21 SSH, 21 of something YHC can’t remember, 21 Windmill, 21 Merkins all done OYO, no chatter allowed, done as a “moment of silence.”

The Thang:

A few guys were either out of town for the holiday, or decided against doing the hard thing and busting out of the Fartsack. Six HIM posted for a Memorial Day – 21 Gun Salute. Well, that was until we made our way to the second of 7 COP’s, where we all learned that Fireplex REALLY knows how to make an entrance. Seriously though, who else would be dropped off to a workout already underway by  a firetruck? (THAT’s what HIM do!) Fireplex quickly caught up on the COP just completed and off we went, continuing our Memorial Day Patriot Run w/the 21 Gun. At one point someONE made a failed attempt at turning it into a “Don’t Tread on Me Patriot Run.” Didn’t work today but it got the wheels turning. Aye like it! Patriot Run = Indian Run, but with Old Glory Shovel Flag at the front. Don’t Tread on Me = Patriot Run, but Snake Run style. It’s gonna be good!

Today we logged just over 2 miles on the Patriot Run, which was our mode of transition between the 7 COP’s. (The Skinny: 7 PAX, 7 COP’s, 3 workouts at each COP with 21 reps each.)

COP locations, each named after a fallen warrior (Patriot Run in between). Pre-stashed Warrior bios were read by PAX at each location…
▪CHOP AO – “Blake”
▪DENTIST OFFICE – “Creighton”
▪H.O.B. Elementary – “Roberts” + “Brittingham”
▪DOCK LOT – “Loncki”
▪MILTON MEMORIAL PARK – “Murph Modified”
▪CHOP AO – “Brown”

U.S. NAVY SENIOR CHIEF BLAKE MCLENDON, 30, of Thomasville, GA, assigned to Naval Special Warfare Group (SEAL Team 2) was killed Sep. 21, 2010, in a helicopter crash during combat operations in Zabul Province of Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife, Katie.

“Blake” – CHOP AO
▪21 Steps Lunge Walk with F3 (Yowza! THAT log is heavy! Omaha’d to 7 steps per team, switched til 21 steps done)
▪21 Steps Block Hair Burners (push Cindy) – whoa, good gracious Flutie, they do stink!
▪21 BTW Merkins (AMRAP to Regular)

Patriot Run to Dentist Office…

ARMY SGT ANDREW CREIGHTON, 23, of Laurel, DE and a graduate of Sussex Tech. Assigned to 3rd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne), Ft. Lewis, WA, died July 4, 2010, died of injuries sustained on July 1 while conducting combat operations in Oruzgan Province Afghanistan.

“Creighton” – Dentist
▪21 – Merkins
▪21 – Ranger Merkins
▪21 – Drydock

Hey everyone, look! It’s a firetruck! (We’re still boys and we get excited about firetrucks.) We also still get excited about limos. Again, nice ride Fireplex! Quick catchup on the routine by our brother, and off we go.

Patriot Run to Ace Hardware for the next COP…

ARMY WARRANT OFFICER SEAN W. MULLEN, 39, of Dover, DE – Assigned to 2nd Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) Ft. Campbell, KY died June 2, 2013 in Lashkar Gah, Afghanistan, of wounds caused by an IED.

“Mullen” – Ace Hardware
▪21 Lunge walk, Squat Presses (w/rocks from parking lot flower gardens)
▪21 Apollo Ono (side to side over parking lines)
▪21 Scorpion Merkins (switch legs @ half)

Patriot run to H.O.B. …

MARINE LANCE CORPORAL ANTHONY P. ROBERTS, 18, of Bear, DE. Assigned to 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, CA; killed in combat Apr. 6, 2004 in Ramadi, Iraq, barely six months after graduating from boot camp and less then eight weeks after arriving in Iraq. A son, a brother, and a friend he is described by family as a dedicated Marine who died fighting for his country.

*Since our pain station was at H.O. Brittingham Elementary, prior to hearing the Roberts bio, YHC also shared another brief bio of one of Milton’s own: Lance Corporal Wayne Brittingham. YHC spoke of the close connections one of my church members has to this fallen warrior (they were best friends growing up). Brittingham was KIA  in Vietnam, March 1, 1968.

“Roberts” – HOB “Loop:
▪Mosey Forward – 21 Freddie Mercury
▪Mosey Nur – 21 Crab Jacks
▪Mosey Forward – 21 Dying Cockroaches

Patriot Run to Dock parking lot…

AIR FORCE SENIOR AIRMAN ELIZABETH A. LONCKI, 23, of New Castle, DE. Assigned to the 755th Civil Engineer Squadron, Hill Air Force Base, Utah. Was killed by a vehicle-born IED Jan. 7 2007 while serving near the Baghdad area of Al-mahmudiyah during Operation Enduring Freedom. She was 20 days from returning home where she was to be engaged to her boyfriend.

“Loncki” – Dock
▪21 American Hammers
▪21 Iron Mike
▪21 4 Count Freddies IC

Patriot Run the long way (do the hard thing) to Milton Memorial Park…

Several times we have done (“The Murph”) here in Milton Memorial Park. The full Murph is named after LIEUTENANT MICHAEL P. MURPHY, known to do the following routine daily: Run 1 Mile, 100 Pull Ups, 200 Push Ups, 300 Squats, Run 1 mile…all while wearing a 20 lb flack vest. On June 28, 2005 Lt. Murphy was the officer in charge of a four-man SEAL element in support of Operation Red Wing tasked with finding a key Taliban commander near Asadabad, Afghanistan. His story is told along with Matt Axelson’s, Danny Deitz’s, & Marcus Luttrell’s in Lone Survivor. After coming under enemy fire in extremely harsh/high altitude terrain. Murph deprived himself of cover in order make contact with a quick reaction force to request assistance. He was shot in the back but continued to battle in the 2-hour gunfight. Lt. Murphy, KIA, was the first naval officer to be awarded the Medal of Honor in Operation Enduring Freedom. He is survived by his parents, Dan & Maureen Murphy, and his brother John.

“Murph” – Milton Memorial Park
▪21 – Pull Ups (AMRAP to modify w/”L” Lifts)
▪21 – Prison Cell Merkins
▪21 – Squats

Patriot Run, return to CHOP AO…

36, of Hot Springs Arkansas, was killed March 17, 2010 in Komar Province, Afghanistan, in a battle against heavily armed militants. He is survived by his wife, Kelley, and 2 children, Nathan & Savannah.

“Brown” – AO
▪21 Block swings (kettle bell style)
▪21 Burpees (Omaha’d to 21 Blockees) – look what you missed Waterfall & Tippman.
▪21 Steps Partner Push

That was it, we wrapped a bit late but got the full workout in. Thanks to all the PAX who posted instead of fartsacking on a vacation holiday. It was truly an honor to workout today in honor of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. And it was an honor to Q it up today! YHC appreciates the cleanup help too. That log…it’s heavy! Aye!


Announcements: Memorials Service at Milton Memorial Park begins at 11:00 hrs. Thanks Chattahoochee!

Prayers: for several PAX and/or family members: Chairman’s mom, Brenda. The man saved from an OD this Gloom (Tclaps to our local EMT’s). Families of the fallen. That God (SkyQ…better yet, SoulQ) would be our help in being the HIM He’s called us to be in our Homes, Workplaces, and Communities.

Great push and pull from all today!

Chappie, out!


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