Bolt 45’s – IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down. 15 squats halfway to full down. 15 full squats. Actually this was BOLT 46’s as Q lost count…:)…
Mosey Indian Run Style .14 miles to the Wesleyan Church Parking Lot to complete Happy Jacks which were completed as 5 SSH IC followed by 2 Bomb Jacks. Pax completed 4 evolutions completed in succession.
Bataan Death March – Indian run with a twist to the hill by the water tower around .4 miles. The last person in line drops and completes five Burpees, then runs to catch up to the front of the line tapping the last person in line on his way by. The last person drops and completes five Burpees, etc. etc. until reaching the hill by the water tower.
The Thang
At the base of “Oh, Hill No”, PAX teamed up to complete 100 merkins, 200 LBC’s & 300 squats. One team member will crawl bear up the hill and bear crawl down while the other works on the exercises. The hill is approx. .02 miles up and .02 miles down. Here is the twist, each PAX must complete half of the designated exercises. Once you have reached 50 merkins, 100 LBC’s and 150 squat’s, you will plank until your partner has completed his ascent and descent of the hill. Continue the rotation until your team has completed the full amount of exercises.
Mosey .5 miles back to the AO for the Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust. Please continue to keep Chairman’s Mom in your thoughts and prayers and all those affected by Hurricane Florence. Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.
F3 Message
We don’t always understand why God allows things to happen a certain way, or why our prayers are not always answered in a manner that is the most convenient for our earthly lifestyle. We must always trust that God’s plan for our lives far exceeds anything that we could ever begin to imagine. I found this poem by an unknown author that speaks to the fact that in all things God gives us everything that we actually need.
I asked for strength and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for wisdom and God gave me problems to solve.
I asked for prosperity and God gave me a brain and brawn to work.
I asked for courage and God gave me danger to overcome.
I asked for love and God gave me troubled people to help.
I asked for favors and God gave me opportunities.
I received nothing I wanted and I received everything I needed.
Proverbs 3:5-6 New King James version (NKJV) – 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall [a]direct your paths.
Philippians 4:19 New King James version (NKJV) – 19 And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
10 HIM posted at the CHOP in the misty gloom for the dirty dozen circuit course
Date: 9/13/18
QIC: Chattahoochee
WARM UP– 20 SSH, 20 Windmills, 20 Cherrypickers all in cadence followed by 10 arm circles forward 10 backwards OYO
THE THANG– 12 stations set up in the parking lot at the AO
1) weighted run 20 lb weight vest run the back entrance to the street and back the runner was the timer for the other stations.
2) Dips on the bench
3) Box jumps
4) Slosh pipe lunges
5) Flutter kicks
6) Rowing Merkins with 15 lb dumbells
7) Squats
8) Bearcrawl
9) Abyss Merkins
10) WWII situps
11) Burpee
12) Tire flip
We completed 2 complete rounds
Message for the day was a poem by
Robert J. Robicheau titled the Eleventh of September.
COT: Prayers for Chairmans mother, All of the people in the path of Florence, Waterfall and family , Leatherman and Ruxpins Ms in their upcoming women’s retreat
It was truly the Gloom for this workout–parking lot lights were not functioning and on top of that the fog was swimmable. The Gloom lived up to its name for this 9/11 workout. YHC was honored to Q it for that reason, along with the fact that it’s youngest 2.0’s 16th birthday. Here’s how it went down:
Disclaimer given
SSH – 9 IC, 11 IC
GofMerkins – 9 OYO, 11 OYO
Rev. Lunge – 9 OYO, 11 OYO
Seal Jack – 9 IC, 11 IC
Plank Jack – 9 IC, 11 IC
Windmill – 9 IC, 11 IC
Calf Raises – 9 OYO, 11 OYO
The Thang:
So…we have this log at the CHOP. A log purchased just for F3 workouts, but one we tend to avoid because, well, THAT SUCKER IS HEAVY! (Guesstimation from a log measuring app–yes, it exists!–is about 250 lbs.) Well, avoid it no longer, we finally got the logoutfor this workout. Mosey to the other side of the parking lot to get the log and pickup a few Cindy’s too. Here’s a pic of what it looked like:
8 PAX: 4 on the log, and 4 on Mary – Switch after each round of 11x reps on the Log (L to R, R to L = 1 Rep – shoulder to shoulder)
Log to Mary AMRAP:
American Hammer
E2k – 11 each leg, switch AMRAP
Flutter Kicks – courtesy called by Chattahoochee
Took a breather here for 3rd F Message: YHC briefly shared how his youngest was born. When his M conceived the due date for their 3rd 2.0 was 9/11/02, the one year anniversary of the attacks. Simon, was actually born on his due date, and YHC shared how that blessing actually put a new face and a new outlook on the day. The interesting part was that he (2.0 Simon) was born at home. THAT was NOT the plan. Long story short, after some miscommunication with the hospital (2x!), 911 was called and Simon was born while 6 first responders looked on, and 2 church deaconesses delivered him. One of the first responders was an ordained minister heading to the Pentagon later in the day to marry a couple who’d survived the attacks there the year before. What a start to the day! And what a wonderful blessing! Now for the planned 3rd Word: The mission of F3, represented by the shovel-flag at every AO is: To plant, grow, and serve small workout groups of men for the invigoration of male community leadership.
Invigorating leadership is our bread & butter. Because of that and because of ongoing commitment to F3 and gaining ground in our own leadership abilities, we tend to have our ears tuned to leadership talk and leadership principles whenever and wherever we hear them.
The idea, however, is to put what we hear and what we learn into practice. After all, “LEADERSHIP IS AN ACTION, NOT A POSITION.”
One of the leadership concepts I heard recently on a GoRuck video caused me to stop the tape, back it up, and listen to it again so I could write it down (and share it with you guys). Plus, if I write something down I’m more prone to remember it, and, therefore, more apt to apply it. Here’s what caught my ear:
“In order to have high performing teams, you have to have high performing individuals who are selfless and committed to the cause.”
First things first: Are YOU a high performing individual? Do you represent your team well? Do you represent your community well, as a high performing individual?
Secondly, and this applies to each member of a team, whether they’re the leader of the team or not; if you’re going to be a high performing individual as part of a high performing team, you must check your ego (because, likely, it ain’t about you), and, as they say, you gotta get in the zone!
If you want the guy to your right and the guy to your left to be guys who are aware of the standards and take those standards to the next higher level, then YOU have to be the guy on their left or right who’s aware of the standards and takes those standards to the next higher level. This means [to the best of your ability] knowing what is ahead of you and being prepared for it — physically, mentally, spiritually, materially, etc.
Scripture records that “iron sharpens iron” (Prov. 27:17); we’re all familiar with that verse, but the outcome is obvious: that of becoming a high performing tool (a sharp team member, husband, father, athlete, community leader, etc.) because YOU sharpen and are being sharpened. High performing teams could also be likened to the “chord of three strands that is not easily broken” (Ecc. 4:12). Each strand performs at a standard, if you will, when he is selfless and committed to the cause. HOME causes? CHURCH causes? WORKPLACE causes? COMMUNITY causes?
No matter the cause, be a high performing member by finding out the standards, upholding them, AND taking them to the next higher level. Aye?
*Changed Log reps to 9x
Gas Pumpers
Both groups of 4 PAX got in their fair share of rounds on the log (6 rounds); seems to YHC that the last round we might have been going down, ducking under the log, rather than actually lifting it up from shoulder to shoulder… Time for one last set of Mary. PAX partnered up for…
Cindy Sit-ups/Block Big-boys: 9x (PAX interlocked feet to perform big-boys while exchanging Cindy back and forth when in the up position)
That’s a wrap – time to logout!
Announcements: Later today at Crossroads a special “5 to 10” service with 1st Responders in memory of 9/11, 10 am; Delmarva Christian School fundraiser, Oct. 5; Grace Church Father/Son Campout, Oct. 5-6
Prayers: Several items entrusted to the Lord of behalf of the HIM present.
Anybody else’s shoulders screaming? Whew! Great push by HIM, men who I’d call High Performing Individuals. And yes, it’s ’bout time we use that log. Fartsackers, y’all missed out! Think we might have to name her!
9/6/2018. Nugget on Q. 7 HIM posted for a beat down in Milton, DE.
Warm up.
20 SSH.
15 cherry pickers.
15 windmills.
Patriot run with the flag ((for election today) with last man doing 1 burpee before he runs to front of line), to Spruce St. for first of 3 ‘story time chats’.
***Instead of one third F message I broke it up into 3 story time chats where i gave some personal background and thoughts on how we can be HIM in our home, businesses, community etc, while we all held a squat.
Patriot run plus burpee to baseball field for 2nd story time chat/squat.
Patriot run to water tower hill for pain station on hill.
All IC. Bear crawl up hill. At top do 10-4ct big boys while declined. Then do 10–4 ct flutter kicks while inclined. Do 10–4 ct inclined merkins. Then 10–4 ct declined merkins. Crawl bear down hill.
Patriot run to fire hall for final story time chat/squat.
The Super 21 as it appears in the Exicon. 1 Merkin to 1 Big Boy Sit up. 2 Merkins to 2 Big Boy Sit-ups. 3 Merkins to 3 Big Boy Sit-ups, etc., etc., etc. But wait there is a twist….after each set completed of #1 though #5 complete 21 Imperial Walkers. After each set completed of #6 through #10 complete 21 Mountain Climbers. After each set completed of # 11 through #15 complete 21 Monkey Humpers. After each completed set of #16 through #20 complete 21 Prisoner Squats. After the final set of 21 Merkins & 21 Big Boys then finish strong with 21 Burpees.
Q received multiple reports of the loss of “Rump Skin” due to PAX choice of completing the set on the asphalt instead of the available wet grass that was just steps away. I think our FNG dodged the bullet on this one when he received his F3 name…:)…Welcome Ruxpin…..
F3 Message
Q spoke about several characteristics of leadership as gleaned from an article by Thomas A. Merrill as it appears on “Mr. Merill is a 35-year fire department veteran and a former chief of the Snyder Fire Department in Amherst, New York. He is a fire commissioner for the Snyder Fire District. He served 26 years as a department officer including 15 years in the chief officer ranks. Merrill recently completed five years as chief of department. He has conducted various fire service presentations throughout the Western New York area as well as at FDIC. He also is a fire dispatcher for the Amherst (NY) Fire Alarm Office.” Mr. Merrill stated that ” it is important for leaders to exercise good judgement and strive to lead their department in a positive manner; otherwise, so much of what I call wasted energy is invested in leadership quandaries that can truly bog down an organization and prevent good work from getting done. It can also cause good people to leave.” This observation can be applied to any business, group or organization. Mr. Merrill went on to identify 8 “must have” traits that all leaders should possess. The first is ownership and responsibility for any success or failure. The ability to admit mistakes, be accountable, and move forward. The second is consistency. “A good leader will do jobs for which he is responsible in a consistent and regular manner, all while maintaining a positive attitude. The third is being tired. “All leaders should expect to be tired. Simply, if you are doing your job as a leader, you will be tired.” You may need to put in the extra time and effort to accomplish tasks with excellence. The fourth is a positive example. “All great leaders have learned to lead by their own personal example. “Learn to lead by the power of your example, not by examples of your power.” The fifth trait is organization. “All leaders need to develop an organizational plan that works for them. Find a system that works for you and strive to be as organized as possible.” The sixth is Integrity. “People are watching you all the time; they pay attention to what you say and how you handle yourself. Once it’s lost you may never get it back. A leader without integrity is certainly not a professional in any organization.” The seventh identified trait of a great leader is honesty. “Coupled with integrity, honesty is equally as important. Don’t ever think your people won’t know if you lie to them. Similar to losing integrity, once you are branded a liar, it sticks to you forever and your people will lose all trust and confidence in you. It’s okay to not have an answer to a question. It’s okay to not know how to do something. It’s not okay to make up answers and pretend to be something you are not. Be upfront and honest with your membership at all times, and don’t ever lie to them.” The last trait identified by Mr. Merill is trust. “All good leaders are trustworthy. Your members must know that you have their backs at all times. They need to know that when you tell them you will do something or get an answer for them, you will follow through and do it. Learn to gain your members trust, and more importantly, work hard to maintain it.”
Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, possessed all of the traits identified by Mr. Merill and so many more. As a leader and teacher he was judged and scrutinized mercilessly. He humbly served and provided the ultimate sacrifice in laying down his life so that we might have the opportunity to choose everlasting life. Is he your President, Chief, Chairman, CEO…..??
James 3:1 New King James Version (NKJV) 1 My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment.
James 4:10 New King James Version (NKJV)10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.
Matthew 20:26 New King James Version (NKJV)26 Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant.
Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust. Welcome to FNG (Ruxpin). Prayers the Savini Family, Betts Family, and Sanders. Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers as we go about the business of being HIM.
What happens when you buy sidewalk chalk at Family Dollar (not a commercial) and pick up a prescription next door at Walgreen’s (not a commercial)? You discover a yet-to-be-minted F3 pain station. YHC couldn’t believe these two walls separated by about a 20′ alley-way had somehow been overlooked for the past 2+ years, even after working out in and around the parking lot so many times. How’d we miss this grand station of a beatdown location? Who knows! YHC noticed it a few weeks ago and could hardly wait to get his Q on and personally introduce it (like a new found friend) to the rest of the PAX from the Milton Mustard Seed CHOP AO – Semper anticus! Well, this little “canyon” or “valley” IS ON THE MAP NOW! YHC will tell you all about it. In meantime, what say ye, men? Shall we call it The Valley of the Shadow of Death (even though there really was no “walk” through it) or Death Valley(because it was so doggone hot and there was no air)? The place will live up to its name either way. Here’s what it looked like after the Gloom — YHC had to go back and get a shot for this post:
Well, call it what you will…here’s how it all went down:
SSH – 18 IC
MNC – 15 IC
Shell Picker, Crab Flipper, Cherry Picker – 10 IC
Hillbillies – 18 IC
Flying Squirrel – 10 OYO
Calf Raise (toes in) – 20 OYO
Calf Raises (toes out) – 20 OYO
The Thang:
Mosey to the new station (The Valley of the Shadow of Death or Death Valley): Steady Mosey interchanged with a Picked-Up Mosey, switching between power poles/light poles all the way to Food Lion parking lot, ending in front of Walgreens:
Between the Walls (in the valley) – all OYO
5 Mike Tysons on one wall
10 Bombjacks in middle of alley
5 Mike Tysons on other wall
15 Burpees in middle, and so on…
5 Mike Tysons
20 MJB’s
5 Mike Tysons
10 Count/Breather (PAX had to get out of the valley because it contained no air!)
Back between the walls…
BTTW – 10 Count
People’s Chair – 10 Count
BTTW – 10 Count
PC, Leg Up (L) – 10 Count
PC, Leg Up (R) – 10 Count
YHC forgot all who counted, but some counts were brutally slow. But, hey, it was in the valley of the shadow…
3rd F Message – a Brief Shared By YHC:
One leadership principle I’ve been pondering lately is this: “OUR REFERENCE POINT IS CRITICAL.”
Years ago I heard someone say that “if the whole world stinks, check your mustache.” The idea being that if there’s some old moldy cheese or other leftover food in your stache and that’s all that you’re able to smell, then from THAT reference point the whole world is going to stink. The metaphor is clear. It may not be the whole world at all; it might be your perspective, the reference point from which you “smell” [see] the world.
HOW WE SEE ANYTHING DEPENDS ON OUR REFERENCE POINT. I shared that thought in a recent sermon, but I think it’s just as applicable here, in F3. In fact, part of what we do here at O-GAWD-THIRTY (the Gloom) just about every day of the week, in some measure gives us a reference point for leadership. We get up very early; that’s the hard thing to do. We Q and prepare workouts and 3rd F messages hoping to inspire one another in spiritually, mentally, and physically in leadership; that’s the hard thing to do. We push ourselves and each other past self-imposed limits; that’s the hard thing to do! And we do all this and more, not just because of the fitness but because it does make us better leaders.
How does all this make us better leaders?
I believe one of the ways it makes us better leaders is that doing the hard stuff gives us a reference point. Let me explain, Mark Batterson mentions that psychologists refer to this as the contrast effect: If you lift a really heavy weight, then lift a lesser weight, it will seem lighter. We do this simply enough by doing really hard workouts. We do this with sandbags and cinderblocks. We do this with our rucks especially — we carry around 40lbs and then when we carry around 30lbs or less and everything else seems lighter. The reference point is the 40lbs or its the hard workout before anything else in the day comes along. Having that reference point is to help us to see things from a different perspective, one that is meant — in terms of leadership — to give us the reference point that just about everything else that follows throughout the day will not seem all that tough or difficult because we’ve already done something incredibly harder by comparison. This, again, is called the “contrast effect.”
The practice of Q’ing a workout also leads to the same outcome: We practice that leadership here regularly, and, in part, that practice carries over where it ought to most (it’s supposed to) — at home, in the workplace, and in the communities in which we serve.
In real life, it might bring about a different reference point after going through difficult circumstances. We are to see them differently after God carries us through them. (Point being that He is the One, then, who actually carried the weight…POINT BEING that Christ must be our reference point.) That’s why we cling to verses like Romans 8:28, “AND WE KNOW THAT GOD CAUSES ALL THINGS TO WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THOSE WHO LOVE GOD…”
Those words of Scripture and the experience or fulfillment of them train us and give us perspective — and how you see anything depends on your reference point. When we’ve been through something, tough circumstances, and we can see how God turned them around for our good, it gives us a new critical reference point. Doing the hard thing here, carrying the extra weight here (in the Gloom) trains our bodies and our minds with the reality of these truths.
Back to work:
YHC’s failed attempt at the Hands of Time (one of his favorites, but its been awhile and he forgot how to do it. Oh well, still got in some ab-burn)
Steady mosey return to the AO.
Meanwhile, back at the AO…
GFerkins (Good Form Merkins) – 10 OYO
Mary, all 9 PAX got in a round but YHC can’t recall all that was chosen
Time’s up, only thing we missed on YHC’s Weinke was a round of Partner Push; next time. It’s all good, the Valley of the Shadow of Death (a.k.a. Death Valley) took a good bit out of us.
Great push by all the PAX.
Everyone is welcome to join Grace Church’s Warriors for Him men’s ministry for a hot dog cookout at The Home of the Brave this evening at 6. Home of the Brave is a homeless shelter for our veteran’s. Join us for some dogs and a few rounds of cornhole as we serve those who’ve served us.
Thursday Gloom we’ll have a guest Q – Nunchuk will be here serving up the beatdown and getting his F3 Passport stamped; let’s make a good showing in support of our brother from York, SC!
Prayers: Prayed for the substance abuse blanket to be lifted from Sussex County; prayer for others…
Welcome back Ying Ying, we’ve missed you brother! Good to see you. It was a privilege to lead all the fine HIM who broke the hold of the Fartsack and posted! Humbled and honored to lead the way.
Shuttle Run format with exercises on each end. 30 exercises for 30 reps with Prison Break in between from end to end of CHOP parking lot.
FWD Lunge (Alt. Legs)
Flutter Kick IC
Incline Merkin
Reverse Lunge
Scissor Kick IC
Diamond Merkin
Mexican Jumping Beans
Box Cutters IC
Ranger Merkin
Calf Raises
Leg Lifts
Wide Arm Merkin
Iron Mikes (Lunge Jumps)
High Plank – 30 Count
Shoulder Taps
Apolo Ohno’s
American Hammers IC
Overhead Claps
Box Cutters IC
FWD Arm Circles IC
Broad Jump to Back Peddle
Forearm Plank – 30 Count
Reverse Arm Circles IC
Wall Sit – 30 Count
Big Boys
3rd F Message: The Joy is in the Journey
“Success is a journey, not a destination”
I’ve heard many times that if you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans. As I reflect on the last decade of my life, it looked nothing like I would have scripted. It had deep dark valleys and some wonderful mountaintop experiences, both of which I would not have expected. I had big goals set for things I wanted to achieve by 30 and quite frankly the bulk of them never came to fruition. But I’m confident in this, that He who began a good work in me, will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6).
“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.” -Jeremiah 29:11
As leaders and High Impact Men, it is our responsibility to cast vision, set goals, and know our direction. However, as leaders, we also need to be emotionally stable enough to embrace and enjoy the journey, even when it takes us down a different path than planned. Leaders love the journey, leaders love the process. Leaders stay diligent even when things shift, because ultimately they know that God will work all things out for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28). Embrace the Journey, Find Joy in the Journey, and keep traveling toward your destination, even when a decade is nothing like you expected.
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest, IF we do not give up.” -Galatians 6:9
PAX – Chappie, Toy Soldier, Summit, Vanilla, Waterfall, & Fireplex
QIC – Fireplex
Warm up
SSH – 25 IC
Cherry Pickers – 25 IC
Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down. 15 squats halfway to full down. 15 full squats.
Windmills – 25 IC
Inch worms – Approx. 70 ‘(7 Parking Spaces)
Bear Crawls – Approx. 70’ (7 parking Spaces)
The Thang
The Sheldon Cooper – Not On a Hill! – We did not mosey to “Oh Hill No” to complete the Thang as was originally planned. Q will save that one for a Saturday or for a much cooler morning. Complete 10 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 Merkins & 10 Big Boys. Run around the AO (Capri Lap that measures by Google Earth at .26 miles) and complete 9 Burpees, 9 Squats, 9 Merkins, & 9 Big Boys. Run Capri Lap after each set. Descending until reaching 5 of each exercise as time was not in our favor to descend all the way to 1 of each exercise. 79o and very humid conditions at 5:15 a.m. worked against all HIM.
F3 Message
Q shared some personal reflections on Father’s Day. The focus placed on positive influences of a Father that instilled a gift of work ethic that included follow through on commitments and obligations. I am forever grateful for that gift.
Q shared excerpts from a word found online from the Everyday Christian published in 2009 by Chuck Mason . The full message as posted by Mr. Mason appears below.
“In Numbers chapters 28-30, Moses prepares the Israelites to enter the promised land by reviewing God’s rules on offerings, sacrifices, celebrations and vows. Moses is going to die and Joshua has been appointed to take over. So the generation has changed, the leadership is about to change, but the ways of God never change. Isn’t that refreshing? When God says something, He means it. He is faithful and true to His word; He can be counted on.
Unfortunately that isn’t always true for you and me. Numbers 30:1-2 says “This is what the LORD commands: When a man makes a vow to the LORD or takes an oath to obligate himself by a pledge, he must not break his word but must do everything he said.”
Our words are important to God. When we make a commitment to someone we should keep it. He takes our promises to others and to Himself very seriously (whether we do or not). Let’s face it, we all have good intentions, but many times we don’t follow through on them.
Jesus spoke about this as well in Matthew 5:34-37: “But I tell you, Do not swear at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.”
This is a scripture I have used over and over again with my daughters. The first time it came up was when I overheard them in the back of the van doing a “pinky promise”. This verse came to mind and I explained to them that Jesus wants us to be so honest and careful with our words that any kind of “special promise” is unnecessary. The other important parenting application of these words from our Savior is that when Mom or Dad says “no”, we mean “no” so there is no need to ask again. It is easy to see that breaking a commitment to do something you said you would do is wrong, but sometimes a little less obvious when it is applied in the other direction. When we say “no” and then later give in, we are sinning according to this scripture. In order to properly model this biblical principal to our kids we must allow our “no” to mean “no”. Eventually they will understand that asking again and again is of no profit.
Too many times in our culture, our promise is like saying “unless something better comes along.” This command of the Lord says we should not break our word, period. We may very well change our mind about something, but we still do not break our word. I once heard a male celebrity say of his wife: “We’ll stay together as long as things are good.” You may have guessed–they are divorced today.
Whether we are joining a team, an activity or a class, God expects us to fulfill our obligations. Volunteer work, job, church, marriage, home mortgage, etc., we should live up to our word. In many circles today, the breaking of an oath is just standard business practice–but before God, it is simply sin.
Because God takes our vows so seriously, sometimes it is better not to make a vow. Ecclesiastes 5:5 says, “It is better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill it.” This passage goes on to say “do not let your mouth lead you into sin”. We need to carefully consider our words and the commitments we make for ourselves and for our family. Vowing is voluntary and should stay in line with what pleases God. We need God’s direction in making vows. Take some time, don’t answer someone rashly, seek the Lord’s best and His wisdom before making a decision.
If you find yourself breaking commitments you’ve made on a regular basis, it may be that you are overcommitting yourself to begin with. Too many times we think everything looks good, there are so many opportunities for “good” things, activities and social events and we want to do them all, but it is not feasible or realistic for us or for our families. We must be discerning, prayerful, cautious about how we commit ourselves and our family. We need room in our days, our weeks and our lives. If the only speed in your life is “rush”, this can be a sure sign of overcommitment.
So, what about you? How does the Lord want you to apply this scripture? Ask yourself these questions:
Can I be trusted?
Am I known for my integrity?
Does my “yes” mean “yes” and my “no” mean “no”?
Think of the last 3 obligations you made. Did you completely fulfill them?
What am I teaching my kids regarding commitments? From my example and from what I require of them with their commitments?”
Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust. Prayers specifically for the Pedrick Family, Jones family, Aaron, Stealth & Toy Soldier. Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.
8 HIM posted this morning for a fun match on the pitch. (Soccer term for field). The grass was cut and the HIM were ready to get after each other and show their skills (or not) in the crab walk vs bear crawl soccer match!
Warm up:
-Capri lap
15-cherry pickers
20-mountain climbers
Crab walk VS Bear crawl Soccer.
20 minute match. One team crab walks while other bear crawls. Teams switch positions after each goal. Goalie for both teams is in the plank position. Both teams rotate goalie between each goal.*** rules changed as game progressed.
^^^Match Highlights
-‘good guys’(fireplex, chairman, toy soldier and nugget) topped ‘bad guys’ (summit, vanilla, leatherman and chappie) 4-3!
-fireplex was match MVP with winning goal!
* 3rd F
ABs on fire workout
1. Windshield wipers
2. Big boys
3. Reverse crunches
4. Bicycle crunches
5. V-sits
6. Heel touches
10 reps each X 2 sets
Group Merkins. (4 HIM in square in plank position with their feet on each other’s back.
Good guys did 7
Bad guys did 10 for punishment (mostly humiliation)
Ended in COT
* 3rd F
Overview-In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day: How to Survive and Thrive When Opportunity Roars by Mark Batterson
Your greatest regret at the end of your life will be the lions you didn’t chase.
You will look back longingly on risks not taken, opportunities not seized, and dreams not pursued. Stop running away from what scares you most and start chasing the God-ordained opportunities that cross your path. In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day is inspired by one of the most obscure yet courageous acts recorded in Scripture, a blessed and audacious act that left no regrets:
And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son of a valiant man, of Kabzeel, who had done many acts, he slew two lion like men of Moab: he went down also and slew a lion in the middle of a pit in time of snow:(2 Samuel 23:20)
1/2 mosey to tenth cone and back with 40lbs -1/2 stay back and do ‘blockees’ – burpees with blocks. Switch.
All pax side shuffle to 9th cone. side shuffle back to start
8th – at each cone stop and do amount of merkins per cone you are at. To and back
7th – NUR to cone, high knees back
6th- lt dan to cone ,mosey to cone 5 for toy soldier ab set , mosey back
5th – repeat cone 10 routine but to 5th
4th- mosey to cone. Lbc’s at each cone on way back 40,30,20,10
3rd- lunge walk to cone with 40lbs, mosey back
2nd- mosey to cone- 10big boys mosey back
1- inch worm to cone , burpee with broad jump back.
30 squats with 40lbs oyo
3rd F- reading from qsource on Q preparedness
Within F3 a leader is called the Q, which is a man who takes responsibility for the outcome.
Because F3 is an organization of leaders rather than an organization with leaders, every man is asked and expected to be a Q, both within F3 and in the other groups in which he is a member outside of F3. This call to leadership arises from F3’s Mission , which is to plant, serve and grow men’s small workout groups in order to invigorate male community leadership.
Some outcomes are envisioned beforehand by the Q while others are thrust upon him by unexpected and sudden circumstance. For envisioned outcomes, the Q can anticipate and get prepared for what will be expected of him to be effective. But the Q cannot do that for unexpected outcomes because they come upon him suddenly—for those outcomes he must already be prepared to be effective.
To effectively respond to both the envisioned and circumstance-driven outcomes that arise along his path, the Q must gradually but consistently accelerate his Preparedness through four distinct quadrants: Get Right, Live Right, Lead Right and Leave Right (the G3L).
• GET RIGHT (Q1): to properly align himself the Q takes the Daily Red Pill (the DRP). This is his daily commitment to accelerate his fitness, fellowship and faith.
• LIVE RIGHT (Q2): to be purposeful the Q focuses on IMPACT. This is the forcible contact to strong effect that the Q will have on the other members of his groups if his personal alignment is proper.
• LEAD RIGHT (Q3): to practice effective leadership, the properly aligned and purposeful Q continually hones the skills he needs to enable his communities to be healthy, his organizations to be effective and his teams to be dynamic.
• LEAVE RIGHT (Q4): to build a legacy, the aligned and purposeful Q exerts disruptive leadership with IMPACT throughout his lifetime and beyond.
The QSource provides a guide to Preparedness to help the Q accelerate through his G3L.