Lucky # 7 on the ball field


Nugget on Q 

Warm up. 25 SSH. 15 cherry pickers. 15 windmills. 15 mt climbers. 

Mosey to baseball field. 

Bearcrawl 1-2-3. Partner. Pax 1 bear craws then crawl bears while partner to is doing exercises. Both must complete 100 merkins. 200 lbcs. 300 squats. 

7 of diamonds. Rep increases by 7 each time around bases. 7 burpees. 14 4ct flutter kicks. 21 merkins. 

3rd F. Message on genealogy of Jesus. How he came from a lineage of people with some skeletons in their closet. But he uses everyone from all walks of life. 

Blue Falcon. Split into teams. Each team has 30 seconds to come up with a 2 minute workout. They tell each other their workouts. Then hey do theirs and switch and do the other teams workout. First team to complete both workouts win!

Mosey to circle.