

Great morning with HIM!   Some good laughs along the way.   Felt good to be back in Lewes!   24 degrees was refreshing.

Capri Lap around courts 


SSH- 12 

CP- 19

IW- 18

WM- 12SSH- 19Squats – 18
Mosey through park over to public parking lot

 Burpee broad jump from tree to tree 

Lt Dan back 20 squats oyo 

Wait for 6 

Rinse and repeat for total of 4 rounds.    

Mosey over to pavilion

 1- Toy soldier set

2-  15 American Hammers IC

3- site Q ab pick

4- 15 flutter kicks IC

 5- Toy soldier set 

Mosey back to parking lot 

3rd F-
Mosey back to courts.

1-Side shuffle form one end to anotherBack the other way. 20 merkins 

2-NUR end to end Mosey back. 20 merkins

 3-Karaoke end to end Back the opposite direction 20 merkins 



B.O.M.B.S. Away

Date:  12/13/18

AO:  Milton, De.

QIC:  Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 25 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Windmills – 20 IC

Burp & Merk – Burpee with ascending merkins up to 10

Mosey approx. .54 miles to new H.O.B. Elementary flag pole

The Thang 

B.O.M.B.S. – 50 Burpees,  100 Overhead Claps, 150 Merkins, 200 Big Boy Sit-ups, 250 Squats.  PAX partnered up and worked on exercises while partner ran the circuit around the front parking lot approximately .22 miles switching off after each lap.  Each PAX completed half of the listed exercises.

Mosey back .43 miles by a revised route to the AO.  All HIM completed just short of a mile for the mosey to and from the school as well as an additional mile running around the parking lot for their portion of the beat down.

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Prayers were offered for multiple needs within the attending PAX, but please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.  

F3 Message

Q shared a blast from the past regarding watching the Peanuts Christmas Classic as a kid and how they handled the message of what Christmas is really about as told through the animated character Linus.  This information was found and utilized in this back-blast from a post by Gregg on December 9, 2008 on the Archive Attic in the Gazette in Cedar Rapids    

“During the making of the animated Christmas classic A Charlie Brown Christmas, Peanuts creator Charles Schulz had a meeting with Lee Mendelson, the show’s producer, and Bill Melendez, its lead animator. The discussion concerned Schulz’s insistence about including a New Testament scripture reading of the Christmas story from the Bible.The scripture reading was to be spoken by Peanuts character Linus Van Pelt in response to Charlie Brown’s lament, “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?” Mendelson and Melendez both voiced their concern about the reading, with Melendez telling Schulz, “It’s very dangerous for us to start talking about religion now.” Schulz answered him by saying, “Bill, if we don’t,who will?” In the end, the scripture reading was retained, and the CBS special was the second-most watched show of the week when it debuted on December 9,1965.”

Linus’ King James version scripture reading from Luke 2: 8-14, read:

“And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And,lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone roundabout them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not:for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this [shall be] a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

“That’s what Christmas is all about,Charlie Brown.”


5 on 12/8/18

5 PAX braved the 18 degree starting temp , but it didn’t take long to warm up! 

Warm up- 

Capri lap around circle, 


Cherry Picker- 20

Imperial Walker- 10

SSH- 15

Windmill – 10 

Mosey to Stop 1- church lot.
1-5 burpees Lt Dan

 2- 5 burpees Lt Dan 

3- 5 burpees Lt Dan 

4- 5 burpees Lt Dan 

5- burpees. Lt Dan 

Mosey to stop 2 – school 

Start at first sidewalk with 12 merkins 

Side shuffle to next sidewalk

8 merkins Side shuffle to next sidewalk 

18 merkins NUR back 

12 merkins Side shuffle 

8 merkins Side shuffle

18 merkins Side shuffle

NUR back 12, 8, 18 with mosey in between

 12,8 18 with mosey in between 

12, 8 , 18 karaoke  in between sets 

3rd F -Responsibility as father. And HIM

Mosey to stop 3-library. 

1- Toy soldier set

2- 6 inches till someone gives 

3- pax ab pick 

4- 25 American hammers

 5-  toy soldier set 

Mosey back to circle 
Name A Rama COT 

Nugget beatdown

11/29/18. Milton, DE. Nugget on Q.

Warm up- 20 SSH. 15 windmills. 15 cherry pickers. 15 shoulder taps. Capri lap.

C2C (corner to corner) sprint in between telephone poles and plank until 6 is in to food lion parking lot for beatdown.

8 pax divide into 2 lines of 4. first guy does a crawl exercise about 20 yards then does 10 hand release merkins then does another crawl exercise back. while second guy does calf raises. while third guy does squats. while fourth guy does SSH. 1st crawl exercise was lt. dan there and jump squat back. 2nd was bear crawl there and crawl bear back. third was dragon crawl there and inch worm back. 

3rd F on Planning. Make sure we plan our lives to live out God’s plan and to fulfill ultimately His purpose and good works and not for our own selfish plans. Make sure you use God’s word for counsel and the wisdom from others who have achieved success in what you are looking to accomplish to help you reach your goals.

12 tricep extension push ups. 25 mule kicks. 50 big boys, all OYO. Mosey home back to AO for COT. 

Good push HIM!

Tres Amigos Reforzar

Date: 12/1/18

QIC: Chappie

Three PAX (Tres amigos) posted on a fairly mild morning to bring in the 1st of December by “Stepping up” (reforzar). You’ve heard the phrase, please pardon my French, well this is YHC’s shot at Spanish, which he doesn’t know, but if you do and his is wrong, just go with it. The type of workout was more of a slow-burn but it’s theme was stepping up: Stepping up in the workout and stepping up our 2nd F game a bit. Allow me to esplain…


  • SSH – 10 IC
  • Imperial Walker – 15 IC
  • Cherry Picker – 18 IC
  • Flying Squirrel – 10 OYO
  • Peter Parker – 10 IC

Mosey around the County Admin Building to the STEPS on S Bedford St. side


Each PAX:

  • 10 Calf Raises – 1 PAX does calf raises, runs up/down steps, switches with next PAX
  • Mike Tysons – Other PAX did Mike Tysons while calf raises and step runs were complete – AMRAP 
  • Rinse & repeat 3 rounds (Tres amigos)

Mosey to STEPS in front of National Guard Armory

All PAX:

  • Jump steps to top, run down – 50 American Hammers (single count)
  • Jump steps to top (wide legged, thanks Summit), run down – 50 E2K (each leg)
  • Crawl Bear steps to top, run down – 50 Gas Pumpers
  • Jump steps to top in reverse, run down – 50 American Hammers (double count)
  • Jump steps to top, run down – 50 E2K’s
  • Jump steps to top, run down – 50 Gas Pumpers
  • Crawl Bear to top, run down

Mosey down Front St. to W. Laurel to the STEPS on the backside of County Bank. (Steps. Anybody seeing a theme? …reforzar.)

Each PAX:

  • 1 PAX run up/then down steps, then switch with next PAX
  • Squats – AMRAP
  • Merkins – AMRAP
  • Rinse and repeat 3 rounds

At this point, we took a breather for the 3rd F:

Tomorrow is the first Sunday of Advent , so I figured I’d share a message about Christmas for our 3rdF. (Advent = Coming. Christmas season celebrates the anticipated birth of Christ and it anticipates Christ’s 2nd coming). One of the most well-known Bible verses in connection to Christmas is found in Luke 2:14, which says, “GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST, AND ON EARTH PEACE AMONG MEN WITH WHOM HE IS PLEASED.” 

I didn’t become a believer until I was 21. Growing up my only church experiences were on Christmas Eve. I still remember the ambiance and PEACE of those services, the smell of hot-cross buns baking, and the PEACE of my family going to church together–there was peace, everyone got along. Christmas is about peace!

In Basic Training we were sent home for what is known in the Army as Christmas Exodus. While it felt “wrong” to go home for a break half way through Basic Training, it was a time of PEACE…peace was the sense. Even our 1st SGT and Senior Drill Sergeant came in peace, as they were assigned to take several of us to the airport. Guys who were normally yelling and barking orders at us, were actually friendly while taking us to the airport. It confused us a bit. But, then again, Christmas is about PEACE.

At Christmas men/women tend to act differently towards one-another…we tend to act in PEACE. Romans 12:18 says, “If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.” That verse tells us that PEACE is not just for Christmas time. In fact, Christmas is about the “child born to us,” who, according to Isaiah 9:6-7, was to be called the “Prince of Peace.” That means PEACE is a practice which is derived from God Himself through faith in Christ. What’s interesting is that Christ Himself later said, “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Mt. 10:34). So how do we reconcile that with Luke 2:14: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” First, we cannot rely on things which bring both false and temporary peace (that’s NOT the peace Christ is author of). He came to give us peace with God, with heaven, and in our very souls and consciences; peace with the Holy One whom we Wholly offended by our unholiness! So, secondly, God’s peace (true peace) is LIMITED to those who are recipients of His grace–those who receive him by faith in Jesus Christ. As the saying goes: “No God, no peace. Know God, know peace.” Christmas is the celebration of the very birth of peace and the source of peace WITH GOD. And if any HIM is going to be a man of peace himself (not JUST at Christmas), it must start by him first being a follower of peace personified. That should give us something to think about as we go through this Advent/Christmas season. Christmas is about peace.

YHC had announced along the way at each STEPS pain station that there was a plan in mind. Here’s where the plan was announced: We need to step up our 2nd F game a little. YHC challenged the PAX to make it back to the AO in 3 minutes, and if we did we were cutting the workout at 45 mins. in order to partake of some 2nd F.

We made it back with a minute to spare…looks like we’re going to get some coffee!




Ending 15 minutes early was the plan all along. PAX are generally so busy Saturday mornings after workouts that too often the 2ndF Coffeeteria is neglected. YHC figured out a way to subvert that tendency: Cut the workout at 45 mins and go from there. YHC declared he was buying coffee and breakfast for the Tres amigos, so off we went.

Mosey to Georgetown Family Restaurant.


P.S. – Keep an eye on the check. YHC was going to pay, but Fireplex stole it and wouldn’t give it back! Come to think of it, keep an eye on your Weinke when he’s around! Seriously, thanks to Fireplex for covering breakfast. And thanks to both Fireplex & Summit for good conversation over breakfast (i.e. the rest of y’all missed out–the Fartsack will do that to ya!). Good fellowship guys!

Honored to lead!

Chappie, out!

‘slower-lower’ body beatdown

11/17/18 Georgetown DE Nugget on Q.

warm up

20 ssh. 15 windmill. 15 cherry pickers. 20 clockwise plank. lap around circle with high knees, butt kicks, left shuffle, right shuffle, cupid shuffle (just kidding to make sure you’re paying attention!)


Werkin (wide merkin) 50, American Hammer 100 single count, Step ups LONG 150, Hip thrust 200… awkward but funny.


pax side by side in plank by stair case, first pax does 1 merkin then runs up and down stairs to back of line. next pax does 2 merkins and so on to 12.

mosey to middle school for 3rd F. Jeremiah 33:3 “call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” had good discussion about how we hear God.

red barchetta.

run 100 yards do 100 ssh nur to start. run 75 yards do 75 mt climbers nur to start. run 50 yards do 50 lbcs nur to start. run 25 yards do 25 merkins nur to start.

mosey to circle. AYG tricep extension push up until we were saved  by the bell. 

ended in COT. thanks for posting HIM!



QIC: Vanilla

AO: CHOP: Milton, DE

PAX: Chappie, Chattahoochee, Chairman, Fireplex, Leatherman, Ruxpin, Summit, Toy Soldier, Vanilla, Wildwing


SSH – 20 IC

Seal Jacks – 20 IC

Smurf Jacks – 20 IC

Plank Jacks – 20 IC

Cherry Pickers – 10 IC

Windmill – 10 IC

Patriot Run to “The Hill”

The Thang: OH HILL NO! 3.0

Prison Break (Spring) Up, Mosey Down

10 Burpees

Nur Up, Mosey Down

9 Burpees

Bear Crawl Up, Mosey Down

8 Burpees

Crawl Bear Up, Mosey Down

7 Burpees

Boo Boo Bear Up, Mosey Down

6 Burpees

Lt. Dan Up, Mosey Down

5 Burpees

Prison Break Up, Mosey Down

4 Burpees

Inchworm w/ Merkin Up, Mosey Down

3 Burpees

Side Shuffle Up, Mosey Down

2 Burpees

Side Shuffle Up (Switch), Mosey Down

1 Burpee

Third F

“There’s a tenacity to persistence that’s easy to overlook. Day after day it just doesn’t let go regardless of obstacles. Dad (Truitt Cathy) was joyfully persistent; with his principles and his focus on excellence. The persistent leader is quietly tenacious and delightfully determined.” -Dan Cathy (CEO Chick-fil-A)

In my own life, I feel that I’ve always been persistent. However, to be joyfully persistent is a whole different story. I’ve spent most of my ambitious life “pissed-off persistent” if anything. I recently heard an Entrepreneur talk about the moment when he realized that he was committed to finishing what he started. He explained that if he was committed to finishing, than he might as well quit being angry through the process and choose to be joyful. Being “quietly tenacious and delightfully determined” takes an internal decision to choose “Joy” even in obstacles. So, with that, lets be joyfully persistent, quietly tenacious, and delightfully determined  to finish this and every beatdown! Aye!

Mosey Back to AO

Toy Soldier Set (30 LBC- 20 E2K- 15 Big Boys)

Ended with Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, & COT/BOM

Humbly Your QIC,


10 cones and was that a Fox!?

QIC- Summit

Warm up – all in cadence 

SSH – 30

Cherry picker- 20

Merkins- 10

SSH- 15

Windmill  – 10
Mosey around block back to AO 

10 Cones are set up approx 10yards apart 

1/2 mosey to tenth cone do 10 merkins and mosey back with block  -1/2 stay back and do ‘blockees’ – burpees with blocks. Switch. 

9th- All pax side shuffle cone. 9 merkins. side shuffle back to start 

8th – lungewalk to cone. at each even # cone on way back stop and do amount of merkins per cone you are at. Just because. ????????‍♂️

7th – NUR to cone, 7 merkins. NUR back 

6th-   lt dan to cone ,6 merkins , lt dan back, stopping at even cones to do amount of merkins.

NUR to cone 7 for toy soldier set NUR back for 3rd F  

5th – repeat cone 10 routine but to 5th 

4th-  side shuffle to cone with block .4 merkins, 40 lbcs , side shuffle back. 

3rd- lunge walk to cone with block, 3 merkins, 30 lbc , lunge walk back 

2-  inch worm to cone. 2 merkins , 20 lbc.  inch worm  back 

1 mosey to come, 1 merkin , 10 lbc.  Burpee broad jump back 

Count off  / Name a Rama / COT on blocks 

Great  Push by all! 


Milton Murph


Nugget on Q
Warm up20 SSH 15 windmills 15 cherry pickers 15 mountain climbers. 
Mosey to Milton park for the Milton Murph. 
We completed 3 out of the target 4 rounds, so we finished with 75 pull-ups/dips if needed to modify, 150 push ups, 225 squats and 1.75 miles! 

3rd F was about how what we can accomplish together. Example was 2 horses could individually pull 8,000 lbs. But 2 together pulled 24,000 lbs. Lock arms with the men who are fighting the same fight and are in your corner and you’ll be amazed at what you’ll accomplish. 

Good Grief

Date: 10/23/18

QIC: Chappie

This Backblast is so titled because as YHC was preparing his Weinke, he discovered it had been nearly a month since he Q’d a workout. Whaaat! GRIEF? Yeah, maybe a little grief because Q’ing is awesome fun and we all look forward to bringing the heat. There’s nothing like bringing a well-appreciated (chatter-filled/good grief) beatdown, and so when you don’t get to pull out the Weinke for a while…well, you COULD get a case of butt hurt (grief). GOOD? You betcha! The reason YHC hasn’t Q’d for nearly a month is because we’ve got a good flow of Q’s in the pipeline and the Q Schedule is packed. That is awesome, good grief! Fact is, Ruxpin has already gotten in his warmup VQ and tomorrow (Sat. 10/27) at the Aegis (potentially in a Nor’easter) he’ll be getting in a full VQ, thereby putting him in rotation on the Q list. Calling all PAX – if you can make it in the Gloom, POST!

In the meantime, here’s YHC’s catchup from Tuesday’s workout: YHC went back to what has become a bit of a standard of measure for workouts at CHOP: The 4×4 – we keep going back to this one because it does show a measure of advancement. PAX can look back and [hopefully] say, “This time it wasn’t as bad as last time!” You against you! It doesn’t get easier, you get stronger. This workout is made up of 4 COP’s on 4 corners around the block. Here’s an image of the block…


  • Disclaimer claimed
  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Windmill (Windsock if you’re watching Chairman!) – 10 IC
  • Low/Slow Squat – 18 IC
  • Cherry Picker/Crab Flipper – 18 IC 
  • Shoulder Tap – 10 OYO

4×4 Introduced – Mosey to corner #1

The Thang:

Merkins Corner — Tobin & Union Streets:

  1. Wide-Arm – 5 OYO
  2. Diamond – 10 OYO
  3. Regular – 15 OYO
  4. Erkins (chest to curb) – 20 OYO

     *All Merkins done continuously

Transition to next corner: Lt. Dans to light post (approx. 40 yds.), mosey to next corner.

Abs Corner – Mulberry & Tobin Streets:

  1. X & O’s – 20 OYO
  2. E2K’s – 20 each leg OYO
  3. Dying Cockroaches – 60 OYO
  4. 4-Count Freddies – 35 IC 

Transition to next corner: Bearcrawl to 1st Pole, Dragoncrawl to 2nd Pole

10 Count. Wosey to hidden pile of sandbags – a special stash for Leatherman! Partner up and share coupon for rest of 4×4 workout. Mosey to next corner…

Legs Corner – Willow & Mulberry Streets:

  1. Smurf Jacks – 18 IC
  2. Calf Raises – 30, toes in w/ Sandbag; 30 toes out w/o Sandbag OYO
  3. Coupon Squats – 15 w/ Sandbag; 15 w/o Sandbag OYO
  4. MJB’s – 30 OYO

3rd F Message:

Recently YHC was sharing with someone about doing some of the longer distance rucks (not to mention the usual 5k Rucks on Fridays) and the times we start, and their response was, “WHY?”

YHC has gotten the same response to EH’ing during my few years of doing F3 workouts, and you have too, when you tell someone the time we meet. It’s all good, their interest is peaked, they express interest, and may even say, “It sounds like just what I need.” Then the inevitable happens: You tell them the time and often even their countenance changes, right before they ask the same question: “WHY?”

There are practical reasons for why. The most obvious being the fact that we all have busy lives with family, church, work, school, hobbies, etc. The time we meet, 05:15 (a.k.a. O-Gawd-Thirty), is about the only time any of us have available to break free to get in what we enjoy here: some Fitness, Fellowship, & Faith. That’s probably THE practical reason.

One of the other reasons we meet at this time is simply because it is tough. It is hard to get up and out of the fartsack. That’s the reason WHY we do this thing…WE’RE NOT LOOKING FOR COMFORT!! Actually, we might be, but as I mentioned a while back, we make decisions against ourselves. Playing the part of King David in A Tale of Three Kings, Gene Edwards says nearly the same thing: “I judge my heart first and rule against its interests.” That’s because we’ve set our minds to do the hard thing, to “embrace the suck,” and it IS in fact the hard thing that most others simply will not do.

The whole concept translates easily to other areas of leadership in our lives, whether at home, the workplace, or where we’re serving in our communities. That’s why Paul compared self-discipline in ministry to the self-discipline an athlete must have to compete well and to win. In 1 Cor. 9:27 he said, “but I buffet (discipline) my body and make it my slave…” Also, what we do is comparable to the narrow gate Christ spoke of in Matt. 7:13, “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it.” Of course, He was talking about entering real life, eternal life. But it also applies in the sense that we’ve essentially decided against taking the broad or easy way.

YHC’ll wrap with a quote he recently wrote down because it aligns with all we do in F3: “If you want to build mental toughness you have to inconvenience yourself. …the early morning workouts; if you hate early morning, …the late night workouts; …the snowy, the cold (F3 principle: rain of shine, hot or cold)…the worst conditions you can get, put yourself in them, and make it really inconvenient. And then you start to get a genuine expectation of winning/overcoming in relation to the price you had to pay.” ~Chael Sonnen

(Btw, this is ALL long term stuff!) Think about one final thought when you face that daily battle, that first battle…and think about it every time you EH yet one more guy: “Do not regret the fight, pity those that never knew the privilege of it.” (The warrior Oath)


Back to work. Transition to final corner: Mosey 50%, 75%, 100%

Full Body Corner – Union & Willow Streets:

  1. Burpees – 10 OYO
  2. Plank Jacks – 10 OYO
  3. Flying Squirrel – 10 OYO
  4. Mule Kicks – 10 OYO

     *This last corner of the 4×4 always brings YHC near Splash mode

4×4 Complete, mosey back to the AO


  1. Number-Rama: 11 PAX
  2. Name-O-Rama 

BOM: Announcements/Prayers

There you have it! Good chatter throughout and at the end. YHC will take that as a compliment. Thanks to Site Q, Chattahoochee for putting YHC on the Q Schedule! Yet, its never a problem to pass it on to the new guys to make sure they get regular experience. YHC loves that we keep building a strong list of Q’s — that’s leadership. Leaders leading leaders. Yet, YHC is always happy and humbled to Q an awesome group of HIM. Thanks for posting men!

Chappie, out!


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