Tour De Lewes
(Special Pennsylvania Guest Appearances by Skater and Quigley)
QIC: Wildwing
Date: 7/31/19
Beautiful morning for a tour of Lewes with visiting HIMs here on vacation from Lancaster, PA. Unusual number of citizens walking the streets which gave us a chance to introduce the F3 concept to the locals.
The Warm Up: Side Straddle Hop x21, Cherry Picker x21, Bobby Hurley x21, Moroccan Night Club x21 (In cadence)
The Thang:
(1) Canal Gazebo – Clock Merkins 5 merkins at each hour mark;
(2) Mosey to Lewes Museum – LBC x 42 and Derkins x 30;
(3) Mosey to Second Street for a 30 – 60 – 90 sprint ;
(4) St. Peter’s Wall – Dirty Hook Up x 10;
(5) Mosey on Second Street for another 30 – 60 – 90 sprint;
(6) Courtside Wrap Up: Bear Crawl, Bobby Hurleys x24, Bear Crawl, Burpees x24, Bear Crawl, LBC x24 – Easy Boy Recliners – Toy Soldier Set
The Message: Q returned from F3 event in Charlotte where he visited the Billy Graham Library and found this quote from the Reverend: Integrity is the glue that holds our way of life together. What young people want from elders is integrity , honesty, truthfulness, and faith. What they hate is hypocrisy and phoniness. Let them see us doing what we would like them to do. That said, sometimes the youngsters show the elders what they should be doing. Some of that was on display in Charlotte.
(BTW, next time in Charlotte stop in to see the BG Library and President Polk’s family home. Some would say Polk went all manifest destiny by grabbing Texas, paying Mexico for California, and stealing Oregon and Washington from England. Not a bad haul.)
COT: And best wishes to our compatriots from Lancaster.