
Chauffer’s Chauffeured Georgetown Tour of Destruction 04/22/2023

17 HIM: Wildwing, Fireplex, Gator, Toy Soldier, Pusher, Sweet n Low, Quattro, Biddie, TRex, Mr. Mom, Looney Tunes, Semi, WhirlyBird, Lunchables, Cinco, Doodle, led by Chauffer.

Warm up: The Q showed up late (apologies) and found 16 HIM performing SSH led by TRex.
The welcome to F3 Nation, mission statement and disclaimer had already been completed so Q took over and next up were 10 hip circles each direction OYO followed by 20 cherry pickers I.C. , 20 windmills I.C. , 20 imperial walkers I.C. , and a new exercise was introduced called the Side Straddle Merkin (begin in the diamond merkin position with feet together drop to wide stance with feet wide apart then push back up to starting position). HIM performed 10 SSM OYO and then performed 5 burpees.

Mosey to Firehouse parking lot (south Bedford side) Bear Crawl to Pine street side.

Mosey to N.G. Sidewalk. HIM formed two rows facing steps. Front row began Lt. Dan to the steps while back row performed squats. When front row reached steps, back row began Lt. Dan toward steps and front row did 10 step hops and then performed squats until back row arrived. Front row then Lt. Dan back to sidewalk and performed dips while back row performed 10 step hops followed by 20 dips.

Mosey to Library. HIM performed 20 American Hammers OYO, 20 Big boys OYO, 20 Flutter kicks OYO.

Mosey to front of Georgetown Middle School. HIM lined up on curb at east side (Sussex Central Dr.) and performed the new Side Straddle Merkin exercise (5 OYO) then Lt. Dan to next sidewalk and performed 20 merkins and planked for the 6. Then, on Qs command, jail break to next sidewalk to do 10 burpees then mosey to next side walk for 20 Big Boys OYO. NUR to curb at School Lane to do 20 dips OYO. When all HIM had completed the dips Q gave 3rd F message.

3rd F. Q shared that since joining F3, 3 years ago, he has spent more time in the Word than he had in all his life. This was motivated mostly by Yukon who last year told us that he and his M were reading the New Testament in a year (a chapter a day Mon-Fri). Q read Colossians 3:1-17. You can read Colossians 3 here https://www.blueletterbible.org/nlt/col/3/1/

After 3rd F message : HIM then, feeling convicted and realizing their sinful nature, performed 5 Bomb Jacks and then reversed the order of the exercises at the school to return all the HIM to the east side of the school (Sussex Central Dr.)

Mosey back to Cir. For a round of Mary.

Number-ama, Name O Rama, announcements, COT

ABC – Part Deaux!

ABC – Part Deux
Today’s workout is a complete rip off of yesterday’s workout presented by Flatbottom, but in the Looney Toons version ABC stands for:
Arms • Burpees • Chest

Side Strattle Hops 40
Cherry Pickers 30
Moraccan Night Club 30
Windmill (in cadence) – 15
Imperial Walkers (in cadence) – 15

The Thang
Mosey to the Jesus Loves Temple

Tricep Arm Dips 25
Burpees 15
Merkins 25
Triceps Dip

Mosey to park

Front of Bench Arm Dips 25 Tricep arm dips…
Burpees 15
Derkins 25

Tricep Decline Merkins

Mosey back to the Library
Back of bench tricep Bench Merkins 25
Burpees 15
Incline Merkins 25

Bicep Decline Merkins

3rd F from Ryan Michler’s Sovereignty:


Here’s the first realization you need to understand: there is no arrival. There is no final destination. No glorious state of being where the clouds part and the angels sing, “Hallelujah, you’ve made it.” I know that may not sound very empowering, considering that most men work better when they know what they’re working toward.
But let’s break this down a little bit and make a distinction. There are going to be projects, jobs, encounters, relationships, and experiences that are going to end. In fact, most of what we deal with on a daily basis is, by design, supposed to end.
What I’m referring to when I say there is no arrival is that you, as a man, will never reach your full potential. What does “full potential” even mean? I know we like to talk about it, but I sincerely believe it is impossible. Your potential as a man is a moving target. Once you think you’re there, you can plainly see you’re capable of so much more. At first glance that may be a very frustrating idea. If you’ll never reach your full potential, what’s the point of even trying? But if you think about this on a deeper level, you’ll see, if you know there is no state of being where you become your best, you give yourself permission to enjoy the ride you’re currently on.
When we spend our entire lives adhering to the notion that there is some final destination for ourselves or, worse, we compare ourselves to where other people are, we become consumed with chasing something that does not exist. If you’re chasing something that isn’t real, all you end up doing is spinning in circles and not getting anywhere.
Even the thought of mastery can be an elusive target. Does complete mastery even exist? With the advancement in technology and medicine, things that were once impossible are entirely possible today, and even more so in the future. I don’t, however, consider mastery an objective. I consider mastery a path—a journey to see how good we can actually become. And isn’t that more exciting anyway?
Whether you’re sweeping floors and cleaning toilets as a janitor or running a Fortune 500 company, understanding that there is no arrival should fill you with optimism, as there is no limit on what you can ultimately achieve.

Michler, Ryan. Sovereignty: The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Men (pp. 184-185). Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press. Kindle Edition.

Mosey back to the Church
Triceps Arm Dips 25
Burpees 15
Merkins 15  (any style)

Mosey back to library

Flutter Kicks – 50 Single Count

50 LBCs

20 Big Boys
Circle of Trust!

Burpee mile plus


A bunch of HIM post on a beautiful Saturday morning at the circle to cash in a few burpees out of their account including an FNG and a long lost kotter

warmup 30ssh, 20 windmills,20 cherry pickers,20squats,15 arm circles forward 15 backwards.

the Thang, Mosey to.the old NAPA 12 burpees oyo, 30 flutter kicks ic,

mosey to school lane 12 burpees 20 Freddie mercuries

mosey to paramedic office 12. Burpees 25 dying cockroaches

mosey to school 12 burpees in the water hole followed by a toy soldier set 35,25,15

mosey to firehouse 12 burpees, 10 dirty hook ups,

mosey to circle 12 burpees 40 flutter kicks

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