50th Birthday beat down
26 June 2018
12 HIM beat the fartsack and posted for my 50th birthday beatdown
Warm-up 50 sidestraddle hops, 25 cherry pickers, 25 windmills, 25 MNC
The Thang, Mosey from the AO to the town fishing pier for the pain station #1
dragon crawl the length of parking spots, 10 merkins, crawl bear back to starting point, 10 merkins.
Mosey to grass lot across from firehouse for pain station #2
25 flutter kicks, Toy soldier set 30 LBCs, E2Ks 20 each side, 15 big boy sit-ups
Mosey across footbridge to town park for pain station #3
50 prisoner squats, 20 step ups on benches, 10 burpees
Mosey back to AO
Quote from John Quincy Adams- If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more you are a leader.
Talked about how to me being in the military along with F3 is a brotherhood
Ended a great beat down with count-o-rama, Name-o-rama and a COT