
The Burpee mile plus Abs

 3 pax showed up at the circle for another beatdown in this glorious saturday morning. The message for today was a quote on leadership by different  presidents after each pain station i believe the burpees got to me after the 3rd one and i forgot a couple.

Warm up—  20 SSH, 20 Seal Jacks, 20 Windmills, 20 Cherry Pickers, 20 MNC, followed by high needs half way around circle and Toy Soldiers the other half.

The Thangs- – mosey down north bedford to the park by church. 12 burpees and 25 flutter kicks. 

Quote by George Washington Associate yourself with men of good quality,  If you can esteem your own reputation  for tis better to be alone than in bad company.

Mosey to the old NAPA building 12 burpees and a toy soldier set 35 LBC , 25 E2KS and 15 big boy situps.

Thomas Jefferson. No thing can stop a man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal, nothing on earth can help a man with the wrong mental attitude. 

Mosey to the library 12 burpees , 25 4 count freddies.

John Quincy Adams. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more you are a leader.

Mosey to firehall. 12 burpees 15 crab jacks did someone  mention a wall to intentionally poke the bear  took a seat on the wall for 25 overhead handclaps then 15 squats rinse and repeat once

George W. Bush.  A leadership is someone that brings people together.

Mosey down to Dominos and out to East market back to the circle i did not like the number 48 so 12 more burpees for a total of 60 for anyone that wants to work them in today and finish with a round of mary 20 hello dollies, 10 Xs and Os then low plank until the first pax drops.

Number-rama, Name-o-rama and the COT

Prayers to the victims of Florence, and all the PAX or their Ms that are traveling or about to travel this weekend

LOTS OF RESPECT to Chappie for rucking to and from the beatdown this morning

Dirty Dozen Beatdown

10 HIM posted at the CHOP in the misty gloom for the dirty dozen circuit course

Date: 9/13/18

QIC: Chattahoochee

WARM UP– 20 SSH, 20 Windmills, 20 Cherrypickers all in cadence followed by 10 arm circles forward 10 backwards OYO

THE THANG–  12 stations set up in the parking lot at the AO

1) weighted run 20 lb weight vest run the back entrance to the street and back the runner was the timer for the other stations.

2)  Dips on the bench

3)  Box jumps

4)  Slosh pipe lunges

5)  Flutter kicks

6)  Rowing Merkins with 15 lb dumbells 

7)  Squats

8)  Bearcrawl

9)  Abyss Merkins 

10)  WWII situps

11)  Burpee

12) Tire flip

We completed 2 complete rounds

Message for the day was a poem by 

Robert J. Robicheau titled the Eleventh of September.

COT: Prayers for Chairmans mother, All of the people in the path of Florence, Waterfall and family , Leatherman and Ruxpins Ms in their upcoming women’s retreat


Date: 9/11

QIC: Chappie

It was truly the Gloom for this workout–parking lot lights were not functioning and on top of that the fog was swimmable. The Gloom lived up to its name for this 9/11 workout. YHC was honored to Q it for that reason, along with the fact that it’s youngest 2.0’s 16th birthday. Here’s how it went down:

Disclaimer given


SSH – 9 IC, 11 IC

GofMerkins – 9 OYO, 11 OYO

Rev. Lunge – 9 OYO, 11 OYO

Seal Jack – 9 IC, 11 IC

Plank Jack – 9 IC, 11 IC

Windmill – 9 IC, 11 IC

Calf Raises – 9 OYO, 11 OYO

The Thang:

So…we have this log at the CHOP. A log purchased just for F3 workouts, but one we tend to avoid because, well, THAT SUCKER IS HEAVY! (Guesstimation from a log measuring app–yes, it exists!–is about 250 lbs.) Well, avoid it no longer, we finally got the logout for this workout. Mosey to the other side of the parking lot to get the log and pickup a few Cindy’s too. Here’s a pic of what it looked like:

8 PAX: 4 on the log, and 4 on Mary – Switch after each round of 11x reps on the Log (L to R, R to L = 1 Rep – shoulder to shoulder)

Log to Mary AMRAP:


American Hammer

E2k – 11 each leg, switch AMRAP

Flutter Kicks – courtesy called by Chattahoochee

Took a breather here for 3rd F Message: YHC briefly shared how his youngest was born. When his M conceived the due date for their 3rd 2.0 was 9/11/02, the one year anniversary of the attacks. Simon, was actually born on his due date, and YHC shared how that blessing actually put a new face and a new outlook on the day. The interesting part was that he (2.0 Simon) was born at home. THAT was NOT the plan. Long story short, after some miscommunication with the hospital (2x!), 911 was called and Simon was born while 6 first responders looked on, and 2 church deaconesses delivered him. One of the first responders was an ordained minister heading to the Pentagon later in the day to marry a couple who’d survived the attacks there the year before. What a start to the day! And what a wonderful blessing! Now for the planned 3rd Word:  The mission of F3, represented by the shovel-flag at every AO is: To plant, grow, and serve small workout groups of men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Invigorating leadership is our bread & butter. Because of that and because of ongoing commitment to F3 and gaining ground in our own leadership abilities, we tend to have our ears tuned to leadership talk and leadership principles whenever and wherever we hear them.

The idea, however, is to put what we hear and what we learn into practice. After all, “LEADERSHIP IS AN ACTION, NOT A POSITION.”

One of the leadership concepts I heard recently on a GoRuck video caused me to stop the tape, back it up, and listen to it again so I could write it down (and share it with you guys). Plus, if I write something down I’m more prone to remember it, and, therefore, more apt to apply it. Here’s what caught my ear:

In order to have high performing teams, you have to have high performing individuals who are selfless and committed to the cause.”


First things first: Are YOU a high performing individual? Do you represent your team well? Do you represent your community well, as a high performing individual?

Secondly, and this applies to each member of a team, whether they’re the leader of the team or not; if you’re going to be a high performing individual as part of a high performing team, you must check your ego (because, likely, it ain’t about you), and, as they say, you gotta get in the zone!

If you want the guy to your right and the guy to your left to be guys who are aware of the standards and take those standards to the next higher level, then YOU have to be the guy on their left or right who’s aware of the standards and takes those standards to the next higher level. This means [to the best of your ability] knowing what is ahead of you and being prepared for it — physically, mentally, spiritually, materially, etc.

Scripture records that “iron sharpens iron” (Prov. 27:17); we’re all familiar with that verse, but the outcome is obvious: that of becoming a high performing tool (a sharp team member, husband, father, athlete, community leader, etc.) because YOU sharpen and are being sharpened. High performing teams could also be likened to the “chord of three strands that is not easily broken” (Ecc. 4:12). Each strand performs at a standard, if you will, when he is selfless and committed to the cause.
HOME causes?
CHURCH causes?

No matter the cause, be a high performing member by finding out the standards, upholding them, AND taking them to the next higher level. Aye?

*Changed Log reps to 9x

Gas Pumpers


Both groups of 4 PAX got in their fair share of rounds on the log (6 rounds); seems to YHC that the last round we might have been going down, ducking under the log, rather than actually lifting it up from shoulder to shoulder… Time for one last set of Mary. PAX partnered up for…

Cindy Sit-ups/Block Big-boys: 9x (PAX interlocked feet to perform big-boys while exchanging Cindy back and forth when in the up position)

That’s a wrap – time to logout!


Announcements: Later today at Crossroads a special “5 to 10” service with 1st Responders in memory of 9/11, 10 am; Delmarva Christian School fundraiser, Oct. 5; Grace Church Father/Son Campout, Oct. 5-6

Prayers: Several items entrusted to the Lord of behalf of the HIM present.

Anybody else’s shoulders screaming? Whew! Great push by HIM, men who I’d call High Performing Individuals. And yes, it’s ’bout time we use that log. Fartsackers, y’all missed out! Think we might have to name her!

~Chappie, [Logged] out!

All around Beatdown

6 HIM showed up in the foggy gloom for an all around beat down.  We stayed in the park, But hey, there is always fun to be had  in the park!

Warm up -IC 

SSH 20 Windmills-

10Moroccan NC- 20

Mountain climbers – 10 

Cherry pickers – 20 

Imperial Walkers – 10 

Mosey around Park and back to basketball courts 

PAX will do AMRAP of exercises until someone reaches 100.  Once 100 is reached by one man, other men finish off to the next closest increment of 10.       Each exercise is interrupted  by a run around the park.

Exercises –


2. SSH

3. Flutter kicks 

4. Merkins

5. Split jacks 

Break for 3rd F

6. Squats

7. Hello dolly

8. Shoulder Taps 

9. American Hammer 

10. Burpees…… We each did 10.


COT –     

Remember Chairman’s mother as she endured another surgery and in recovery awaiting more test results. 

3rd F- shared about emotions of 9/12 after 9/11.  And how HIM need to live daily with intentional heightened emotion and passion.

We all remember exactly where we were when he heard of the 9/11 attacks.  Some were near by, some working, some sleeping , but most of us remember watching as the the day unfolded , with all sorts of emotions, uncertainty, anger , speculation , fear , concern and helplessness. I know where I was. But do you remember the feeling on the morning of the 12th?  Some of us couldn’t sleep. Some of us just wanted to be able to call a friend , family member or just go home.    I was in college. I went to an all male, trade school outside of Philly.  Close enough to the airport that is was eerily quiet when you stepped outside and didn’t hear planes.  Campus was near a train station and multiple times many of us tried to get on , to head north and help.  Do whatever we could. But were  denied every Time.   I watched people sneak on, do whatever they could to get closer to help.  Some wanted to get to the city to check on family, friends , etc.  some just wanted to help. Some how. I had one instructor who was a previous employee of the railroad… he got on with his badge and after two days was able to get up to ground zero.   He helped on a bucket line, he helped feed people, he helped anyway he could.  I already respected this man immensely. Fought in two wars, seen what most of us will never see, overcame obstacles in life that many of us couldn’t imagine…. but when he came home weeks later.  He was a different man.  It took him 6 months to be able to talk about it.    You see, up there he saw horror, things nightmares are made of, carried body parts, carried people, peoples belongings, even found people that he knew … just not in a condition that you would want to.  Ever. But… he also saw pride, unity, respect, love , passion, vigor, relentlessness, and so much more he couldn’t put into words.  He saw America At its best just days after what seems it’s worst.  It is these emotions that people felt on 9/12. I know we raised our flag on 9/12 with pride, stood at attention a little taller and even though it didn’t go up as high as is usually did. She went up.  And flags went up all across the country.  On overpasses , in front yards , on cars , at work, on desks and seemingly everywhere you looked.  UNITY. PRIDE.  Also on 9/12 , many left their homes differently than before.  Maybe a longer hug, a meaningful kiss and ‘I love you’. A vivid reminder that no day is promised. And the future is unpredictable. As HIM , we need to be sure we are living out daily lives , especially every morning intentionally and with passion and vigor.  Loving those closest to us and making sure they know.  Through tragedy , we often see things differently …. but how long does it last?  That is up to you and me. We need to be the men who cherish life daily and live it to its fullest.  Never forgot what’s closest to you on any day. Your God. Your country. Your family.  

Checking Things Out

Date: 9/8/18

QIC: Chappie

SSH – 4000 IC

Cherry Pickers – 2 IC

Quadruple Backflips with a half pike – 18 IC

Bla, bla, bla…eiuhheiuuhcuhuhewjbclibibewiuughbui hhh ciuhdfdfiuihewihicjiidwcijewliidwlihhdewdljjc

liihheliuhudfdfiihlcwjjniuihuewiublioibloibl e wlh bliulweiuu liuudliuiuhlicgluwegliuig ,kk gliug liug liug liuugs gliu liuewbliuliuuweuvyliuuybliweuliuuvvlweieuubliuuewliuubliewuliuweliuiglewiuigliuweliubwleewiuukliuwueewgliuew

Not sure I like this new set-up. Trying to figure things out

What Thunderstorms??

4 HIM braved the storm this morning for what turned into a ‘nice’ hour of no rain.   But of course two men started their mornings early with a Ruck from Milton…. interrupted by a few flashes of lighting and some thunder, but still managed to get in 5+ miles??  Chappie and Leatherman setting the pace and a higher standard…. well done. 

Warm-UP                                                                                                                    SSH – 25   Cherry picker- 20 Moroccan NC- 15 Bolt 45s   IC  Standing to 1/2- 15  Half to full- 15   Full Deep Squats – 15 Moroccan NC – 10. Cherry picker – 15 SSH -20                                                                                                                              
Mosey to courthouse lot                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          4 corners –                                                                                                                    1st corner- 10 burpees    Nur to 2nd corner    2nd corner- 50 merkins (20 reg, 15 diamond, 15 wide )   Lt Dan to 3rd corner                                                                                                                         3rd corner- 100 lbc – nice steady pace         NUR To corner 4   4th corner- 50 dips   Bear Crawl Back to starting point                                                                               
Mosey to field by ballpark                                                                                            
Toy soldier set – IN Cadence                                                                          Shoulder taps -20  In Cadence                                                                            Merk and rolls – 20 oyo                                                                                                              
Mosey back to courthouse lot 
3rd F-       Consistency- in growth and counsel.                                                                                                                            
Set of 11s  11 deep squats Burpee broad jump to line 11 big boy  Lunge Walk back 10 deep squats. Burpee broad jump to line   10 Big Boys Lunge Walk Back Repeat to 1 squat and 1 big ol boy            
Mosey to circle 
NAME-A-RAMA                                                                                                        COT   

3rd F-  HIM are consistent. Consistency comes from a desire for growth and staying in counsel. Growth- you’ve never arrived. I’ve heard it said you are either growing or dying. In this world there is no such thing as stagnant. You’re moving forward or backwards.  HIM focus on doing the daily things that move them forward.  Yes, there are setbacks-  but identifying them , rectifying them properly and pressing on, chisels you more and more Into the man you are meant to be.  Ways to grow- Read. Listen. Study. Allow yourself to be stretched. Associate with other men who are in life where you want to be or committed to getting there with you. 
Counsel- I’ll never follow a man who isn’t being lead.  Every one of us needs to be in some form of transparent counsel.  Someone who can offer us a 30000 ft view and help us with our blind spots. This can be at work, in your business, within the community , church or home. All areas of life will benefit from proper counsel.  I’m not talking about Social media opinions or break room water cooler talk- this is one on one man to man counsel. Iron sharpening iron. 
These are just two areas – but effect every aspect of who we are as HIM. 
If you are not consistent- you will not be loyal, you will not be trusted, you will not be counted on , and maybe most of all you will not be performing at the high level a true leader should be. I didn’t even like writing that last paragraph that way because I like to focus on the positive , so I’ll end it like this- When you are consistent – you will be a loyal friend, co-worker, business owner,  husband , father , grandfather, son and member of the community. A trusted go-to man who because you have prepared, you are ready for any situation- a man that can be counted on.  Most of all you’ll be and continue  to become the leader of your life and in your home  – which is where we are needed most.

Dora “Not” the Explorer

Date: 09/01/18

AO: Aegis at Georgetown, De.

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

Windmills – 25 IC

Cherry pickers – 20 IC

Bolt 45’s – IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Happy Jacks – 5 SSH IC followed by 2 bomb jacks.  5 evolutions completed in succession.

Merkin Mile – each ¼ mile Pax stopped and completed 25 merkins.  Pax completed half a mile on the way to the site of the “Thang” completing two sets of Merkins.  Pax completed the second half of the merkin mile with two sets of merkins in returning to the Aegis.

Chappie rolled in hot after Rucking around nine miles to the Aegis.  The man is a beast.

The Thang

From the Exicon – Doracides – Two Pax worked together to reach exercise reps of 100, 200, 300, & 400 of 4 different exercises.  One Pax worked on the exercises while the second Pax completed suicides to three designated waypoints.  The extra twist is at the waypoint of each suicide run; the Pax completed 1 burpee, then 2 burpees, and finally 3 burpees before returning to the starting point.  Once all three suicide sprints were completed, the Pax switched stations until all reps of each exercise were completed.  The exercises completed are as follows:  100 American Hammers, 200 Merkins, 300 LBC’s, & 400 squats.

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Continue to pray for Chappie’s family, the Savini family, the Draper family, Vanilla’s co-worker, and for our Nation as we approach another anniversary of 911.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.  

F3 Message – Q shared the Third F before returning to the Aegis.

I was thinking hard about the upcoming anniversary of the death of my boss, my friend, and my mentor Thomas H. Draper.  He died on September 08, 2017 after suffering injuries sustained from a motor vehicle hitting him while riding his bicycle.  There is no easy way to handle the passing of those close to you, especially when you want to understand why God allows such tragedies to happen.  We are fast approaching the 17th anniversary of 911 where many lost their lives in such a horrific act of terrorism.  Why does God allow this?  I found this article by John Hawkins on that he had written after the Sandy Hook mass shooting that offers wisdom and insight as to why God allows tragedies.  I hope you find the same comfort and peace as I did when I read Mr. Hawkins words.

5 Reasons God Allows Tragedies Like the Sandy Hook Massacre To Occur by John Hawkins as written on

Posted: Jan 01, 2013 12:01 AM

“As a Christian, it can be difficult to reconcile all the evil that happens in the world with an all knowing, all powerful loving God who could stop it if He wants, but chooses not to do so. If our hearts break for the innocent children who were senselessly murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary, how can a God who loves us not feel the same way? If any of us had known what Adam Lanza was going to do, we would have done anything in our power to stop him, so why didn’t God? All too often we tend to quote some arcane scripture, chalk it up to God “moving in mysterious ways” and shrug our shoulders. While none of us have the authority to speak for God, there are plausible explanations for why God would choose not to intervene to prevent a tragedy.

1) He gives us free will: God didn’t make robots who were designed to execute His will. Instead He gave us the freedom to make our own decisions. He lets us choose between being right and wrong, good and evil or wise and foolish. We can follow Him or scorn Him. We can obey Him or ignore Him. We can take His advice or go our own way. It’s our choice…and sometimes choices have terrible consequences. But, of course, how could it be otherwise and still be a choice?

2) It’s a necessity for faith: “If God wanted to remove all doubt about his existence, He could do so — but, He doesn’t because the cornerstone of Christianity is faith. Imagine what would happen if bad things DIDN’T happen to good people. What if when an airline crashes, only the non-Christians die while all the believers walk away unscathed? What if the moment someone becomes an atheist, he is immediately struck by lightning and killed? What if every rape, murder, robbery, and painful illness only happens to non-believers? If that were the case, then no faith would be required to be a Christian.” 

3) He has a different perspective: Our God gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Imagine being in his place as Jesus was jeered, whipped and had to suffer and die in agony on the cross. What would run through your mind as your Son was crucified and uttered the words, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” when you had the power to free Him, heal His wounds and strike down His tormentors at will. Our God made that sacrifice for each and every one of us so that we could be saved. That’s how much He cares for us. Yet and still, God has known the hopes, hurts, loves and secret dreams of all of us who’ve come into this world, lived our lives and passed on. After watching billions of people He cares for die and shouldering responsibilities we can’t even begin to fathom, God doesn’t see the world through the same eyes as we do.

4) We often turn to God in times of tragedy: One of the sad truths of human nature is that when we’re happy, healthy, loved, secure and our pockets are full, most of us think we already have all the answers and don’t turn to God. As C.S. Lewis wrote“God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” It’s not that God wants us to ache, causes it, or wishes for it to happen, but He realizes that’s often what spurs us in His direction. A long pleasant existence full of leisure, contentment and pleasure that ends with a trip to Hell because there was never a need to reach for God is a failed life.

5) Ultimately it’s about Heaven, not earth: What we do with our lives is no small matter. We should try to make the most of our talents, do what we can for others and make the most of what we have. But, it’s worth remembering that Billy Graham was right when he said, “My home is in Heaven. I’m just traveling through this world.” Our lives seem long and crucially important because it’s all we can see, hear, and touch, but God knows there’s an eternity that stretches beyond our time here. It can be incredibly painful when our time here ends with those we care about, but God gets to see the reunions in the next lifetime.”

John 16:33 New International Version (NIV) –  33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 3:16 New International Version (NIV) – 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Respectfully Submitted,


Head & Chest Crud — Why Not a Trip to the Hospital?

QIC: Chappie

Date: 8/29/18

YHC was pumped to Q 2x in less than a week, though he wasn’t 100% sure he was even going to be able to make after battling head & chest crud since Friday evening. Skipped what sounds like a serious beatdown at the hands Leatherman who Q’d at CHOP yesterday. The goal was to try to rest up and stay/get healthy for today. #summercoldsuck

Seven awesome PAX posted in Lewes, DE at the Primis AO for a trip to the hospital. Well, actually there were only 6 of us til deer slayer himself, Chairman, rolled in after bringing the gavel down on Bambi. She did a job on your ride, man! Here’s what YHC’s ride looked like when he showed up at the Aegis AO one Saturday morning right after the AO was planted…

Have to get a shot of your ride and post it for posterity purposes. Looks like we’ve got a special way of initiating new AO’s; don’t say anything to the insurance companies! Chairman, we’re all glad you’re okay brother. …and this just in…

Of course, anytime you’re in an accident they say its best to go to the hospital to get checked out. So, here’s how that developed…


  • Disclaimer…uh, thought about…kinda. It’s hard to think when you have a cloud raining down snot inside your head.
  • SSH – 10 IC
  • Nipple Scraper Merkins – 10 IC
  • Hello Dolly – 20 IC
  • Windmill – (we heard him coming — enter the deer slayer, so YHC forgot the rep count)

Omaha’d the Weinke due to time constraints: Also had planned to do Peter Parkers, Merican Hammers, Shell Picker/Crab Flippers, and Delmarva Drydocks. It’s not a bad trip to the hospital from the AO, but last time YHC ran out of time and had to make a withdrawal from PPB (the PAX Patience Bank) to get the job done. So off we go with a steady  mosey to Beebe Hospital’s parking garage.

The Thang:

  • Swift Mosey up Level 1
    • 25 Merkins
    • 25 Gas Pumpers
  • Swift Mosey up Level 2
    • 50 Merkins
    • 50 Gas Pumpers
  • Swift Mosey up Level 3
    • 10 Burpees
  • Double Decker Mosey up Level 4 & 5
    • 100 LBC’s
  • Double Decker Mosey up Level 6 & 7
    • 10 Burpees
  • Swift Mosey up Level 8
    • 50 E2K’s

Top-O-The-Garage, great location for 3rd F:  Did you know that at the age of 67, Thomas Edison watched a fire destroy much of his work and equipment? Time to retire? Time to hang up the old lab coat? No way! “All our mistakes are burned up,” the inventor said, “now we can start anew.” There is a time to retire but Edison knew this time had not come. The fire that consumed his work didn’t destroy the fire that burned within him to continue his work. Edison’s commitment remained.

People tend to associate commitment with emotions. If they feel the right way they can follow through on their commitments. But true commitment doesn’t work that way. Commitment is not an emotion. It is a character quality that enables us to reach our goals. Emotions go up and down all the time, but commitment must remain rock solid. A solid team, whether it is in sports, business, workplace, marriage, or ministry, must have team members who are solidly committed.

3 things we need to know about being committed:
1. Commitment is usually discovered in the midst of adversity. You never know the level of your commitment until things get tough. Commitment is revealed, not necessarily built, by adversity.
2. Commitment is revealed in choices, not conditions.
3. Commitment lasts when it is based on values. Establishing commitment from a team is a critical piece of leadership. The only way to sustain commitment is to link it with personal values. Values drive your choices and they stand up to the test of adversity.
(Adapted: TFC President’s letter, D.O. Young)

  • Psalm 37:5 ESV
    Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.
  • Proverbs 16:3 ESV
    Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.
  • 2 Timothy 4:7 ESV
    I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there’s a man, along with our Savior, Jesus Christ, who was committed regardless of conditions!

Commitment. One character trait of leaders leading leaders—of HIM!

As they say, what goes up must come back down; here goes on the descent back to Level 1:

  • Lt. Dan (1 of YHC’s favorites, especially descending…hits the muscles a little differently)
  • Nur to Level 5, waiting for the six, we realized we were in a motorcycle parking spot. So…
    • 20 Four-Count Freddies IC (get on your bike and ride!)
    • 20 Derkins (high wall created some chatter from Chattahoochee. Hmm…name change? Chatterhoochee? Oops! Didn’t mean to poke the bear, he’s on Q in the Gloom.)
  • Lt. Dan once more
  • Bearcrawl (Whoa! watch the traffic! The PAX definitely created some chatter as the shift change was nearing and people were racing to their parking spots and trying to kill the bears. Hey, YHC thought this was deer season. Chairman?)

We made it! Kind of funny to hear hospital employees talking about what they saw as they arrived for work at the hospital. Parking Garage Playa’s! Aye!

Mosey back to the AO.

Great group of HIM to workout with today. YHC was pushed and pulled (mostly pulled) on this Gloom. Ruxpin you’re a beast brother! You jumped right in to the crazy amazing thing called F3 and nothing has stopped you. Seriously, that’s commitment! Think about where you’ll be a few months from now. Vanilla, thanks for posting even while you’re battling the same kind of head & chest crud–Site Q leadership! Summit, what can be said? If YHC’s not mistaken you led the mosey all the way back to the AO. You against you, better and faster! Not to mention, Chairman who was right up there with you — it’s like he was looking for deer or something. Leatherman, you’re bringing beatdowns that leave the PAX chattering, and then you post for another Q’s serving the next day. Way to step it up, keep raising the bar brother (brothers)! Chattahoochee, always appreciate you “picking up the 6” — you never fail. Never leave a man behind, but never leave him where you found him.

After a little trip to the hospital, we made it back on time.



  • Run, White, & Blue 5k, next Thursday, Sep 6 at Del-Tech
  • Monday, Sep 3, First State F3 Annual Labor-Day Beach Day Beatdown Convergence: 7 am north end of the boardwalk. See the Pre-blast. (Site Q’s bring your AO Shovel-flag)


  • Troopers involved in shooting yesterday at Harbison
  • YHC and his M as they’re raising teenagers — tough times (but praise God anyway!)


Honored to lead again. Thanks for the op!

~Chappie, out


And, oh, who was that doing 60 catch-up Squats? LEA-THER-MAAAAN!

Staying Power

QIC: Chappie

DATE: Aug. 25 2018

6 HIM posted for a beatdown in perfect weather. It’s still August but several mentioned the temptation to wear long sleeves or turn on the heat in vehicles on the way in. It’s been cooler than normal, Chappie still wants Summer!

Let’s talk about staying power. YHC announced that today’s workout would tag-team with Vanilla’s 3rd F message from Wednesday (See “Finishing Strong” Backblast from 8/22). Vanilla’s message spoke of 3 ambushes which most men will face at one point or another (maybe even repeatedly) throughout their life:

  • the ambush of another woman
  • the ambush of money
  • the ambush of neglected family

These were written about in the book Finishing Strong by Steve Farrar. Great book and a recommended read for all men! Today’s workout (based on the book as well) was designed to complement what Vanilla shared on Wednesday, and revolved around how to avoid or overcome the aforementioned (that sounds sophisticated, ain’t?) ambushes—the workout itself will be offered as today’s 3rd F.

So here’s how it went down:

Chatter about the wet grass? OMAHA! To stay out of the wet grass, PAX moseyed to parking lot in front of Justice the Peace Court.

Disclaimer given. Made it official, even though no FNG’s were present. Practice makes perfect.


  • SSH – 20 IC
  • Imperial Walker – 18 IC
  • Windmill – 18 IC
  • Shell Pickers – 15 IC
  • Calf Raises – 30 OYO (toes in)
  • Calf Raises – 30 OYO (toes out)
  • FULL Squats – 10 OYO (not that we don’t always do full squats)
  • GoFMerkins (Good Form Merkins) – 10 (single count cadence on YHC’s d/u – not that we don’t always use good form)

Mosey down Pine St. to ARNG Armory…

The Thang:

How do you avoid the 3 ambushes of another woman, money, & neglect of family?

By STAYING in the Scriptures (each exercise begins with S for Scriptures)

PAX were asked by YHC at each pain station to pick the number of rep counts prior to each exercised being announced. Fun! (generally we did 20 reps, but Chattahoochee did call out 22 to keep us mindful of the avg. number of veterans who take their own life every day)

  • Seal Jacks
  • Stagger Merkins
  • Squat Jacks w/cross
  • Sphinx Merkins (Do Not do these on asphalt! Lol. We switched to the grass at the half)

Mosey to side lot of Georgetown Middle School… Same question about the ambushes:

By STAYING close to a Friend – (someone you can share your challenges with and who will ask you the tough questions – F is for friend)

  • Fiddler Crab to cone, switch at the half
  • Finger-tip Merkins
  • Flying Squirrel
  • Flutter Kick

Mosey to Wall 2.0 on the opposite side of the school…

By STAYING away from other Women – (set up protective hedges to keep yourself from the ambush of another Woman)

  • Wall Plank (interesting, kinda)
  • Windmill
  • Wheel of Merkin (5 rotations)
  • Wall of Fire: PAX hold Air Chair, while in turn each does 10 Merkins, 10 LBCs, & 10 Burpees

Mosey back toward AO to lot behind building on the corner of W Market & N. Front Streets…

By STAYING Alert to the tactics of the enemy (A is for Alert – “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” 1 Peter 5:8)

  • ATM’s: 10 Alternating Shoulder Taps, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Merkins Fast)
  • Air Squared
  • American Hammer
  • Aiken Legs: 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps (skipped), 20 Lunges, & 20 Split-Jacks, all OYO)

Mosey back to AO…


Announcements: Labor Day Beach Day Beatdown. Rehoboth Beach, North end of the boardwalk near Henlopen Hotel. Start Time: 7 a.m.


  • Those taking 2.0’s to school
  • Waterfall/Felicia and newborn bay girl 2.0
  • Meg & Rachel (Vanilla & Stretch’s M’s) – both due to deliver 2.0’s in Nov
  • Prayers for all PAX to have STAYING POWER and avoid the ambushes of other women, money, and neglect of family by STAYING in the Scriptures, STAYING close to a Friend, STAYING away from other Women, and STAYING Alert to the tactics of the enemy. After all, it’s what HIM do!
  • Prayer for YHC, who has a sore throat and is preaching a funeral message later in the morning

Honored to lead the 6 HIM who posted at the Aegis on a beautiful (perfect weather for a workout) Saturday morning. Thanks for the push, men!

~Chappie, out!

The book:



Finishing Strong


QIC: Vanilla

AO: Primis: Lewes, DE

PAX: Chappie, Canvas, Chairman, Ruxpin, Vanilla


SSH – 20 IC

Seal Jacks – 20 IC

Smurf Jacks – 20IC

Plank Jacks – 20IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Windmill -20 IC

Mosey to Shipcarpenters Square

The Thang: Four Corners

PAX Completed 20 Powerjacks OYO at the first corner, Nur to 2nd corner for 20 Lunge Jumps, Bear Crawl to 3rd Corner for 20 Star Jumps, Karaoke (Switch half way) to 4th Corner for 20 Skater Lunges, Crawl Bear back to first corner to complete.

Mosey to George HP Smith Park playground

The Thang 2: Colonel Trautman

PAX split into two groups. First Group ran  20 yards, completed 3 pull ups, ran back to relieve group 2. Group 2 completed 10 Merkins and then held plank until group 1 returned. Groups rotated for 5 rounds.

Break for Third F: Finishing Strong

QIC is currently reading “Finishing Strong” by Steve Farrar, a book for men on how to Finish this life well. Statistically, only 1 in 10 men will finish well in their lifetime, meaning 9 out of 10 will experience moral failure in some category. Farrar shares that this is predominately due to Men not being able to “Survive the Ambushes” of life when they come. There are three primary ambushes that men will face:

  1. The Ambush of another woman
  2. The Ambush of Money
  3. The Ambush of neglected family

Farrar shares that in a study of nearly 250 Christian men who fell for the ambush of another woman, there were 4 key components that nearly all of them had in common. First, none of the men had regular accountability. Second, all had ceased to spend time daily in prayer & scripture. Third, 80% of them became sexually involved from counseling a woman other than their wife. Fourth, all 250 were convinced that moral failure would NEVER happen to them.

We can learn from these men who did not finish well and again we see that F3 can provide a barrier of protection to assure that all of us can finish well. F3 assures that a man is surrounded by other men who are glad to hold them accountable in all areas of life, not just fitness. F3’s COT provides a time of daily prayer and the Third F often provides biblical insight to speak life and truth into all PAX who post. F3 is for men only, so the nonsense relationships with women other than our wives that too often can come from “the gym” are never gonna happen with this group. F3 keeps us on our toes. Sure, it keeps us in shape physically. But I believe that the greater value of F3 is the shield of protection that we men provide for one another to assure that we all have the best shot to Finish Strong.

Mosey back to AO

Ended with the “Little Baby Flutter Crunch (LBFC)” – PAX are on their six doing flutter kicks while simultaneously completed crunches. Don’t count the flutter kicks, count only the crunches. Completed 20 OYO.

Ended with Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, & COT/BOM

Humbly Your QIC,



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