
North, East, South and West

March 9, 2019

QIC- Summit 

Another damp morning at the georgetown circle but that didn’t slow us from hitting double digits for the first time at the AEGIS! Great push by all men!


Merkins IC 

Arm circles forwards / backwards 

SSH ICCherry Picker IC

Windmill IC

 Moroccan NC IC

Mountain Climbers IC 

The Thang-


Mosey to church lot for Abs 

Super Toy Soldier Set -In Cadence 

25- lbc, 10 e2k, 10 Big boys 

Flutter kicks 15 IC 

American Hammers – 25 IC

 Mosey back to Circle 


Mosey to Masonic Lodge parking lot.

Aiken legs set 

20 squats

20 wall jumps 

20 lunges (forward, 10 each leg)

20 split jacks 

Wrap up with each pax runs up 2 flights of stairs and back down 

Mosey back to circle 

Break for 3rdF-  ‘Say Not’ 


Mosey to opposite side of Fire Hall 

Partner up -one partner holds plank while other partner does merkins. Switch for each set of 20. 


20 reg 

20 wide 

20 hand release 

20 ranger 

20 reg 

Mosey back to circle. 


Mosey to M&T bank lot   – 

Partner up one partner does dips while other partner does merkins. Switch for each set of 10 Merkins- 

10 reg 

10 wide 

10 hand release 

10 ranger 

10 reg 

Mini Aiken legs 

10 squats

10 curb jumps 

10 lunges (forward, 10 each leg)

10 split jacks 

Mosey back to circle.

Wrap up with toy soldier set 

30 lbc. 15 e2k,  10 big boy 


3rdF- ‘ Say Not’ from Mark Battersons book ‘Play the Man’  The hardest part of the body to subdue is the tongue. So, let’s issue a gentleman’s challenge. What we refer to as locker room talk, the Bible calls sin.    Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk of course joking, which are out of place.
     Here’s a simple rule of thumb: don’t say something about someone that you wouldn’t say if they were standing here. And above all, honor your wife with your words. If you’re going tot all about her behind her back, make sure you are bragging!    There is a powerful little phrase repeated in Scripture: “ say not”     Whatever you verbalize, you give power to. When you voice negative thoughts, you’re reinforcing what’s wrong. Over time, it often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.    Instead of verbalizing negativity, speak words of faith.    Instead of verbalizing complaints, speak words of praise.   When God called Jeremiah to be a prophet, Jeremiah felt overwhelmed and under qualified. He used inexperience as an excuse, and God rebuked his excuse.    Say not, I am a child
So Quit making excuses!I’m too old.  I’m too young. I had bad parents. I’ve made too many mistakes. I don’t have the education. I don’t have the experience. SAY NOT!       What needs to go on your “say not” list?  You can start with obscenities, foolish talk and course joking.  While you are at it, add gossiping and lying. And to top it off, quit insulting others or bragging about yourself.       If we can subdue our tongues, there is no part of our bodies we cannot control. James likened the tongue to the rudder of a boat— it turns the whole ship.       “ When we put bits in the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever  the pilot wants to go.  Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts.”Say not!   

Stand by your Men

Q Sharkbait
Pax Hogs Breath & Burgundy

Warm Up
SSH 25
IW 25
Copperhead Squat 20
Abe Begota 20
Hill Billies 25

The Thang
Burpee Merkin Pyramid to 10
Begin a traditional burpee with a single push up at the bottom, then complete. Drop back down for a second burpee with two push ups, then complete. Hooah!

Mosey to the Bench at the end of the Municipal Wharf Parking

Tammy Wynetts’s
Starting position: PAX 1 assumes the merkin plank while PAX 2 remains standing beside ‘his man’ Pax 3 does dips on the bench. Exercise on Squaters count 10 reps. At multiples of 10, the partners rotate workout stations. 10 rounds.

Mosey to Old Wharf Market

Captain Thor
An ab exercise done in a 1:4 ratio. 1 big boy sit up to 4 American Hammers. 7 rounds.

COT Stay Dry and leave a positive Impact.

Super 21 Slightly Modified

Q Sharkbait
Pax Flea & Beach

Warm Up
25 Side Straddle Hopps
20 Imperial Walkers
20 Abe Begotas
20 Copperhead Squats
20 Hill Billies

The Thang
Mosey to the school
Super 21’s
Pike Pushups, 4 count LBC’s with 21 Monkey Humpers for rest #1-10
Derkins, Mountain Climbers with 21 Air Squats #11-15
Ranger Merkins, Gas Pumps and 21 Calf Raises #16-21
Mosey Back to Flags

COT When we say NO to one thing we are saying YES to something else. Are we spending our time and resources on the things that matter most?

Feb 27 Backblast – Bash at the Beach

PAX: Beach, Sharkbait, Priorities


POSTED IN: Monterey, CA 20190227

Q: Beach


WARMUP: Side Straddle Hops, Copperhead Squats, Hillbillies, Calf Raises


  • Mosey
  • Walking squats around the volleyball court, stopping at each corner for 30 Chilcutt Peter Parkers, 30 Merkens, and 30 LBCs. High knees running in place until all pax finish at each corner.
  • Mosey
  • Walking squats around the volleyball court, stopping at each corner for 30 Mountain Climbers, 30 Lunges, and 30 Sleeping Hillbillies (flapjack). High knees running in place until all pax finish at each corner


“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Bill Gates, Michelangelo, Mother Theresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein” —Unknown


99 problems… and then some.

warm up

20 ssh. 15 windmills. 15 cherry pickers. butt kicks. high knees. L & R shuffle.

mosey to alley to do 11’s (almost) of Mike Tyson’s w/ a bear crawl in-between sets.

Mosey to Pine st. and do patriot run with last pax doing a burp before he sprints to front of line, all the way to the middle school.

3rd F. on scheduling/planning/calendar. Luke 14:28 For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?

99’s- in front of middle school with sets of sidewalks, run to 1st side walk do 33 pike press, nur to start. run to second sidewalk do 33 bicep curls(each arm), nur to start. run to 3rd do 33 merkins, nur to start. new round, same format but do 33 leg raises, 33 reverse crunches and 33 big boys.

mosey to AO for COT.

good push HIM!

Baba O’Riley


QIC: Chairman

Warmup: 30 SSH 15 Cherry Pickers 15 15 Moroccan Night Clubs 15 Windmills 25 Washboards All IC.

The Thang 1: Mosey to Union Street to Tobin Drive to lot in front of Shipbuilders. Super Toy Soldier 50 LVCs 35 E2Ks 20 Big Boys. Mosey back to Union Street and back to AO.
Ascending Testicles 15 degree, 45 degree, & BTW 10 derkins each
Clowney: 4 jump lunges IC 4 Merkins 7x
London Bridge Plank: head to wall 1 hand to wall then other then 1 hand to ground then other. Bear crawl under bridge 1 PAX at time.

F3 Message about Hope: We all need hope in our lives whether famil, work, etc. and most of us turn to God for hope when needed. Bible verses about hope:

Psalm 46:1-3 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Exodus 15:2 The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise him—  my father’s God, and I will exalt him!

Psalm 34:10b Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.

The Thang 2:

Monkey Drill: Sideways Lunges palms to ground as extend.  1 each direction.

20 Merkins 20 Diamond Merkins 20 Hand Release Merkins

Baba O’Riley: Imperial Walkers for entire 5 min 4 sec. song increasing tempo for last 30 seconds.

Count-O-Rama & Name-O-Rama

ARMageddon and Hope

PAX: Chairman, Chappie, Chattahoochee, Fireplex, Leatherman, Ruxpin, Waterfall, and Wildwing.

Posted in: Milton, DE at CHOP

Date: 1/15/19

QIC: Chairman

Warmup: 25 SSH, 15 Cherry Pickers, 15 Moroccan Night Clubs, 15 Windmills, and Mosey around block Union to Tobin to Mulberry to Willow and side entrance to lot.

The Thang: Bring Sally Up Challenge; Yeti (Bear) Crawl Ring of Fire: 5 Rounds Yeti Crawl until Q says stop before each type of Merkin, 10 each PAX 1 at time while rest of PAX holds plank, Merkins, Diamond Merkins, Werkins, Right Arm Staggered, Left Arm Staggered.

F3 Message: Hope. We all need hope whether in our personal lives, work, church, etc. even when things are going good and especially when not going good. Bible verses shared: Isiah 40:31, Jeremiah 29:11, Colossians 1:27, Philippians 1:6, Romans 5:5, and Romans 15:13. Good verses to think about when dealing with whatever situations life may present us in our daily lives.

The Thang 2:Bat Wings 4 Count: 20 Forward Arm Circles, Hold, 20 Backward Arm Circles, Hold, 20 Seal Claps, Hold, 20 Overhead Claps. ATMs: 15 4 count shoulder taps each arm. 10 Tempo Merkins 1-2-3 down 4 up, and 10 fast Merkins. Super Toy Soldier Set: 50 LBCs 35 E2Ks 20 Big Boys.

Circle up for Number and Name-O-Rama. Announcements: Thursday workout moved to Friday at 5:15 for WBOC crew availability. Prayers: Chairmans Mom Brenda cotinues to deal with infections in ankle from May 2018 surgery. Pray for healing and that doctors can resolve the issue. Pray for couple in Chappies congregation that is dealing with marital issues and that they find the strength, wisdom, and love to deal with their situation. Thankful for all those HIM that posted and those who couldnt. Hope WBOC can make Friday morning, for good turnout Friday to show others in community what we are about, and some watching will want join us. Pray for all 1st responders and those in military that sacrifice each day.

Nugget beatdown

11/29/18. Milton, DE. Nugget on Q.

Warm up- 20 SSH. 15 windmills. 15 cherry pickers. 15 shoulder taps. Capri lap.

C2C (corner to corner) sprint in between telephone poles and plank until 6 is in to food lion parking lot for beatdown.

8 pax divide into 2 lines of 4. first guy does a crawl exercise about 20 yards then does 10 hand release merkins then does another crawl exercise back. while second guy does calf raises. while third guy does squats. while fourth guy does SSH. 1st crawl exercise was lt. dan there and jump squat back. 2nd was bear crawl there and crawl bear back. third was dragon crawl there and inch worm back. 

3rd F on Planning. Make sure we plan our lives to live out God’s plan and to fulfill ultimately His purpose and good works and not for our own selfish plans. Make sure you use God’s word for counsel and the wisdom from others who have achieved success in what you are looking to accomplish to help you reach your goals.

12 tricep extension push ups. 25 mule kicks. 50 big boys, all OYO. Mosey home back to AO for COT. 

Good push HIM!

Burpsgiving Beatdown

4 HIM beat the fartsack on this beautiful brisk 30 degree morning to burn of some calories  so they can prepare to partake  in a big meal with family and friends later today.


15 SSH, 15 Seal Jack’s, 15 Cherry Pickers, 15 Windmills, 15 big arm circles forward, 15 Backwards

The Thang-

The Burpee mile- Mosey to HOB  15 Burpees, Mosey to the old Norma’s for 15 more Burpees, Mosey up to top of the Hill you got it 15 more Burpees,  Mosey to Milton elementary  for 15 more burpees where we to a very short break for a 3rd of to touch on the 1st Thanksgiving. Then had to workout the Abs a little before heading back to the AO.

30 flutter kicks IC

30 American Hammers

30 LBCs

Mosey back to the AO into a stiff headwind going back up Mulberry street. Upon arrival at the AO with 5 minutes left the number 48 did not sit well with me so we hit another 12 burpees  for a total of 60 burpees and somewhere in the neighborhood of a 2 mile mosey plus abs

Finished up with Number-rama, Name-o-rama and COT

Red Sky


Q Sharkbait

Pax Breu Haha, Beach & Jagger


Squat Hold

SSH IC 4 rounds of 10


Hill Billies

Abe Begota

Copper Head Squat


Man Makers 5, Thrusters 10, Bear Crawl to Rail, 5 Aussie Merkins, Lunge Walk  Back X3

Mosey to Amphitheater

10 Box Jumps, 10 Dips, 10 Toes Raises up 10 levels

Incline Merkins 10, Bulgarian Split Squat 5 reps each leg, 4×4’s 5 reps X3

Mosey around School Buildings


LBC’s 20, Flutter Kicks 15, Rosalita 10 X3

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