

1/19/19. Nugget on Q. Georgetown, DE.

Warm up. 25 ssh. 25 windmill. 20 cherry pickers. 20 mt climbers. butt kick half way round georgetown circle, butt kick other half.

A. abs-100 heel touch. 80 lbcs. 60 reverse crunches. 40 flutter kicks. 20 big boys.

L. legs-lunge half way around georgetown circle. jump squat other half. wrestling squat side shuffle around half circle, switching sides at half.

L. legs-100 step ups on bench.

R. run-mosey to georgetown middle.

I. interval-basketball suicides down 9 stripes of parking lot. mosey back to circle.

G. get…

H. huge- 48 dips, 24 hand release merkins. 12 tricep extension push ups(suckers). then 30 dips, 15 merkins.

T. talk-3rd F on alright vs all right. James 1:22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

Catch Me If You Can, William Wallace!


QIC: Vanilla


SSH – 20 IC

Seal Jacks – 20 IC

Smurf Jacks – 20 IC

Crab Jacks – 10 IC

Plank Jacks – 20 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Mosey to Soccer Field at St. Michael The Archangel

The Thang 1: “Catch Me If You Can”

PAX Partner/Team Up. Once PAX does an exercise while the other PAX NUR’s around the soccer field. Once PAX completes the exercise, He sprints to his teammate and they swap duties. Rinse and Repeat until full lap around field is complete. PAX Completed 4 Laps with the following exercises: Round 1: 5 Burpees, R2: 10 Squats, R3: 10 Diamond Merkins, R4: 10 Big Boys)

Break for Third F: Disruption (F1)

Back at it…

The Thang 2: “William Wallace”

PAX back into teams. 1 PAX runs from sideline to the other sideline and performs a chosen exercise while the rest of the PAX are in plank. That PAX returns to his corner and alternating PAX run to opposing sideline to complete the same exercise. 3 Rounds of exercises were completed: 10 Merkins – High Plank, 20 Big Boys – Crab Plank, 10 Burpees – Forearm Plank.

Mosey back to the AO w/ 6 minutes to spare

The Thang 3: “Mary-Go-Round”

PAX had the chance to pick a Core Exercise (Mary), upon completion of called exercise, PAX ran a lap (Go-Round), came back for the next core exercise called, etc., etc. Scissor Kicks, 6 Inches, Flutter Kicks

Ended with Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, & COT/BOM

Humbly Your QIC,


Total body 2018 wrap up

Capri lap around circle 


WindMill- 12

SSH- 29

Cherry picker- 18

Squats- 12

Merkins- 29 oyo

Moroccan NC-18 

Mosey to Napa-

 Mini Merkin madness –

20reg 20 wide 20 hand release20 ranger  20 reg 

Mosey to school – for sake of wet feet we used parking lot.

Nur to light pole 1- 15 squats 

Lt dan back –

 Nur to light pole 1 – 15 squats 

Side shuffle to pole 2 – 20 flutter kicks 

Side shuffle back to pole 1 ,  Lt dan back

 Nur to pole 1 – 15 squats

 Side shuffle to pole 2 – 20 flutter kicks 

Sprint to pole 3 – 25 ssh 

Sprint back to pole 2 ,Side shuffle to pole 1 Lt dan to start. 

Nur to 1st- 15 squats 

Side shuffle to 2nd -20 flutter kicks 

Sprint to pole 3- 25 SSH

Karaoke to pole 4- 30 merkins 

Karaoke to 3rd. Sprint to 2nd, Side shuffle to 1st , It dan to start. 

Mosey to library – 

Toy soldier set 

American Hammers- 25 

Pax choice ab – 4 count Freddy 

Wosey during 3rd F
– Setting goals vs resolutionsSet the goal. Layout a plan. Forget the goal and Work the plan.You need Mentor  and a coachOften there’s a difference. Know the difference but seek both. 

Mosey to courthouse lot – 3corners – 

1st corner- 10 burpees

 Nur to 2nd corner 

2nd corner- 50 merkins (20 reg, 15 diamond, 15 wide ) 

Lt Dan to 3rd corner 3rd corner- 100 lbc – nice steady pace  And 50 dips 

Bear crawl To sidewalk. 

Mosey to circle for COT 

5 on 12/8/18

5 PAX braved the 18 degree starting temp , but it didn’t take long to warm up! 

Warm up- 

Capri lap around circle, 


Cherry Picker- 20

Imperial Walker- 10

SSH- 15

Windmill – 10 

Mosey to Stop 1- church lot.
1-5 burpees Lt Dan

 2- 5 burpees Lt Dan 

3- 5 burpees Lt Dan 

4- 5 burpees Lt Dan 

5- burpees. Lt Dan 

Mosey to stop 2 – school 

Start at first sidewalk with 12 merkins 

Side shuffle to next sidewalk

8 merkins Side shuffle to next sidewalk 

18 merkins NUR back 

12 merkins Side shuffle 

8 merkins Side shuffle

18 merkins Side shuffle

NUR back 12, 8, 18 with mosey in between

 12,8 18 with mosey in between 

12, 8 , 18 karaoke  in between sets 

3rd F -Responsibility as father. And HIM

Mosey to stop 3-library. 

1- Toy soldier set

2- 6 inches till someone gives 

3- pax ab pick 

4- 25 American hammers

 5-  toy soldier set 

Mosey back to circle 
Name A Rama COT 

Tres Amigos Reforzar

Date: 12/1/18

QIC: Chappie

Three PAX (Tres amigos) posted on a fairly mild morning to bring in the 1st of December by “Stepping up” (reforzar). You’ve heard the phrase, please pardon my French, well this is YHC’s shot at Spanish, which he doesn’t know, but if you do and his is wrong, just go with it. The type of workout was more of a slow-burn but it’s theme was stepping up: Stepping up in the workout and stepping up our 2nd F game a bit. Allow me to esplain…


  • SSH – 10 IC
  • Imperial Walker – 15 IC
  • Cherry Picker – 18 IC
  • Flying Squirrel – 10 OYO
  • Peter Parker – 10 IC

Mosey around the County Admin Building to the STEPS on S Bedford St. side


Each PAX:

  • 10 Calf Raises – 1 PAX does calf raises, runs up/down steps, switches with next PAX
  • Mike Tysons – Other PAX did Mike Tysons while calf raises and step runs were complete – AMRAP 
  • Rinse & repeat 3 rounds (Tres amigos)

Mosey to STEPS in front of National Guard Armory

All PAX:

  • Jump steps to top, run down – 50 American Hammers (single count)
  • Jump steps to top (wide legged, thanks Summit), run down – 50 E2K (each leg)
  • Crawl Bear steps to top, run down – 50 Gas Pumpers
  • Jump steps to top in reverse, run down – 50 American Hammers (double count)
  • Jump steps to top, run down – 50 E2K’s
  • Jump steps to top, run down – 50 Gas Pumpers
  • Crawl Bear to top, run down

Mosey down Front St. to W. Laurel to the STEPS on the backside of County Bank. (Steps. Anybody seeing a theme? …reforzar.)

Each PAX:

  • 1 PAX run up/then down steps, then switch with next PAX
  • Squats – AMRAP
  • Merkins – AMRAP
  • Rinse and repeat 3 rounds

At this point, we took a breather for the 3rd F:

Tomorrow is the first Sunday of Advent , so I figured I’d share a message about Christmas for our 3rdF. (Advent = Coming. Christmas season celebrates the anticipated birth of Christ and it anticipates Christ’s 2nd coming). One of the most well-known Bible verses in connection to Christmas is found in Luke 2:14, which says, “GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST, AND ON EARTH PEACE AMONG MEN WITH WHOM HE IS PLEASED.” 

I didn’t become a believer until I was 21. Growing up my only church experiences were on Christmas Eve. I still remember the ambiance and PEACE of those services, the smell of hot-cross buns baking, and the PEACE of my family going to church together–there was peace, everyone got along. Christmas is about peace!

In Basic Training we were sent home for what is known in the Army as Christmas Exodus. While it felt “wrong” to go home for a break half way through Basic Training, it was a time of PEACE…peace was the sense. Even our 1st SGT and Senior Drill Sergeant came in peace, as they were assigned to take several of us to the airport. Guys who were normally yelling and barking orders at us, were actually friendly while taking us to the airport. It confused us a bit. But, then again, Christmas is about PEACE.

At Christmas men/women tend to act differently towards one-another…we tend to act in PEACE. Romans 12:18 says, “If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.” That verse tells us that PEACE is not just for Christmas time. In fact, Christmas is about the “child born to us,” who, according to Isaiah 9:6-7, was to be called the “Prince of Peace.” That means PEACE is a practice which is derived from God Himself through faith in Christ. What’s interesting is that Christ Himself later said, “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Mt. 10:34). So how do we reconcile that with Luke 2:14: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” First, we cannot rely on things which bring both false and temporary peace (that’s NOT the peace Christ is author of). He came to give us peace with God, with heaven, and in our very souls and consciences; peace with the Holy One whom we Wholly offended by our unholiness! So, secondly, God’s peace (true peace) is LIMITED to those who are recipients of His grace–those who receive him by faith in Jesus Christ. As the saying goes: “No God, no peace. Know God, know peace.” Christmas is the celebration of the very birth of peace and the source of peace WITH GOD. And if any HIM is going to be a man of peace himself (not JUST at Christmas), it must start by him first being a follower of peace personified. That should give us something to think about as we go through this Advent/Christmas season. Christmas is about peace.

YHC had announced along the way at each STEPS pain station that there was a plan in mind. Here’s where the plan was announced: We need to step up our 2nd F game a little. YHC challenged the PAX to make it back to the AO in 3 minutes, and if we did we were cutting the workout at 45 mins. in order to partake of some 2nd F.

We made it back with a minute to spare…looks like we’re going to get some coffee!




Ending 15 minutes early was the plan all along. PAX are generally so busy Saturday mornings after workouts that too often the 2ndF Coffeeteria is neglected. YHC figured out a way to subvert that tendency: Cut the workout at 45 mins and go from there. YHC declared he was buying coffee and breakfast for the Tres amigos, so off we went.

Mosey to Georgetown Family Restaurant.


P.S. – Keep an eye on the check. YHC was going to pay, but Fireplex stole it and wouldn’t give it back! Come to think of it, keep an eye on your Weinke when he’s around! Seriously, thanks to Fireplex for covering breakfast. And thanks to both Fireplex & Summit for good conversation over breakfast (i.e. the rest of y’all missed out–the Fartsack will do that to ya!). Good fellowship guys!

Honored to lead!

Chappie, out!

The Semi “colon”

Warm up
20 Seal jacks
15 Cherry picker
20 SSH
15 Windmill
10 Imperial walker

The Semi “colon”

Mosey 1 block north from circle, 1 block east, and 2 blocks south to Domino’s.

Wall sit – 10 count
Bttw merkin

10 count from each HIM for 2 rounds, total of 8 bttw merkins

Mosey to firehouse

Plank – 10 count

10 count from each HIM for 2 rounds, total of 8 merkins

Mosey to school parking lot

3rd F

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.
1 Peter 5:6‭-‬10 ESV
A good affirmation that you are not alone in your struggles. There is season for everything. God will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.

SEMI’S “Suicides” consisted of nurs, jailbreaks, bear crawls, side steps, woseys, moseys, and LT. Dangers (Thanks Chattahoochee) back and forth across width of parking lot.

Mosey to old napa store

5 burpees mosey around building, 5 merkins mosey around building, 5 squats mosey around building for 2 rounds.

Wosey to 1 block from AO, then jailbreak the rest of way in.

toy soldier set
30 lbcs
20 k2e per side
15 big boys
Mosey around circle for 2 rounds

Finish with AYG high and low plank switched at Q’s call.


Number Rama

Name Rama


Stiff and Thor

Date: 10/20/18

AO: Georgetown, De.

QIC:  Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 25 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Windmills – 20 IC

Bolt 45’s – 15 squats full up to half way down, 15 squats half way down to full down, & 15 squats full motion.  All completed IC as a 4 count.

The Thang

As a first pain station, all PAX completed a round of Captain Thor – 1 Big Boy sit up to 4 American hammers in ratio up to 10:40 before leaving the CHOP to complete three additional pain stations.

Mosey to Georgetown Public Library where we Bear Crawled for 8  parking spaces (@80 ft.) and completed ATM’s – 15 alternating shoulder taps (4 count), 10 tempo Merkins, and 10 fast merkins.  Crawl Bear back (@80ft.) and completed another evolution of said ATM’s.

Mosey to the front steps of the Georgetown Elementary School and completed a toy soldier set that included 50 LBC’s, 30 E2K’s each side, and 20 big boys.

F3 message before leaving second pain station.

Mosey to old NAPA store where we completed a descending round of Super 21 without any recovery exercises between the rounds.  21 merkin, 21 big boy.  20 merkins, 20 big boys, etc. descending to the round of 10.  Time was a factor and Q challenged each HIM to complete the descending rounds to 1 merkin, 1 big boy OYO at home.

Mosey back to CHOP.  Total – 1.0 mile overall mosey

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Prayers were offered for multiple needs within the attending PAX, but please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.

F3 Message

Q shared a message in regards to Fellowship.  The online definition of fellowship is a “friendly association, especially with people who share one’s interest.”  Q went on to describe Christian fellowship as found on  Q shared excerpts from that teaching as part of the F3 Message as posted below.

Lesson 4: True Christian Fellowship (Philippians 1:3-8)

True Christian Fellowship means sharing together in the things of God

There are five strands of true fellowship in the verses of Philippians 1:3-8.

1.  True fellowship means praying for one another (Philippians 1:3-4).  In Ephesians 6:18 we’re told to “pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints.” In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 we’re told to “pray without ceasing.” Romans 12:12 tells us to “be devoted to prayer.” These verses do not mean that we are to quit our jobs and spend all day every day in prayer.  But the prayers of the saints are part of God’s method for accomplishing His sovereign will. And He uses prayer to change the heart of the one doing the praying, as well as to work in the hearts of others.  If you’re having trouble with another believer, even if it’s your mate or a family member, pray often for that person. It’s hard to stay angry at someone you’re praying for daily! James Boice states, “I think that ninety percent of all the divisions between true believers in this world would disappear entirely if Christians would learn to pray specifically and constantly for one another” (Philippians, An Expositional Commentary [Zondervan], p. 49).

2.  True fellowship means serving God together (Philippians 1:5 & 7).  The church is a fellowship of those who serve Jesus because He bought them with His blood.  Every Christian has a role to fulfill by serving in Christ’s army. The Lord saved you to serve, and serving Him isn’t always easy or free from strife and conflict. But it knits us together in fellowship when we join in serving Him. True fellowship means praying and serving Christ together.

3.  True fellowship means trusting in God’s sovereign working in one another (Philippians 1:6).  Verse 6 means that I’m not responsible to change others. I am responsible to minister God’s love and truth to others in a sensitive manner. If a brother is clearly wrong about a major truth or in sin or immature in the way he’s living, I am responsible to come alongside and do all I can to help him change and grow. If it’s a serious heresy or sin that he’s involved in, I may eventually need to separate from him. But at the same time, I can trust that it’s God’s job to change that brother. If God has truly saved him, God will finish the job. So I can relax, accept him where he’s at with the Lord, encourage him in areas of weakness, but also learn from him in areas where I need to grow.

4.  True fellowship means partaking together of God’s grace (Philippians 1:7).  Grace doesn’t mean that we tolerate sin and shrug off sloppy living. We sometimes need to confront; we need to help one another face and overcome faults. But if we remember that we’re all partakers of God’s undeserved favor, we’ll give one another more room to grow. We’ll be more patient and forbearing with one another. True Christian fellowship is a sharing together in God’s abundant grace.  Thus true fellowship means praying and serving together; it means trusting in God’s faithfulness and grace.

5.  True fellowship means heartfelt affection for one another (Philippians 1:8).  Sin divides us from those who are different from us racially, culturally, or in other ways. But the love of Christ unites us, not just intellectually, but with heartfelt love. Such love isn’t manipulative, trying to use the other person for our own advantage. It truly seeks God’s best for the other person, even at personal inconvenience or sacrifice.

Philippians 1:3-8 New International Version (NIV)  I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.  It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart and, whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God’s grace with me. God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.

Respectfully Submitted,






Ascending Georgetown


QIC: Vanilla

AO: Aegis: Georgetown, DE

PAX: Ruxpin & Vanilla


SSH – 20 IC

Seal Jacks – 20 IC

Smurf Jacks – 20IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Windmill -20 IC

Mosey to Georgetown Dueling Walls for The Thang 1

The Thang 1: Ascending Testicles

Feet on the wall – do 1 Merkin, climb feet to 45 degrees, do 1 Merkin, go to full balls to the wall and hold for the six. Lt. Dan to opposing wall and repeat at 2 reps, then 3, all the way to 10.

Mosey to East Adams St. for The Thang 2:

The Thang 2: Ascending Curb Crawl

PAX complete 1 dip on the curb, bear crawl across the street to complete 2 dips, back to initial curb for 3 dips, ascending to 10.

Break for Third F: Discipline Will Win

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment”

“Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you.”

2 Timothy 1:7 – “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.”

Winning the small battles gives you the momentum and the self-image necessary to conquer the larger ones. 62% of wealthy people floss every day. This isn’t a sign of vanity, it’s a sign of discipline. Momentum in personal discipline sets the tone for discipline in all areas of life. Discipline is a cornerstone for ALL success.

Mosey back to National Guard Steps for The Thang 3

The Thang 3: Ascending Squats

Box Jump up the steps to first platform, complete 1 Squat, Box Jump to 2nd Platform, complete 2 squats, Mosey down to platform for 3 squats, mosey to base of steps for 4 squats, box jump to platform 1 for 5 squats, box jump to platform 2 for , 6 squats, on and on to 10…

Mosey back to AO

The Thang 4: Mary-Go-Round

10 Jack-Knives

Run a lap around the circle

20 Flutter Kicks IC

Run a lap

10 Big Boys

Run a lap

20 Scissor Kicks IC

Run a lap

20 Plank Marches IC

Run a lap

20 Side Plank Ground Taps, Switch sides, rinse and repeat

Run a lap

10 Jack Knives

Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT, BOM

Humbly Your QIC,


The Burpee mile plus Abs

 3 pax showed up at the circle for another beatdown in this glorious saturday morning. The message for today was a quote on leadership by different  presidents after each pain station i believe the burpees got to me after the 3rd one and i forgot a couple.

Warm up—  20 SSH, 20 Seal Jacks, 20 Windmills, 20 Cherry Pickers, 20 MNC, followed by high needs half way around circle and Toy Soldiers the other half.

The Thangs- – mosey down north bedford to the park by church. 12 burpees and 25 flutter kicks. 

Quote by George Washington Associate yourself with men of good quality,  If you can esteem your own reputation  for tis better to be alone than in bad company.

Mosey to the old NAPA building 12 burpees and a toy soldier set 35 LBC , 25 E2KS and 15 big boy situps.

Thomas Jefferson. No thing can stop a man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal, nothing on earth can help a man with the wrong mental attitude. 

Mosey to the library 12 burpees , 25 4 count freddies.

John Quincy Adams. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more you are a leader.

Mosey to firehall. 12 burpees 15 crab jacks did someone  mention a wall to intentionally poke the bear  took a seat on the wall for 25 overhead handclaps then 15 squats rinse and repeat once

George W. Bush.  A leadership is someone that brings people together.

Mosey down to Dominos and out to East market back to the circle i did not like the number 48 so 12 more burpees for a total of 60 for anyone that wants to work them in today and finish with a round of mary 20 hello dollies, 10 Xs and Os then low plank until the first pax drops.

Number-rama, Name-o-rama and the COT

Prayers to the victims of Florence, and all the PAX or their Ms that are traveling or about to travel this weekend

LOTS OF RESPECT to Chappie for rucking to and from the beatdown this morning

What Thunderstorms??

4 HIM braved the storm this morning for what turned into a ‘nice’ hour of no rain.   But of course two men started their mornings early with a Ruck from Milton…. interrupted by a few flashes of lighting and some thunder, but still managed to get in 5+ miles??  Chappie and Leatherman setting the pace and a higher standard…. well done. 

Warm-UP                                                                                                                    SSH – 25   Cherry picker- 20 Moroccan NC- 15 Bolt 45s   IC  Standing to 1/2- 15  Half to full- 15   Full Deep Squats – 15 Moroccan NC – 10. Cherry picker – 15 SSH -20                                                                                                                              
Mosey to courthouse lot                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          4 corners –                                                                                                                    1st corner- 10 burpees    Nur to 2nd corner    2nd corner- 50 merkins (20 reg, 15 diamond, 15 wide )   Lt Dan to 3rd corner                                                                                                                         3rd corner- 100 lbc – nice steady pace         NUR To corner 4   4th corner- 50 dips   Bear Crawl Back to starting point                                                                               
Mosey to field by ballpark                                                                                            
Toy soldier set – IN Cadence                                                                          Shoulder taps -20  In Cadence                                                                            Merk and rolls – 20 oyo                                                                                                              
Mosey back to courthouse lot 
3rd F-       Consistency- in growth and counsel.                                                                                                                            
Set of 11s  11 deep squats Burpee broad jump to line 11 big boy  Lunge Walk back 10 deep squats. Burpee broad jump to line   10 Big Boys Lunge Walk Back Repeat to 1 squat and 1 big ol boy            
Mosey to circle 
NAME-A-RAMA                                                                                                        COT   

3rd F-  HIM are consistent. Consistency comes from a desire for growth and staying in counsel. Growth- you’ve never arrived. I’ve heard it said you are either growing or dying. In this world there is no such thing as stagnant. You’re moving forward or backwards.  HIM focus on doing the daily things that move them forward.  Yes, there are setbacks-  but identifying them , rectifying them properly and pressing on, chisels you more and more Into the man you are meant to be.  Ways to grow- Read. Listen. Study. Allow yourself to be stretched. Associate with other men who are in life where you want to be or committed to getting there with you. 
Counsel- I’ll never follow a man who isn’t being lead.  Every one of us needs to be in some form of transparent counsel.  Someone who can offer us a 30000 ft view and help us with our blind spots. This can be at work, in your business, within the community , church or home. All areas of life will benefit from proper counsel.  I’m not talking about Social media opinions or break room water cooler talk- this is one on one man to man counsel. Iron sharpening iron. 
These are just two areas – but effect every aspect of who we are as HIM. 
If you are not consistent- you will not be loyal, you will not be trusted, you will not be counted on , and maybe most of all you will not be performing at the high level a true leader should be. I didn’t even like writing that last paragraph that way because I like to focus on the positive , so I’ll end it like this- When you are consistent – you will be a loyal friend, co-worker, business owner,  husband , father , grandfather, son and member of the community. A trusted go-to man who because you have prepared, you are ready for any situation- a man that can be counted on.  Most of all you’ll be and continue  to become the leader of your life and in your home  – which is where we are needed most.

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