
Christmas Explorers

Silent morning warm up….

10 hip circles each way (Delaware tornado)

20 fairy jacks 

20 cherry pickers 

20 windmill

Mosey around the blocks looking for the following Christmas decorations and preform the corresponding exercises…..

Example house has a 2 wreaths and lights

You will preform 

     25 merkins 

     25 squats

Wreath- 25 merkins 

Lights- 25 squats 

Reindeer- 25 calf raises 

Santa clause- 25 LBB

Christmas tree- 25 American hammers 

All of the above add- 10 burpees  

If we are unable to locate sufficient yards we will modify and use the towns decorations and work through in a rotating manner….

Third F….

11/28/1981 Bear Bryant becomes the winningest college football coach of all time #315 in the iron bowl……

10 Best Quotes From Bear Bryant

  1. “When you make a mistake, there are only three things you should ever do about it: 1. Admit it. 2. Learn from it, and 3. Don’t repeat it.”
  2. “The first time you quit, it’s hard. The second time, it gets easier. The third time, you don’t even have to think about it.”
  3. “It’s not the will to win that matters—everybody has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.”
  4. “I know what it takes to win. If I can sell them on what it takes to win, then we are not going to lose too many football games.”
  5. “My attitude has always been…if it’s worth playing, it’s worth paying the price to win.”
  6. “If a man is a quitter, I’d rather find out in practice than in a game. I ask for all a player has so I’ll know later what I can expect.”
  7. “Football changes and so do people. The successful coach is the one who sets the trend, not the one who follows it.”
  8. “Set goals-high goals for you and your organization. When your organization has a goal to shoot for, you create teamwork, people working for a common good.”
  9. “It’s awfully important to win with humility. It’s also important to lose. I hate to lose worse than anyone, but if you never lose you won’t know how to act. If you lose with humility, then you can come back.”
  10. “You boys were eight and ten years old last time Alabama was on top. That was before any of you were paying much attention to it. What are you doing here? Tell me why you are here. If you are not here to win a national championship, you’re in the wrong place. You boys are special. I don’t want my players to be like other students. I want special people. You can learn a lot on the football field that isn’t taught in the home, the church, or the classroom. There are going to be days when you think you’ve got no more to give and then you’re going to give plenty more. You are going to have pride and class. You are going to be very special. You are going to win the national championship for Alabama.”

Inspirational Quotes From Bryant

  • “Winning isn’t everything, but it beats anything that comes in second.”
  • “If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride -and never quit- you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.”
  • “In life, you’ll have your back up against the wall many times. You might as well get used to it”
  • “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.”

Continue on….until returning to the BORO to finish in a circle of silent trust…..


Mumford family, Quatros wife as she is just returning home, and for those who see things that people shouldn’t….


Memorial Day is Memorial Day, Labor Day is Labor Day, DU gun bash is in March again….

The Traffic Counter

Warm up

10 hip circles each way (Delaware tornado)

20 fairy jacks 

20 cherry pickers 

20 windmill

Mosey to grass lot by DQ 

Sedans-1 burpee 

Truck- 2 burpee 

Tractor trailer- 3 burpee

3rd F


When googling counting this was a result I located….

Benefits of Counting Activities for Children….since we are working for the kids this month

  • Developing their cognitive skills

Today as you go throughout your day you will think more level headed and be sharper, because you counted cars this morning….it’s a subliminal benefit to our workout 

  • Improves logical thinking and reasoning skills.

         Today as you go throughout your day you will think more level headed and be sharper, because you counted cars this morning….it’s a subliminal benefit to our workout 

  • Builds confidence 

          You should now have confidence that you are able to multitask, and continuously think while under physical stress

  • Improves fine motor skills (building those fingers and hand muscles)

          Everyone who has participated this month has certainly increased there finger tip strength and their hand muscle, and or toughness, as they push theirselves back up continuously 

  • Enhances their sense of numbers and quantity.

             You’ve counted by in multiple ways today certainly enhancing your ability to do so and we all have figured out quantities we wish he hadn’t 

If we could spend time counting our blessings, one by one, rather than obsessing on our obstacles, we would realize how blessed we are, truly.

Mosey Back

100 Burpees in total

An average of 10 burpees per light cycle


`Labor Day is coming



Running Fool

By Sweet n Lo


Buy in: 15 burpees

400m run

30 air squats

15 burpees

400m run

30 Mericans

15 burpees

400m run

30 alternating lunges

15 burpees

400m run

30 air squats

15 burpees

Buy out: 15 burpees

For those counting that’s 90 burpees for the Boro this morning and just shy of a mile run.

3rd F:
10 things that require ZERO talent

  1. Being on Time
  2. Work Ethic
  3. Effort
  4. Energy
  5. Body language
  6. Passion
  7. Doing extra
  8. Being prepared
  9. Being coachable
  10. Attitude

Double Rung Ladders

Warm up

10 hip circles each way (Delaware tornado)

20 fairy jacks

20 cherry pickers

20 windmill

Chairman lap

The thang

15-1 ladder

Squats, big boys, merkins

3 Point Lateral runs to other side of parking lot

Second Rung

Lateral runs back

Begin the next round

Third F

Circumstances do not change responsibility….

Sometimes we find ourselves with our backs against the wall, and sometimes instead of tending to all things we are responsible we pawn task off because we are in a circumstance. This month has been that month for me. Since the 30th I’ve had 1 day off which turned into a half a day, not complaining, I have just found myself transferring my responsibilities to others, when ultimately it’s my problem. I’ve even been snitched on my my wife because she has to cut the grass once…..

The one responsibility I have tried to remained focused on is my family, because I view the next generation as our biggest responsibility. We are responsible for raising our kids right and making them role models for their peers, so that they can effectively change the world.

The point in saying this is, if and when we are going to transfer our responsibilities, which we shouldn’t they are ours, at least prioritize them and focus on what’s important now(WIN) and know you can find a way to get it all done because what consumes our thought controls the outcome.

PAX Completed all rounds.


5/27- 2.0 beatdown on the circle
5/27- Henlopen Spring Fest- Hudson Fields benefits Shriners Hospital
5/29- Somethings happening at the state park at 0600….

Prayers for Quatro’s father in law as he navigates his medical proceedings.

Roll the Dice- Don’t Be Nice

We came to the BORO to roll the workout Dice, we had over 90 Squats! More than 3 Minutes of Crunches and named two FNGs.

The 3rd F was about the Book No More Mr. Nice Guy

Here’s some Key points from the book


  • A series of societal shifts have broken the bond between boys and their fathers.
  • Boys have grown up without a healthy male role model and have as a result adopted a feminized version of masculinity called the Nice Guy Syndrome.
  • Nice Guys force themselves to live according to a set of rules they have acquired in their childhood as a result of not getting their needs met.
  • The pattern goes like this: I have needs -> they’re not met, probably because I am bad -> I have to be good to get my needs met.
  • Nice Guys believe that they have to do everything well to satisfy everyone and get their needs met.
  • Doing so, they cut themselves from their core masculinity which prevents them from being happy and fulfilled.
  • They expect other people to fulfill their needs as a result of them being “good boys”, and become rageful and frustrated when they don’t.
  • To recover, Nice Guys must understand that they have to put their needs a priority, change the way they think and act, face their fears, and express themselves clearly.

What No More Mr. Nice Guy Talks About

No More Mr. Nice Guy is a book written by the psychiatrist Dr. Robert Glover. It explains how societal changes have led young boys to hopelessly seek everyone’s approval constantly. They try their best to be “good boys”, get split from their core masculine identity, and struggle in their daily lives as a result. The book is a proven method to help men reclaim their masculinity and get the life they desire.

I noticed lately that I had a tendency to lack assertiveness, so I read The Assertiveness Workbook but I didn’t find it good enough. I remember that No Mr. Nice Guy, which I read in 2017, was much better, so I decided to re-read it.

This book is by far the best book for men’s mental health.

10/10. If you’re a man and you’re struggling in your life, read it (do not let the ugliest cover in the history of books discourage you).

If you have never read it, do yourself a favor and buy a copy. Don’t read the summary.

If you have read it though, this is the best summary on the Internet (!!).

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