Primis Pavilion of Pain

5 HIM BEAT THE FARTSACK THIS MORNING   This truely is an awesome  location to be stretched, get uncomfortable, grow yourself and take in the perfection of Gods creation as the sun rises over the bay        You should try it sometime

QIC- Summit 


Capri lap around park

SSH- 18 IC

Cherry pickers – 18 IC

Windmill -19 IC
Moroccan night club – 18 IC
Imperial walkers -18 IC
Lunge walk baseline to baseline on basketball court.
Nur back
  • Mosey around Park , end at PAVILION of pain.
  • Super 21-

21 Prisoner squat – 21American hammer IN CADENCE..????????‍♂️

20 prisoner squat – 20 American hammer IC
‘Intermission’ after 15/15 for stairway to seven.
Mosey to stairway
  • Stairway to seven….
1 burpee, 1 Erkin on bottom step , run up to top stairs , 1 diamond merkin , then run back down.
Continue up to 7.
Mosey back to Pavilion of Pain
3rd F message
Pick back up with Super 21
14 prisoner squat 14 American hammer IC down to 1/1
Mosey back to basketball courts
  • 3rd F 
  • Stress testing builds reliance

    Reliance is the heart of Trust. For a Team to be Dynamic, the Members must implicitly and fully rely upon each other to Competently perform their part of the Team’s Mission-essential Tasks. It is not enough for a man to tell his Team Members that he can do his job, or even for the Q to do so. They have to see the man in action under stress for reliance to build.

    Whether it is the character of another man or a footbridge over a gorge, we only decide to step forward in reliance if we believe it is strong enough to keep us from falling. If we don’t believe a man’s character can bear the weight, we won’t rely upon him any more than we would a rickety bridge over a rushing river.

    The most efficient method to gauge the strength of something is to stress test it under a controlled environment to find the point at which it breaks. We do this with a footbridge by jumping up and down on it at a point where it spans a place that won’t kill us if we break through. If a bridge can hold the jumping-me ten feet over the ground, then I assume I can rely upon it to hold the walking-me fifty feet over the gorge.

    With men the stress test principle is the same, although the means and methods vary by what we need the man to do. For example, a candidate for public office is subjected to the stress of a political campaign. If he cannot withstand that without breaking down we deem him too unreliable for the pressures of the office he seeks. An attorney must shoulder the stress of the bar examination before he can be trusted to try a case. A doctor must survive the rigors of his residency before lives will be placed in his hands. Passing the stress test indicates sufficient strength to bear the weight of the real thing.

    When applied to a man rather than a thing, stress testing serves a dual purpose. Like it does with the bridge, it demonstrates reliability to others. But, unlike the bridge, it also demonstrates to the man himself that the reliance of others is justified. Passing the stress test gives a man the confidence he needs to take on the responsibility of what comes afterwards. “If I got through that,” he tells himself, “then I have what it takes to get through this”. You can trust me because I am reliable—I trust myself.

ReeeSPECT Workout to [try to] Remember

QIC: No-Show Jones

Lol, a little humor at Waterfall’s expense. Apparently our fearless leader suffered a foot injury from Roving RuckF3st Friday and put himself on the IR, so he could not make his Q. Word was put out but no one stepped up to Q (Somehow Chappie missed it on GroupMe). That left Chattahoochee and Chappie to fend for themselves. Tempted to go for a cup of Joe and just do some coffeeteria, instead we tag-teamed a Wienke-less workout and filled the hour with some beatdown at the hands of two, count ’em, two, respectables. (That is to say we’re both over 50 and might not remember every part of the beatdown but we’ll give it a shot.) Help me out Chattahoochee; here goes…


SSH – 18 IC

SJ – 20 IC

CP – 15 IC

WM – 18 IC


The Thang:

Mosey to side entrance steps of County Admin Building

1 PAX ran steps up and down, while other did Merkins. Kept switching out until reaching 100 Merkins combined.


Mosey to library

Lt. Dan, length of lot

Bearcrawl back

Lindsey Vonn parking lot lines, length of lot


Mosey to Georgetown Elementary

On the short steps:

100 Squats, bottom

10 Burpees, top

100 Squats, bottom

10 Hand Release Burpees, top

100 Squats, bottom

10 DerkinBurps, top (on the high wall!)

Total: 300 Squats/30 Burpees

Wosey to nearby curb, 30 Dips (Chattahoochee said 25 but YHC did 30, so they’re being counted)


Mosey to intersection of N. Margaret & W. Laurel Streets

4-Count Freddies – 25 IC


Mosey to intersection of Robinson & Laurel Streets

Toy Soldier Set


Double-time Mosey (not quite prison-break) to intersection of Elizabeth & W. Laurel  Streets

…drawing a blank, again!


Mosey to wall @ County Bank

*discovered a new set of two-story steps on the way (for future reference, Q’s)

Aussie Mt. Climbers – 15 IC

20 OH Claps – OYO


Mosey to AO



Called it a day. Good stuff Chattahoochee, glad you posted brother! Waterfall, hope your foot heals up quickly so you get off the IR. Hang tough, see you soonsday.

All PAX: Keep EH’ing anybody and everybody you know in Georgetown.

Let’s own the mission: Plant, grow, and serve small workout groups of men for the invigoration of male community leadership. It won’t happen if we don’t make it happen!

Chappie & Chattahoochee, out!


Slow burn 2.0

  • QIC- Summit


  • Warm up – IC 15 each
  • THE Thang- curtesy of Chappie’s chalk art -Slightly modified.
  • Each PAX pick a station
  1. Box Jumps
  2. Slosh Pipe
  3. Rapid Merkins–
  4. Rapid LBC’s
  5. Hair Burners – actually does smell like hair burning ….
  6. Squat Press Lunge w/cindy
  7. Upright Rows w/40lb. ruck
  8. Burpees
  9. Tire Flip
  10. Dragon Crawl
  11. Burpjacks – burpee with a bomb jack
  12. Plank
Work Each station for 60 seconds , Q calls next and move to next station for 60 sec.
12 stations. After 4 stations all Pax go for Mosey around block. Return for 4 stations, mosey , last 4 then Mosey.
There may have been a few 10 counts in there somewhere.
  • QuickBreak for 3rd F message
Each PAX then chose a ‘favorite’ station and we finished with  30 seconds at each of those stations.
Plus some LBCs for the fun of it …..
Chappie was concerned about a ‘slow burn’ from Tuesday…….I tried to clear any concern.
  • 3rd F (pulled from )

Disturbance To The Status-quo

Leaders influence movement to advantage

A leader is a person who can influence people to do things that they would not have done otherwise. Put another way, but for the influence of the leader, the things done by his followers would not happen. The leader is the agent, the impetus and the proximate cause of his followers’ movement toward the doing of those specific things that he identifies as advantageous. Without him, they would remain static and focused on maintaining the status quo. In the heart of man inertia will reign—absent a disruption.

The connection between movement and leadership is critical because it presupposes a need for movement, a recognition by the leader himself that the status quo is something less advantageous than some other place, a location the leader visualizes and then articulates to his followers. Only then can the leader begin to persuade them to follow him to the new place. He must describe it to them first because people will only overcome their inertia and follow someone if they believe that he knows where he is going. They won’t leave the known for the unknown, no matter how charismatic the leader is.

Because it induces movement, leadership causes Disruption

It wrenches people away from the place at which they were determined to remain. It causes them to question the foundation for their belief that their status quo was desirable and that stasis was in their best interest. It attacks the palpable (but false) sense of security that inertia provides. Like the agitator in a washing machine, leadership dislodges things long embedded in people’s emotional fabric, things that are impure and do not belong there but to which they had become accustomed—like a ketchup stain on their favorite shirt.

Being both Disruptive and agitating, leadership will naturally make people uncomfortable, at least until they begin to see for themselves that they are being led to a place of advantage.

If a man calls himself a leader but does not cause Disruption by initiating movement, then he is not practicing leadership. He might be doing something else, like managing or engaging in politics, but he is not leading. He is a leader in name only until people begin to follow him to an advantageous place that he has visualized and articulated to them. A leader influences movement to advantage.

A great leader’s legacy is built on love

The degree to which a leader is able to influence movement is dependent upon his level of skill. People will follow a leader when he is in the room. People will continue to follow a good leader when he has left the room. But only a great leader is able to influence movement to advantage even after he has died. That is a legacy leader, and he is a rare breed whose legacy is built upon love.

All great leaders aspire to leave a legacy. Leadership is a difficult skill to master, requiring desire, commitment and love. Having paid for that skill with blood, sweat and tears, great leaders have the natural inclination to pass on what they have learned and to be remembered for it. This yearning is what creates their legacy. It comes from the leader’s love for his followers and his sincere desire to see them obtain advantage.

A great leader accelerates throughout his life. He views leadership as a craft that must be honed through continual study and application. In the way that a lawyer or doctor practices his profession from the standpoint of service to his client or patient, the great leader’s focus is always upon his followers rather than himself. It is their best interests, not his, that motivates his actions. It is their advantage, not his, to which he initiates movement. This is only possible if, first and foremost, he loves them more than he loves himself.

The great leader knows that If his love is not great, than neither will be his leadership.



QIC: Leatherman

AO: Primis, Lewes

PAX:  Vanilla, Chappie, Chairman, Stretch,


SSH -18 IC

MC-20 IC

Merkins – 10 IC

Quick run to Savannah Rd and back to the Docks. 

The Thang Part 1

Rinse and Repeat 3 times

10 LBCs


10 LBCs


10 LBCs

10 MC each leg

10 LBCs


10 LBCs

The Thang Part 2

10 FORWARD LUNGES ( each leg )


10 REVERSE LUNGES (each leg )

10 STEP UPS ( each leg )



Break for 3rd F

Today is 1 year that my M has been on a Life changing health journey. My wife was over 250lbs this time last year and now is down to 160lbs. Her commitment to changing her life for the better was not just for herself but for our 4 kids. She in turn was my motivation for my life change. I was 313lbs this time last year and now weigh 208.lbs. Our Pastor made a comment to us a couple weeks ago and said that he sees a difference in the way we love each other. Thinking on that makes sense because for us to be able to truly love our spouse we had to love our selves. Behind every strong man is a strong women, if were not for her being a strong women who knows where we would be.


The Thang 3

Mosey over to the Compass by the Over Falls Ship




10 STAGGERED MERKINS ( switch up ) 10 MORE




The Thang 4

Mosey to the Basketball courts










Ended with Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, & COT/BOM

Humbly Your QIC,

Leatherman .

Much Bigger than We Are

10 July 18

QIC: Chappie

This Backblast has less to do with the workout itself than it does its title–YHC will get to the explanation of what that means, but in the meantime here’s the breakdown for the sake of recall and as a catalyst of remedy for those who lost THAT FIRST BATTLE to the Fartsack.

With a good number of Q’s in the rotation there is a longer break in action than what most QIC’s prefer, so YHC was actually disappointed in what turned out to be more of a slow burn than a memorable beatdown. I.e. it seemed like a wasted opportunity to leave one’s mark on the other PAX’s minds and bodies. Gotta hate it when that happens! Okay, here’s how it went down:


SSH – 20 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs – 18 IC

Italian Night Clubs  – 18 IC

Shell Picker, Shell Flipper, Cherry Pickers…WTB??? This somehow turned out to be some crazy, off-cadence, retarded form of the Windmill. Holy smokes, did YHC get inside of his own head for a brief moment! Thankful the PAX were gracious enough to give a good laugh from this total screwup, what else could they do? YHC has no idea What The Bombjacks he was  doing!


Cherry Pickers – 10 IC

Windmill – 18 IC

Imperial Walker – 18 IC

The Thang:

Living next door to the AO has its privileges — YHC was able to work his way around the parking lot the night before and go to work with some sidewalk chalk (to write different exercises on the asphalt). 13 different stations. 1 PAX ran from AO to Willow Street and back while PAX did exercise at given stations. Switch on the return and continue rotation til all 13 were visited by all PAX. Here’s what was written:

  1. Run to Willow and back – Good hustle by all PAX!
  2. Sledge Hammer Row
  3. Box Jumps
  4. Slosh Pipe
  5. Rapido Merkins (18) – swap – Rapido LBC’s (36) rinse & repeat. Rapido = as fast as you can
  6. Hair Burners (compliments to Flutie Flakes, I think)
  7. Squat Press Lunge w/cindy
  8. Upright Rows w/40lb. ruck
  9. Burpees
  10. Tire Flip
  11. Dragon Crawl
  12. Burpjacks (exactly what it sounds like)
  13. Plank

Somewhere in the middle YHC had the privilege to share the following 3rd F message:

Last Wednesday for an off-the-cuff 3rdf, I’d mentioned a “secret to success” borrowed from Jack Hayford that Mark Batterson mentioned in his book “If.” The secret? “Make decisions against yourself.”

We’re already onto something here in the Gloom, because, fact is, if you’re here it’s because you already made a decision against yourself. You can see how this applies to leadership.

As a secret to success it is exactly what the Bible teaches in Romans 8:4, where it says, “walk not according to the flesh…” If you know someone who has 6-pack abs, they made a decision against themselves to go to the gym when, as Mark Batterson writes, “the rest of us went back for seconds.” (57)

Not only does this apply to workouts, but many other areas of life:
• My nephew, Aaron, who once again is in Ranger School has repeatedly made decisions against himself toward accomplishing his goal of becoming one of the army’s elite combat leaders. He’s in swamp phase once again. Go Aaron!
• Earning any type of degree, whether it be a BS, BA, MA, or a PhD brings with it memories of going to the library instead turning on the TV. Those who earned degrees or other credentials made decisions against themselves. The piece of paper on their wall is a key that opens doors.
• Successful (and I should say fruitful because Paul does add, “walk not after the flesh, but according to the spirit”) athletes, musicians, professionals, ministry leaders, etc. are successful and fruitful in large part because they made decisions against themselves–both when it came to right/wrong issues, and often times when it came to personal convictions.

This is key because some decisions we have to make against ourselves are not right and wrong, or black and white. Paul also wrote in 1 Cor. 10:23, “everything is permissible—but not everything is beneficial.” We need to understand, then, that often times “if we really want god’s best, we won’t just say no to what’s wrong. we’ll also say no to what’s second best.” (Batterson 58)

We have to prepare for times when we must recognize that we cannot settle for what we want in the moment in exchange for what we want most! The kind of success and fruitfulness this refers to is that which involves sacrifice beyond what most of us are willing to make.

F3 workouts provide a superb laboratory in which to train ourselves and each other for this kind of leadership:

  • Setting your alarm very early and posting in the Gloom (at O-Gawd-Thirty) for a workout which will push you past your limits…if that’s not making a decision against yourself, then what is?

Some are used to hitting that snooze button on the alarm, both literally & metaphorically speaking! When you’re not willing to make decisions against yourself, you’re kind of hitting the snooze button on success and fruitfulness in your spiritual life (temptation & sin), your family life, your work life, and in many other areas…you’re delaying doing the right thing—the hard thing—9 minutes at a time!

So, what do him do? As a general rule and practice, they are High Impact Men because they make decisions against themselves!

Well, that was the workout. A slow-burn, as mentioned, but a burn nonetheless.

Now allow YHC to explain the title of this Backblast; it’s more important than the workout itself. So…Keep Calm and Read onMuch Bigger Than We Are

If you follow what’s going on, either on or then you have at least some sense that F3 is Much Bigger Than We Are. We’re a Mustard Seed–pioneers!–and so we tend to think small, within the limits of our own line of sight. But we are Much Bigger Than We Are.

F3 is blowing up across the nation; we’re privileged to be a part of this explosion of men being rescued from Sadclown Syndrome and to rescue others from the same condition through Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith. Still, we tend not to see very far down the road from our own AO’s.

Each Tuesday Mustard Seed Nantaans from across the nation participate in a half-hour long conference call from 07:30 – 08:00. The call is about leadership and its where we encourage, challenge, build-up, and basically sharpen one another “as iron sharpens iron” (Prov. 27:17)

Yesterday’s call was different. It reminded me that while the fitness that brings men out, its the fellowship (the glue) that brings them back. We’ve been impacted by this incredible force in our lives, making us better leaders. But here’s how yesterday’s call was different:

Our call Q, Fountainhead (Columbia, SC), essentially began the call by telling us how hard a weekend it was for many of their PAX because F3 Gump had lost his 19-yr-old son this past Friday night in drowning accident. He talked about the camaraderie (2ndF) of other PAX that jumped into action to come along side Gump and his M. He’d also mentioned that Gump was a pastor there in Columbia.

Having lived in Columbia for nearly 3 years, I asked what Gump’s hospital name was. Since I’m also in ministry I figured I might at least know the pastor’s name.

I was utterly floored and speechless when Fountainhead told me Gump’s name was Scott Fleischer! Frankly, it was a punch in the gut. It still hurts; that’s why I’m writing because it helps to grieve rightly.

Here’s the thing. I didn’t know Scott from my time living in Columbia. I knew Scott and his M, Victoria and their 2.0’s Jack, Isabella, and Sam from my years pastoring in York, SC. Scott and I connected in York through ministry and immediately hit it off. Our families spent time together celebrating birthdays, eating dinners together, swimming, etc. Our kids (3 a piece) are practically the same ages. We got to know each other well before ministry took he and his family to Columbia. When I heard that Jack died on Friday my heart sank for Scott and his family. I’m so deeply grieved because Jack and my oldest 2.0, Zeke, were good buddies. “Running through the woods and playing laser tag” were my son’s fondest memories when I informed him yesterday of Jack’s death.

When Scott moved his family from York to Columbia, SC there was no F3, so I didn’t even know Scott was involved with F3. We’d lost contact with each other over the years. So you can imagine my shock just hearing his name when I’d inquired. Following the conference call I called Scott immediately. The phone rang only 1 time when he picked up and simply said, “Hi Todd!”

It was great to talk with Scott (F3 Gump). It was painful to find out how Jack died. Scott and I simply picked up where we’d left off, but this time we reconnected in a rather providential way (Godincidence) because of F3! I’m so glad I didn’t find this out later. This time we reconnected because we serve a God and Father “who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves have been comforted by God.”

Indeed we’re Much Bigger Than We Are. I’ve never lost a son, but I have suffered great loss in other ways and I have been comforted by God and by brothers in Christ at times when it was desperately needed. Scott and I grieved together as we spoke on the phone. I grieve for Scott and his family. We all grieve with the family over this heartbreaking loss. But, you see, as believers we “do not grieve as those who have no hope” (1 Thess. 4:13). There’s so much more to this than meets the eye but we really are amazingly Much Bigger Than We Are. I know Scott personally, he’s truly a brother and has been since long before F3. But he’s also your brother. That’s F3, so please keep the Fleischer family in your prayers.

Well guys, if you’ve made it this far thanks for reading. I appreciate your patience.

~Chappie, out!


Muggy Morning Beat Down!!!


QIC: Leatherman

AO: CHOP , Milton

PAX: Fireplex, Summit, Vanilla, Chappie, Nugget, Chairman, Skipper, Wolverine, Chattahoochee, Wonderbeard, Ying-Ying, Waterfall


SSH -20 IC

MC-20 IC

CP- 15 IC

Lap around Church .

The Thang ! Doracide Modified 2-2-2

The PAX partnered up for the beatdown.

5 Cones set up spaced out 2 parking spaces wide for Suicide Burpees .

Partner 1 starts the suicides drill while Partner 2  started the Merkins ( 200) to completion switching back and forward with Partner 1.  Immediately switch to  (200 )LBCs until completion Switching with Partner . Finished with (200) Prison Squats until Completion in same fashion.  

Cone 1 – 1 Burpee

Cone 2 – 2 Burpee

Cone 3 – 3 Burpee

Cone 4 -4 Burpee

Cone 5- 5 Burpee

200 Merkins

200 LBCs

200 Prison Squats

Break for 3rd F

I spoke about how the sport of Wrestling taught me how to handle certain situations in my life. whether I win or lose taking those experiences and learning from them. I read 3 Quotes from a Legend in the sport and another Man who is becoming a legend in his own right.  I explained what they meant to me and how I thought described us as HIM.

Pain is nothing compared to what it feels like to quit. Give everything you got today for tomorrow may never come.  -Dan Gable

The easiest thing to do in the world is pull the covers up over your head and go back to sleep. -Dan Gable  

To get better you have to step out of your comfort zone. You cant do the same things you’ve always done and improve. – Jordan Burroughs

Thang 2-

Rapid Fire Coupon Set.

20 Curls IC

20 Tricep Extensions IC

20 Overhead Press IC

20 Bent Over Rows IC

20 Dips

15 1 leg dip Switched legs 15 more.

Finished with some MARY each HIM called out a Exercise until time was up.  

Leatherman – Flutter Kicks 20 IC

Summit – 10 Big Boy

Nugget – 35 Reverse Crunches

Chappie – 18 Hello Dolly IC

Fireplex -15 E2K Each Side

Wolverine- High plank  60 Second countdown  

Ended with Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, & COT/BOM

Humbly Your QIC,

Leatherman .

Back-2-Back beatdowns

27 June 2018, 7 HIM posted for my Back-2-Back beat downs and to watch a beautiful sunrise over the canal and fishing fleet

Warm-up  50 SSH, 25 cherry pickers, 25 windmills

The Thang-  Mosey 1 lap inside tennis court, 1 lap karaoke switch sides at half way, half lap high knees, half lap toy soldiers.

Deck-of-death –  Deck of cards each suite represents an exercise  deal off 1 card at a time face value represents reps lots of spades seemed to of showed up during the beginning to create a little chatter

Diamonds- diamond merkins

Clubs- prisoner squats

Spades- big boy sit ups

Hearts- Bobby Hurleys

left 2 Jokers in the deck if joker showed up that was 5 burpees

With the message I asked each pax to tell the group what F3 meant to them lots of good input

ended with Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama and COT


50th Birthday beat down

26 June 2018

12 HIM beat the fartsack  and posted for my 50th birthday beatdown

Warm-up  50 sidestraddle hops, 25 cherry pickers, 25 windmills, 25 MNC

The Thang,  Mosey from the AO to the town fishing pier for the  pain station #1

dragon crawl the length of parking spots, 10 merkins, crawl bear back to starting point, 10 merkins.

Mosey to grass lot across from firehouse for pain station  #2

25 flutter kicks,  Toy soldier set 30 LBCs,  E2Ks 20 each side, 15 big boy sit-ups

Mosey across footbridge to town park for pain station #3

50 prisoner squats, 20 step ups on benches,  10 burpees

Mosey back to AO

Quote from John Quincy Adams- If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more you are a leader.

Talked about how to me being in the military along with F3 is a brotherhood

Ended a great beat down with count-o-rama, Name-o-rama and  a COT







Knocked Down


6 HIM posted

warm up- tubthumper -chumbawamba. Every time he says “I get knocked down” you do a burpee. Follow Q doing SSH and marrocan night clubs in between.

Start upper body station at circle. All with cynder block as coupon. 10 irkins. 10 dirkins. 10 left side stagger merkins. 10 right side stagger merkins. 20 triceps extensions. 20 shoulder press. 20 curls.

Run .5 mile to middle school.

Ab station. 75 lbcs. 50 reverse crunch. 50 flutter kicks. 25 big boys.

Run .5 mile back to circle.

Rinse repeat.

3rd F. 2nd Corinthians 4:7-16. Definitely would recommend reading this again on your own and digesting it. So much good information.

Because time restriction did 1 more set of upper body station and ab station all at circle. Without the mile run.

Totals- 27 burpees in warm up! A lot of arm and ab stuff! And 2 mile run. Great push HIM!

Ace is the Place

Great push this morning, especially by those whose legs have been put to the test 3 days in a row this week!
Warm up-
SSH- 25
Arm circles forward – 15
Arm circles reverse- 15
Cherry pickers – 10
Prisoner squats – 10
Mountain climbers – 15
The Thang- 
Mosey to Ace Parking Lot.
Line up on one end of lot.
25 ssh – single count
Sprint to 3/4 point
25 ssh. Bear crawl  to end of lot.
25ssh. Mosey back to start. Plank for 6
25 merkins
Sprint to 3/4
25 merkins
Lt Dan to end
25 merkins
Mosey back to start. Plank
25 squats
Sprint to 3/4
25 squats
Bear crawl to end
25 squats
Mosey back to start. Plank
25 Big Boys
Sprint to 3/4
25 lbc
Lt dan to end
25 Big Boys
Mosey back to start. Plank.
3rd F –
Toy soldier set – 30lbcs, 20 etks each side, 10 …. or 15 Big Boys.
Mosey back to AO.
Round of Mary.
Hello dolly , leg climbs , box cutter, flutter kick, American hammer
3rd F-

Present Tense

It was spring, But it was summer I wanted,

The warm days, And the great outdoors.

It was summer, But it was fall I wanted,

The colorful leaves, And the cool, dry air.

It was fall, But it was winter I wanted,

The beautiful snow, And the joy of the holiday season.

It was winter, But it was spring I wanted,

The warmth, And the blossoming of nature.

I was a child, But it was adulthood I wanted,

The freedom, And the respect.

I was 20, But it was 30 I wanted,

To be mature, And sophisticated.

I was middle-aged, But it was 20 I wanted,

The youth, And the free spirit.

I was retired, But it was middle age I wanted,

The presence of mind, Without limitations.

My life was over.

But I never got what I wanted.

Jason Lehman

This poem has insight for all ages. But also touches heavily on the reality that we can often focus on what we don’t have , and miss what’s in front of us.   This carries different meaning for each of us- depending on what you may be going through, your age, your health, firtness, family, friends, Job , business, etc.
I take it as a message of – you are right where you need to be. do not miss the blessings right now because you are solely wishing for what’s next.   Live at the fullest now. See how you can impact and improve others lives where you are now and don’t wait for the next season. You’re life will be better for it.    It’s ok to set goals, be driven towards achieving  them, but go after them now and don’t wait for the next season, or tomorrow , or perfect timing to do it,  because It won’t come.  Now is the time.   Live life the way it’s intended to be.  And be an High Impact Man.
HIM seize the day- go after what they need, live life with anticipation of what’s coming,  but dont allow themselves to be paralyzed today  in false hopes That tomorrow will bring what they want.
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