Burpees, Deconstructed, Reconstructed and More Burpees
Welcome to the first beatdown at Aegis of 2024! 13 HIM beat the fartsack for a burpee breakdown. Lunchable, Biddie, @quattro, Sink-o, Pick, @looney-tunes, @whirlybird, Mr Mom, @semi, Spaceman, @trex, @ruxpin, @chattahoochee, and @yukon were those in attendance.
Burpees in all forms
Warm-O-Rama – 24 SSH, 12 Windmills, 15 Dancing Bears, 15 Cherry Pickers, Mosey to Georgetown Middle School (not the shortest possible route)
- 24 Burpees – Jail Break to the next sidewalk
- 24 Squats – Karaoke to the next sidewalk
- 24 Merkins – Karaoke to the next sidewalk
- 24 Thrusts – Nur to the last sidewalk
- 24 Jump Squats
- 3rd F
- 24 Jump Squats – Nur to the next sidewalk
- 24 Thrusts – Karaoke to the next sidewalk
- 24 Merkins – Karaoke to the next sidewalk
- 24 Squats – Jail Break to the last sidewalk
- 24 Burpees
- Wosey across the parking lot
- Mosey back to circle (not the shortest route)
- 4 more burpees to make it an even hundred for the morning
- Round of Mary
3rd F
Thursday I was listening to a podcast called 3 of 7. It was the first time I had listened to this podcast that had been suggested to me by the gentleman I’m running my 100 miler with as well as my cousin. I looked through the titles and saw one that had “running a 100 miler” in it and chose it. At one point they were telling the story of two of them running a 100 miler together. At mile 60 the one of them that has run many 100 milers realized that even if they kept the pace they were running there was no way they would finish the race in the allotted time. After confirming his suspicions with their crew he started a conversation with his running buddy. There was a choice to be made. Do they keep running the pace they were going and get wherever they get or do they pick up the pace, work really hard and try to finish the race the way they wanted to. They decided to work hard and finish the race. They did finish but it took a lot more work to do so than it would have if they had set out with a purpose from the onset. Then they made this analogy. How often do we see people live their lives and get to the 60th mile (their 40’s) to realize that they coasted through the early miles and are now in jeopardy of not finishing their race (life) the way they wanted to? Now they have to bust their butts to try to accomplish the things they had planned when they were younger. How much easier would their race have been if they had put in more effort early on instead of coasting through life. The big takeaway is that everything we do today affects how or if we finish our race. The choices we make/made in our late teens, twenties, thirties (and for some of us forties) affects where and how we finish. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about fitness, career, faith or anything else the things we do today affect our finish.