Author name: Wayne Maloney

Burpees, Deconstructed, Reconstructed and More Burpees

Welcome to the first beatdown at Aegis of 2024! 13 HIM beat the fartsack for a burpee breakdown. Lunchable, Biddie, @quattro, Sink-o, Pick, @looney-tunes, @whirlybird, Mr Mom, @semi, Spaceman, @trex, @ruxpin, @chattahoochee, and @yukon were those in attendance.

Burpees in all forms

Warm-O-Rama – 24 SSH, 12 Windmills, 15 Dancing Bears, 15 Cherry Pickers, Mosey to Georgetown Middle School (not the shortest possible route)

  • 24 Burpees – Jail Break to the next sidewalk
  • 24 Squats – Karaoke to the next sidewalk
  • 24 Merkins – Karaoke to the next sidewalk
  • 24 Thrusts – Nur to the last sidewalk
  • 24 Jump Squats
  • 3rd F
  • 24 Jump Squats – Nur to the next sidewalk
  • 24 Thrusts – Karaoke to the next sidewalk
  • 24 Merkins – Karaoke to the next sidewalk
  • 24 Squats – Jail Break to the last sidewalk
  • 24 Burpees
  • Wosey across the parking lot
  • Mosey back to circle (not the shortest route)
  • 4 more burpees to make it an even hundred for the morning
  • Round of Mary

1/6/2024 Aegis (

3rd F

Thursday I was listening to a podcast called 3 of 7. It was the first time I had listened to this podcast that had been suggested to me by the gentleman I’m running my 100 miler with as well as my cousin. I looked through the titles and saw one that had “running a 100 miler” in it and chose it. At one point they were telling the story of two of them running a 100 miler together. At mile 60 the one of them that has run many 100 milers realized that even if they kept the pace they were running there was no way they would finish the race in the allotted time. After confirming his suspicions with their crew he started a conversation with his running buddy. There was a choice to be made. Do they keep running the pace they were going and get wherever they get or do they pick up the pace, work really hard and try to finish the race the way they wanted to. They decided to work hard and finish the race. They did finish but it took a lot more work to do so than it would have if they had set out with a purpose from the onset. Then they made this analogy. How often do we see people live their lives and get to the 60th mile (their 40’s) to realize that they coasted through the early miles and are now in jeopardy of not finishing their race (life) the way they wanted to? Now they have to bust their butts to try to accomplish the things they had planned when they were younger. How much easier would their race have been if they had put in more effort early on instead of coasting through life. The big takeaway is that everything we do today affects how or if we finish our race. The choices we make/made in our late teens, twenties, thirties (and for some of us forties) affects where and how we finish. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about fitness, career, faith or anything else the things we do today affect our finish.

F3 First State is not a running group! (but occasionally we do run)

17 HIM showed up on a beautiful Saturday morning for a Yukon beatdown! @quattro, doodle, sinko, squirt, pick, @biddie, @bunt, @whirlybird, schwartz, @looney-tunes, @semi, @ruxpin, @tommy boy (down range from Cleveland, Ohio), @chauffer, @probe, @fireplex, @yukon all made it out and finished the running group! Great push men, we totaled 2.66 miles this morning. And some of you didn’t think you could run that far.


  • 16 Side Straddle Hops (I/C)
  • 16 Cherry Pickers (I/C)
  • 16 Dancing Bears (I/C)
  • 16 Windmills (I/C)

The Thang

  • Leg #1-Patiot Run (two lines) to the intersection of Wagamon and Garden. 10 Burpees then Jail Break to the intersection of Garden and Rowland. 22 Peter Parkers (Spiderman) I/C. Jail Break back to the intersection of Wagamon and Garden. Toy Soldier set (50, 25, 15) and hold 6″ for the 6.
  • Leg #2-Patriot Run (two lines) to the playground end of the Elementary School parking lot. 10 Compass Squats OYO then NUR to grass past the Middle School. 20 Merkins I/C. Toy Soldier set (50, 25, 15). Hold 6″ for the 6.
  • Leg #3-Patriot Run (two lines) to the grass lot behind the Catholic Church. 10 Iron Mike’s OYO. 16 Mike Tyson’s I/C. Mosey back to the circle and finish the third leg with a Toy Soldier Set (50, 25, 15). Hold 6″ for the 6.

3rd F

Guantanamo Bay – On June 10, 1898, U.S. Marines landed at Guantanamo Bay. For the next month, American troops fought a land war in Cuba that resulted in the end of Spanish colonial rule in the Western Hemisphere. Cuban rebels had gained the sympathy of the American public while the explosion and sinking of the U.S.S Maine, widely blamed on the Spanish despite the absence of conclusive evidence, further boosted American nationalistic fervor. Popular demand for intervention in the Cuban-Spanish conflict led Congress to pass resolutions demanding the withdrawal of Spanish armed forces from Cuba, authorizing U.S. aid to effect this, and promising American support for Cuban self-rule. Spain declared war against the United States on April 24, 1898, and the United States promptly replied with a counter-declaration. While Spain was unprepared to sustain a war in its distant territories, America was ready and eager to show off its military strength. The Navy, under Admiral George Dewey’s command, easily broke Spanish control of the Philippine Islands in an engagement at Manila Bay on May 1. American attention then turned to the liberation of Cuba. On July 17, just five weeks after the landing at Guantanamo Bay, the Spanish forces under Admiral Pascual Cervera surrendered at Santiago. In the Treaty of Paris of 1898, the United States gained sovereignty over Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. Spain lost its colonial empire while the United States emerged with greater influence in international affairs and an increased sense of national pride.

Merkin Madness!!!

On the 25th of Merkin Madness March 14 HIM posted for a merkin filled beatdown!


  • Side Straddle Hops (20 I/C)
  • Cherry Pickers (15 I/C)
  • Dancing Bears (10 I/C)
  • Windmill (15 I/C)
  • Goofball (15 I/C)

Warrior Run (10 Merkins each time the flag was passed) long route to the Middle School

The Thang

nSet #1 – PAX lined up on the sidewalk and did 10 Navy Seal Burpees then made a Jail Break to the far sidewalk. PAX performed 10 more Navy Seal Burpees and made another Jail Break to the beginning sidewalk where they finished up with 10 more Navy Seal Burpees. Then did AMRAP Flutter Kicks for the 6. Set #2 – PAX lined up on the sidewalk and did 50 LBC then Bear Crawled to the next sidewalk. PAX performed 50 more LBC and Bear Crawled back to the beginning sidewalk where they finished up with 50 more LBC. Held Low Plank for the 6. A new exercise was introduced, the Burpee-Jack. PAX then executed 10 Burupee-Jacks and did a Mosey back to the Circle for COT.

Third F

Has anyone heard of Wally Pipp? I hadn’t either until I read a book written by Cal Ripken Jr. titled “Just Show Up.” In the book Cal Ripken tells a story of whenever he would talk to his dad about maybe the need of sitting a game out, taking a day off, to rest and or recuperate his dad would tell him it was his choice but to remember Wally Pipp. Wally Pipp played first base for the New York Yankees and was a good ball player. One day Wally told his coach he needed a day off. They young player that stood in for Wally played great! The coach decided to play the hot player until he cooled down. The man that stepped on for Wally Pipp went on to play 2130 games without missing a game. That’s right, the guy off the bench was Lou Gehrig. When we decide to take a day off from anything we do such as work, F3 and our spiritual life, we must consider what could happen. Who will step up while we are out? What will we miss while we are out? What will take a foot-hold in my life? Two Thursdays ago this story was brought to mind due to some choices I made. My Thursday morning routine is to get up, run a few miles then head to the CHOP for a beatdown. Wednesday night I went for an evening run and when the alarm went off Thursday morning I decided to skip the run, go back to sleep then go to the beatdown. When the alarm went off for the beatdown, I decided to continue to rest. 20 minutes later I was out of bed and headed to the CHOP. Upon arriving I began to stretch out and then saw @fireplex getting out of his truck with a paper in his hand. I thought to myself how glad I was that I don’t screen shot the Q list because there was no way I would have shown up knowing he was on Q that morning. Turned out I got a great beatdown and an appropriate word! What I would have missed had I not just shown up!

Trees Galore!!!

22 HIM beat the fartsack and braved the crisp air this morning! Quattro, Sink-O, Whirlybird, Pick, Lunchable, Bolt, Splinter, Singlet, Wood, Biddie, Hoss, Woodstock, Bunt, Semi, TRex, Ruxpin, Chattahoochee, Chaufer, Chappie, Probe, FirePlex, and Yukon.


  • 25 Side Straddle Hops (in cadence)
  • 15 Windmill (in cadence)
  • 20 Mountain Climbers (in cadence)
  • 15 Cherry Pickers (in cadence)
  • 15 Dancing Bears (in cadence)
  • 15 Side Straddle Hops (in cadence)-to please a late arrival
  • Twin Patriot Run to St. Michael’s Catholic Church

The Thang (Trees Galore)

  • Set #1 – 25 Merkins then Bear Crawl to 2nd tree. 20 Merkins then Bear Crawl to 3rd tree. 15 Merkins then Bear Crawl to 4th tree. 10 Merkins then Bear Crawl to 5th tree. 5 Merkins then plank for the 6.
  • Set #2 – Toy Soldier Set (50/25/15) then Jail Break to end tree. Toy Soldier Set (40/20/12) then Jail Break to opposite end tree. Toy Soldier Set (30/10/9) then hold 6″ for 6.
  • Set #3 – 25 Squats then Walking Lunges to 2nd tree. 20 Squats then Walking Lunges to 3rd tree. 15 Squats then Walking Lunges to 4th tree. 10 Squats then Walking Lunges to 5th tree. 5 Squats then Al Gore for 6.
  • Sharing of the Third F
  • Set #4 – 10 Burpees then Nur to middle tree. 8 Burpees then Nur to end tree. 6 Burpees then Nur to middle tree. 4 Burpees then Nur to end tree. 2 Burpees then plank for 6.
  • Mosey back to Circle
  • Set #5 – 25 Flutter Kicks (in cadence). 20 Gas Pumpers (in cadence). 15 Hello Dollys (in cadence). 15 4 Count Freddies (in cadence)

Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT

Third F – Character

Everyone has Character. Everyone is a Character. We can be a character and still have a good character. Character is not necessarily what we think of ourselves but what others think of us. What kind of character do we have? What are we doing to contribute positively in society, our houses, our jobs, etc? What do people think of when they hear our names or see us walk in a room? I have watched Lunchable from birth for 16 plus years and I know his good character. I grew up with Quattro, yes he is a character, but he has a great character. I don’t know everyone in this group as well as I know Quattro, but what I see of this group of men is that character runs deep in each of us! We have kids (ours and others) looking at us for an example, men in this group see what we do, folks outside this group are definitely watching us, folks in our workplaces and places of worship, family members. How are we living our lives and what do people see when they see us? Woodstock contributed: Character is what do you do when no one is watching. What kinds of websites do we visit when we are alone? Good points, Woodstock! I appreciate the help brother.


Hurricane of Pain


Doodle, Pick, Bolt, Woodstock, SinkO, @quattro, Schwartz, Peddles, Bunt, Wood, @semi, @trex, @ruxpin, @toy-soldier, @chattahoochee, Chauffer, @chappie, Probe, @fireplex, Bubba, and @yukon posted for a Hurricane of Pain on a moist Saturday morning beat down.

Warm-O Rama

  • 20 Side Straddle Hops-in cadence
  • 20 Cherry Pickers-in cadence
  • 20 Mountain Climbers-in cadence
  • 20 Windmills-in cadence
  • Mosey to Georgetown Middle School front lawn

The Thang (partner up)

  • Phase 1: Partner #1 does AMRAP Mountain Climber while partner #2 Jail Breaks to next sidewalk and completes 10 Burpees. Partner #2 then does AMRAP Mountain Climber while partner #2 Jail Breaks to sidewalk and completes 10 Burpees. Hold Plank for the 6.
  • Phase 2: Partner #1 does AMRAP LBC while partner #2 Bear Crawls to next sidewalk and completes 10 Iron Mikes. Partner #2 then does AMRAP LBC while partner #1 Bear Crawls to sidewalk and completes 10 Iron Mikes. Hold 6″ for the 6.
  • Phase 3: Partner #1 does AMRAP Jump Rope while partner #2 Duck Walks to next sidewalk and completes 20 Merkins. Partner #2 then does AMRAP Jump Rope while Partner #1 Duck Walks to sidewalk and completes 20 Merkins. Hold 6″ for the 6.
  • Phase #4: Partner #1 does AMRAP Side Straddle Hops while partner #2 Crab Crawls to last sidewalk and completes 20 Gas Pumpers. Partner #2 then does AMRAP Side Straddle Hops while partner #1 Crab Crawls to sidewalk and completes 20 Gas Pumpers. Plank for the 6.
  • For a little breather we Mosey’d around the front lawn on the sidewalk following Bunt’s lead then circled up for the Third F.
  • We then reversed the exercises to get back to the other side of the lawn.
  • For a little breather we Mosey’d around the front lawn on the sidewalk again following Fireplex’s lead.
  • As a unit NUR to third sidewalk. AMRAP Squats for 6.
  • As a unit Jail break to second sidewalk and standing long jump to first sidewalk. AMRAP Squats for 6.
  • As a unit Side Shuffle to third sidewalk. Al Gore for 6.
  • As a unit Side Shuffle to first sidewalk. Al Gore for 6.
  • Mosey back to circle (long way…of course) for Number Rama, Name-O Rama and Circle of Trust.

Third F

The Right Thing is often the Hard Thing. In F3 we often say, “Do the hard things!” More often than not the hard thing is the right thing. David had been annointed as the King of Israel as King Saul had stepped out of God’s favor. It came to pass that as King Saul was searching for David in order to kill him David was hiding in a certain cave. King Saul entered the cave to relieve himself. David’s men told him he should kill Saul and claim his kingdom. David did not follow the instruction of his men, but waited on God’s timing to inherit the throne. The easy thing to do would have been to kill Saul while he was unsuspecting and in no position to defend himself and take the kingdom. We too are faced with taking the easy road or the right (hard) road. When faced with decisions in our day-to-day we can choose the easy (wrong) thing or the right (hard) thing.

100 Posts for TRex

This is the definition of consistency, gentlemen!


21 HIM posted on this lovely Saturday morning!

Walk Down Memory Lane

21 HIM (2 FNGs and a visitor from F3 Knoxville) posted this morning for a Independence Weekend beatdown!


Bolt, @quattro, sinko, doodle, FNG (la-tongue), mr mom, @looney-tunes, pick, @cowbell, @whirlybird, FNG (jiggle jiggle), geppetto (F3 Knoxville), @trex, bunt, @ruxpin, pusher, @chattahoochee, chauffer, @chappie, @fireplex, @yukon

Warm O Rama

  • 20 SSH (I/C)
  • 15 Windmill (I/C)
  • 10 Chinook each direction (I/C)
  • 15 Cherry Picker (I/C)
  • 20 Mountain Climber (I/C)
  • Mosey to Park next to Presbyterian Church (stopping along the way for 15 Monkey Humpers I/C)

The Thang

Pax divided into groups of three somewhat equally sized HIM. Exercise #1: Three Amigos-groups squatted back to back and walked 75 yards stopping every 25 for 10 Merkins. If the group broke their squat the completed 10 Burpees. Exercise #2: 6 Rounds of Daft Punk, also known as the Around the World Lunge (I/C). Exercise #3: 6 Pretzel Merkins each arm. Exercise #4: Bolt 45. Exercise #5: War Hammer. Exercise #6: Groups did Empty Wheelbarrow (third HIM duck walked) changing position every 25 yards until everyone had been in each position. Exercise #7: 20 Stump Hugger (I/C). Exercise #8: Suicides (25 yards, 50 yards and 75 yards). Mosey back to the Circle to close with Number Rama, Name O Rama, naming of 2 FNGs, announcements and prayer requests. Followed up with coffeeteria @ Dunkin Donuts.

Third F

In following with 2 weeks ago being the 6 year Manniversary and Cowbell talking about his first beatdown with F3, this weekend marks my 2nd Manniversary. Quattro had be getting on me to come out for some time but for one reason or another I wouldn’t make it. July 4, 2020 I decided after my morning 5k that I was going out. Being warned upon arrival by Gump that I picked a bad week to show up because, “Fireplex really brings it!” Fireplex introduced me to the Bolt 45s and then ran us to the school where he kicked my butt with his “BLIMPS.” Fortunately for me, he forgot the I came before the M in BLIMPS. That means I only had to do 30 Merkins 4 times instead of 40 Merkins 4 times. I got through the first two sets, but the third one was killing me. I remember Quattro and 2 other HIM after finishing all their Merkins came back and finished mine with me. Quattro even pushed me to do 7 at a time instead of the 5 that I thought was already all I could do. After the BLIMPS, we Moseyed back to the Circle. Along the way I had to walk. The rest of the PAX circled back and picked up the 6. Then there are the Third Fs. This group makes us better men spiritually, as a husband, as a father, as a child and as a citizen. Every message speaks to one, all or a combo of those topics. No one gets left behind and no one is left where they are when they show up for the first time. This group is always moving in a positive direction1

What Legs?

16 HIM posted at the Circle in Georgetown on Saturday for mostly leg beatdown. Bolt, Woodstock, Quattro, Sinko, Doodle, Spaceman, Looney Toones, Semi, T-Rex, Doubtfire, Chauffer, Chappie, Bubba, Fireplex, and Yukon.

Warm O Rama

  • Side Straddle Hop (25 IC)
  • Windmill (25 IC)-slow down Yukon
  • Dancing Bear (20 IC)
  • Cherry Picker (25 IC)
  • Pretzel Merkin (6 IC each arm)
  • Mosey to Georgetown Middle School stopping at James and Robinson for some Monkey Humpers (15 IC)

The Thang

  • Standing Long Jump from one light pole to the next, suicides to the next 2 light poles, plank for the 6
  • Duck Walk to the next light pole, suicides to the next light pole and fence, plank for the 6
  • Lt Dan to the next light pole, suicides to the fence, plank for the 6
  • Monkey Jumpers to the fence, suicides to the light poles, plank for the 6
  • Nur back one light pole, 10 Burpees (brought on by fire siren) 50 Gas Pumpers OYO, plank for the 6
  • Nur back one light pole, 25 Big Boys OYO, plank for the 6
  • Nur back one light pole, 50 LBC OYO, plank for the 6
  • Nur back one light pole
  • Mosey to Circle for Number Rama, Announcement and Prayer Requests, and Name O Rama

The 3rd F is the 2nd F

What is Fellowship? By definition fellowship is “friendly association, especially with people who share one’s interests.” It means closeness. We as F3 have this closeness, this bond. We joke around, bust each other’s chops, the teasing is part of it so long as we don’t cross the line (with this group that line is a long way off). That’s because it’s all in fun. Each one of us knows that no one else here is trying to hurt anyone else here. The other part of fellowship is the support we give each other. Everything from pets to new babies, looking for Christmas gifts to a good doctor, from a family crisis to (tough word) transportation. A guy can make a snarky remark in one post and in the next post he’s lifting and encouraging. Sometimes both posts are directed at the same HIM. Sometimes the snarky remark and the lifting and encouraging are in the same post. The fellowship of this group knows the snarky remarks are all in fun, never serious. But we also know that when there’s a need this group of HIM gets serious. I personally have experienced the serious side of this group. Before I was in this group 2 HIM cancelled their evening plans to take me up state for the only “fun” evening I had in a 2 week span as I moved my brother from hospital to hospital. A third HIM came and visited my brother and family in New York. Just last week a HIM and his family stopped their dinner to look for my missing son, Pick. This same HIM posted a general prayer request and I know that many if not all of you stopped what you were doing to pray for my family. My desire is that none of us take for granted the FELLOWSHIP of this group of men.

Yukon Do It

PAX: @quattro, cinco, bolt, pick, doodle, schwartz, false start, mr mom, FNG (flintstones), spaceman, @semi, @doubtfire, @chattahoochee, chauffer, @chappie, @fireplex, @yukon

Warm O Rama

  • 15 Side Straddle Hop I/C
  • 17 Cherry Pickers I/C
  • 15 Goof Balls I/C
  • 17 Windmills I/C
  • Mosey to Park

The Thang

  • 50 Merkins, Jail Break length of park, 40 Merkins, Jail Break width of park, 30 Merkins, Jail Break length of park, 20 Merkins, Jail Break width of park, 10 Merkins
  • 50 Big Boys, Jail Break length of park, 40 Big Boys, Jail Break width of park, 30 Big Boys, Jail Break length of park, 20 Big Boys, Jail Break width of park, 10 Big Boys
  • 50 Squats, Jail Break length of park, 40 Squats, Jail Break width of park, 30 Squats, Jail Break length of park, 20 Squats, Jail Break with of park, 10 Squats
  • Third F “The ‘Go’ of Preparation” from My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers
  • 25 Burpees, Jail Break length of park, 20 Burpees, mosey back to flags (2 HIM proceeded to Jail Break width of park and do 15 Burpees before moseying back to the flags)
  • Mosey back to circle by way of Yukon’s and Quattro’s old Scout Master as well as Ruby Slipper’s house for 15 Monkey Humpers I/C each.

Ended with Number Rama, Name O Rama, naming FNG from Lancaster area (thank you Mister Mom) Flintstones, and COT

Third F The “Go” of Preparation : It is easy for us to imagine that we will suddenly come to a point in our lives where we are fully prepared, but preparation is not suddenly accomplished. In fact it is a process that must be steadily maintained. It is dangerous to become settled and complacent in our present level of experience. The Christian life requires preparation and more preparation. The sense of sacrifice in the Christian life is readily appealing to a new Christian. From a human standpoint, the one thing that attracts us to Jesus Christ is our sense of the heroic, and a close examination of us by our Lord’s words suddenly puts this tide of enthusiasm to the test. “…go your way. First be reconciled to your brother…” The “go” of preparation is to allow the Word of God to examine you closely. your sense of heroic sacrifice is not good enough. The thing the Holy Spirit will detect in you is your nature that can never work in His service. And no one but God can detect that nature in you. Do you have anything to hide from God? If you do, let God search you with His light. If there is sin in your life, don’t just admit it-confess it. are you willing to obey your Lord and Master, whatever the humiliation to our right to yourself may be? Never disregard a conviction that the Holy Spirit brings to you, If it is important enough to the Spirit of God to bring it to your mind, it is the very thing He is detecting in you. You were looking for some big thing to give up, while God is telling you of some tiny thing that must go. But behind that tiny thing lies the stronghold of obstinacy, and you say, “I will not give up my right to myself”-the very thing that God intends you to give up if you are to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.

The “AMERICAN” Beatdown

Warm-O Rama

  • 20 SSH I/C
  • 20 Cherry Pickers I/C
  • 20 Goofballs I/C
  • 20 Windmills I/C
  • Mosey to Robinson St and James St for 15 Monkey Humpers I/C
  • Mosey to Georgetown Middle School front lawn

The Thang

  • A = Angle Grinder (20 in slow cadence)
  • M = Merkin Jax (Ratio of 1 Merkin : 4 Plank Jax-up to 5:20 and back down OYO)
  • E = E2K (50 each side OYO)
  • R = Rosalita Wip (20 I/C)
  • I = Indian Bear Crawl to center sidewalk-Indian Crab Crawl back
  • C = Captain Therkin (Ratio of 1 Big Boy : 4 American Hammer up to 5:20 and back down OYO with 5 Merkins between each set)
  • A = Apple Turnover (Bear Crawl to first sidewalk-Crab Crawl to second sidewalk-Nur back)
  • N = No Surrender (15 I/C each leg)

Third F

Mosey back to circle for Number Rama, Name-O Rama and Circle of Trust.

Block Party

Cool morning on May 1, we warmed up quickly!


16 HIM posted in the gloom to attend a Block Party! Warm-O-Rama: 20 SSH I/C, 20 Windmills I/C, 20 Smurfjacks I/C, 20 Cherry Picmers I/C, Toy Soldier Set (50/25/15)OYO. Mosey to the Firehouse.
The Thang “Block Party”

All HIM grab a block. 10 Blockees OYO. Lt. Dan with an Overhead Press across the parking lot. 26 American Blockhammers I/C. Bear Crawl Block Drag across parking lot. 25 Big Boys with Block OYO. Mosey around the block carrying your block. 10 BTTW Merkins OYO. Lt. Dan length of building. 15 Offset Merkins each arm alternating between Merkins. Crab Crawl with block on stomach across parking lot. 20 Gas Pumpers I/C. Shared Third F. NUR across parking lot with block. 30 Jump Ups onto Block. Duck Walk carrying block. 15 Merkins OYO. Wosey to truck with block overhead. Replace blocks into truck.

Mosey back to circle. 5 Pretzel Merkins each arm OYO.

Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, Named FNG, “Sinko” COT.

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