Ladder style circuit. Pull-Up Progression was 1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1. Between each set of Pull Ups PAX completed 10 Merkins, 10 Squats, and 10 American Hammers, totaling 100 reps each. 30 reps of Pull-Ups were completed in total.
Third F Message: Excerpt from “Extreme Ownership” -Jocko Willink & Leif Babin
Mosey back to AO Bball Court
The Thang 2: Court Corners
PAX Lt. Dan from 1st Corner to 2nd. Completed 10 Box Cutters IC. PAX then bear crawled to 3rd Corner, completed 10 Box Cutters in opposite direction IC. PAX Nur’d to 4th Corner and did 10 clockwise outlaws OYO. PAX crawl beared back to 1st Corner and completed 10 counter clockwise outlaws OYO.
Here’s the truth…QIC hit snooze and was late to his own beatdown. So, truth be told, the on-time PAX lead the Warm-O-Rama and I don’t have a clue what they did! Shoutout to the dozen PAX who extended grace for my tardiness and still followed my lead upon arrival!
Once QIC arrived, we got right to it w/ a “Friendly” Patriot Run to Milton Memorial Park
The Thang: Monkey-A-Round
PAX rotated between 5 stations doing as many reps as possible for as many rounds as possible. Rotation happened when PAX running at station 5 completed their loop.
Pull Ups
Swerkins w/ Tuck (Complete a merkin with feet in swing then pull feet in for a tuck – BRUTAL!)
Box Jump to Incline Merkin
Forearm Plank
Run loop around gazebo
PAX completed 6 rounds in 20 minutes.
3rd F Message: Excerpt from “Finishing Strong” by Steve Farrar on Vision
Using a square of sidewalk in front of Georgetown Elementary with roughly 100 yards between the points, the PAX went through 7 rounds of pain. In each round the PAX stopped at each tip of the “diamond” to perform the given exercise and reps. Mosey transitions
Round 1: 7 Burpees
Round 2: 14 4-Count Flutter Kicks
Round 3: 21 Merkins
Round 4: 28 Squats
Round 5: 21 LBC’s
Round 6: 14 Iron Mikes
Round 7: 7 Diamond Merkins
After first 4 rounds, we broke for a third F. I read an excerpt from “Wild at Heart” by John Eldredge
“Which would you rather be said of you: “Harry? Sure I know him. He’s a real sweet guy.” Or, Yes, I know about Harry. He’s a dangerous man…in a really good way.” Ladies, how about you? Which man would you rather have as your mate? (Some women, hurt by masculinity gone bad, might argue for the “safe” man…and then wonder why, years later, there is no passion in their marriage, why he is distant and cold.) And as for your own femininity, which would you rather have said of you–that you are a “tireless worker,” or that you are a “captivating woman”? I rest my case.
What if? What if those deep desires in our hearts are telling us the truth, revealing to us the life we were meant to live? God gave us eyes so that we might see, he gave us ears that we might hear, he gave us wills that we might choose, and he gave us hearts that we might live. The way we handle the heart is everything. A man must know he is powerful, he must know he has what it takes. A woman must know she is beautiful, she must know she is worth fighting for. “but you don’t understand,” said one woman to me. “I’m living with a hollow man.” No, it’s in there. His heart is there. It may have evaded you, like a wounded animal, always out of reach, one step beyond your catching. But it’s there. “I don’t know when I died,” said another man. “But I feel like I’m just using up oxygen.” I understand. Your heart may feel dead and gone, but it’s there. Something wild and strong and valiant, just waiting to be released.”
Mosey to National Guard for The Thang 2!
The Thang 2: “Grizzcalator”
PAX Complete 1 Merkin with hands on the bottom step and then 2 Merkins with hands on the 2nd step, 3 Merkins on the 3rd step, etc., all the way up to 14 merkins on the 14th step. Total = 105 Merkins
Mosey back to the AO for “Johnny Cash”
Johnny Cash: Part 1
PAX circled up and all hold 6 inches. 1 PAX at a time completes 10 Big Boys while everyone else holds 6.
Summary: With 2 FNG’s in tow, and nearly double digits for the first time in Georgetown, 9 PAX sharpened iron in the county seat!
SSH – 20 IC
Seal Jacks – 20 IC
Smurf Jacks – 20 IC
Cherry Pickers – 20 IC
Windmill – 20 IC
Windshield Wipers – 10 IC
Rearview Wipers – 10 IC
Mosey to Georgetown Elementary for the thang!
The Thang 1: “Chappie Challenge”
PAX lined up along sidewalk 1 on near side of school front yard. Bearcrawl to sidewalk 2, mosey back to start, complete 30 merkins – OYO. Bearcrawl to sidewalk 2, Lt. Dans to sidewalk 3, mosey back to start, complete 20 Merkins. Bearcrawl to sidewalk 2, Lt. Dans to sidewalk 3, Dragoncrawl to sidewalk 4, mosey back to start, complete 10 Merkins.
Mosey to Library for The Thang 2!
The Thang 2: “Descending Curb Crawl”
Complete 10 Derkins, bear crawl to opposite curb for 9 Irkins, Crawl back to initial curb for 8 Derkins…rinse and repeat descending to 1.
Break for Third F: “Catch People on the Bounce”
QIC is currently reading “Everybody Always” by Bob Goff. The book challenges us all to love, literally everyone, regardless of their difficulty or what they’ve done or are currently going through.” A particular excerpt spoke deeply to me last night and I decided to share with the group. I believe that F3 is the perfect brotherhood to catch one another on the bounce…If you don’t know what I mean, read below:
“There’s one last thing the instructor told us in class. He said if the main parachute doesn’t open up, and the reserve parachute doesn’t either, you’ve got about 45 seconds before you hit the ground and make your mark. I was surprised and a little grossed out when the instructor said hitting the ground isn’t want kills you. Every bone in your body will break, of course. But after you hit the ground, you’ll bounce – and it’s the second time you hit that kills you as the broken bones puncture all your organs I know that is kind of graphic, but it’s true.
I’m a lawyer, so with this information in mind I figured I needed a strategy. Here’s mine: if none of the parachutes open up, when I hit the ground, I’m going to brag the grass and avoid the bounce. What is true in skydiving is true in our lives. It’s usually not the initial failure that takes us out; it’s the bounce. We’ve all hit the ground hard at work or in a relationship or with a big ambition. Whether we had a big, public failure or an even bigger private one, the initial failure won’t crush our spirit or kill our faith; it’s the second hit that does. The second hit is what follows when things go massively wrong or we fail big, and the people we thought would rush to us create distance instead. The express disapproval or teat us with polite indifference
If we want to be like Jesus, here’s our simple and courageous job: Catch people on the bounce. When they mess up, reach out to them with love and acceptance the way Jesus did. When they hit hard, run to them with your arms wide open to hug them even harder. God wants to be with them when they mess up, and He wants us to participate.”
“Everybody Always” -Bob Goff
Mosey back to AO for The Thang 3!
The Thang 3: 11’s of Box Jumps & Dips
PAX split into 2 groups at each planter of the GTown Circle. PAX completed 10 Dips at initial planter, ran across circle to opposite planter for 1 Box Jump, back to initial planter for 9 dips, back across for 2 Box Jumps…rinse and repeat until you’ve gone from 10 to 1 on Dips and 1 to 10 on Box Jumps. Total reps for each round always equaling 11.
Summary: It was frigid this gloom. Numb Fingers and Toes were experienced by all but warmth was found at every “Fire Pit” along the way. These 10 PAX pushed hard and it was an honor to “Lift The Lid” with them!
SSH – 20 IC
Seal Jacks – 20 IC
Moroccan Night Club – 20 IC
Cherry Pickers – 20 IC
Windmill – 20 IC
Windshield Wipers – 10 IC (New Addition: Lay on your back and swing right foot to left hand, left foot to right hand. Oh So nice on the hamstrings!)
Rearview Wipers = 10 IC (New Addition: Same format but laying on your stomach)
PAX in a circle, chopping feet. Each PAX calls out “Fire,” all PAX hit the ground, roll right, Merking, roll left, another Merkin, then back up Chopping. Rinse and repeat until all PAX have called “Fire.”
Mosey to Mercer-Sydell Dental for FIRE PIT 2
Begin by bear crawling around in circle until Q says stop. Upon stopping, first Pax completes 10 merkins while other Pax plank, then next pax in line completes 10 merkins while other pax plank. Keep going around until all pax have completed the 10 merkins. Rinse and repeat with 10 Wide Merkins, then 10 Diamond Merkins
Mosey to Shipbuilders for FIRE PIT 3
PAX in a circle all holding 6 inches. First PAX completes 10 Big Boy Sit-Ups while others hold 6, then next pax in line completes 10 big boys, so on and so forth. Second Round, switch to high plank paired with 10 LBCs. Final Round, back to holding 6 inches paired with 10 Flutter Kicks.
Prison Break back to AO!
Break for Third F: “Leadership is spelled E-X-A-M-P-L-E”
“People need a model to follow, not a motto to say”
“Your actions speak so loud that what you say, I can’t hear.”
It’s interesting to note that the Christian trend of the WWJD bracelet in the ’90’s was “What Would Jesus Do” not “What did Jesus Say” or “What would Jesus Say.” Jesus is the greatest Leader that has ever lived. Regardless of your faith, you cannot deny his loyal following for centuries after His death. More have died and lived for His name than any other in the World’s history. There’s a lot of reasons for this but I believe it is because of His flawless example. Jesus gave us a model to follow, not just a motto to say. Even Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 11:1, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” In Ephesians, Husbands are charged to “love your wives, just as Christ loved the church.” It’s not a charge to love our wives because Jesus said so. It’s a true example to emulate. As leaders of our homes, workplaces, F3 Beatdowns, etc….it is vital that we lead by example. Talk is cheap. The only way to truly lead is from the front, giving those behind you a model to follow.
Back at it for Fire Pit 4
Fire Pit 4: “Wall of Fire”
PAX all holding People’s Chair. First PAX breaks hold and completes 10 Burpees, returns to Chair, next PAX takes on the Burpees, so on and so forth. Rinse and Repeat with 10 Squats and then 10 Split Jacks. OUCH!
Mosey to Soccer Field at St. Michael The Archangel
The Thang 1: “Catch Me If You Can”
PAX Partner/Team Up. Once PAX does an exercise while the other PAX NUR’s around the soccer field. Once PAX completes the exercise, He sprints to his teammate and they swap duties. Rinse and Repeat until full lap around field is complete. PAX Completed 4 Laps with the following exercises: Round 1: 5 Burpees, R2: 10 Squats, R3: 10 Diamond Merkins, R4: 10 Big Boys)
Break for Third F: Disruption (F1)
Back at it…
The Thang 2: “William Wallace”
PAX back into teams. 1 PAX runs from sideline to the other sideline and performs a chosen exercise while the rest of the PAX are in plank. That PAX returns to his corner and alternating PAX run to opposing sideline to complete the same exercise. 3 Rounds of exercises were completed: 10 Merkins – High Plank, 20 Big Boys – Crab Plank, 10 Burpees – Forearm Plank.
Mosey back to the AO w/ 6 minutes to spare
The Thang 3: “Mary-Go-Round”
PAX had the chance to pick a Core Exercise (Mary), upon completion of called exercise, PAX ran a lap (Go-Round), came back for the next core exercise called, etc., etc. Scissor Kicks, 6 Inches, Flutter Kicks
“There’s a tenacity to persistence that’s easy to overlook. Day after day it just doesn’t let go regardless of obstacles. Dad (Truitt Cathy) was joyfully persistent; with his principles and his focus on excellence. The persistent leader is quietly tenacious and delightfully determined.” -Dan Cathy (CEO Chick-fil-A)
In my own life, I feel that I’ve always been persistent. However, to be joyfully persistent is a whole different story. I’ve spent most of my ambitious life “pissed-off persistent” if anything. I recently heard an Entrepreneur talk about the moment when he realized that he was committed to finishing what he started. He explained that if he was committed to finishing, than he might as well quit being angry through the process and choose to be joyful. Being “quietly tenacious and delightfully determined” takes an internal decision to choose “Joy” even in obstacles. So, with that, lets be joyfully persistent, quietly tenacious, and delightfully determined to finish this and every beatdown! Aye!
20 Dips, 20 Shoulder Taps IC, 30 Step Up’s (Alt. Legs), Hold 60 Count High Plank
Mosey to 2nd Street
30 yard Lt. Dan
Mosey to St. Peter’s Wall
20 Seated Overhead Claps, 20 Count by Chattahoochee, Drop 2 inches, 20 Count by Chairman, drop 2 inches, 20 count by Ruxpin
Break for Third F Message
So often we find ourselves paralyzed by worry when God reminds us that worrying adds no value, fixes no problem, and ultimately creates more damage in difficult situations. Surrendering our burdens to God doesn’t mean that he will fix every problem like a genie in bottle, but it does mean that he hears our concern and wants to carry our burden for us. We need to cast our cares and have the faith that God truly cares for us. Whether the challenge is finances, health, family, relational, etc., we need to remember that worry adds zero value and only intensifies the issue at hand. Living worry free does not mean that you are “care-free.” We must work like it depends on us and pray like it depends on God. There is true freedom in prayer, petition, and thanksgiving.
Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Luke 12:25-31
25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life[a]?26 Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
27 “Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith!29 And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it.30 For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them.31 But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.
Back At It!
Mosey to Canalfront Park Steps for “Deep Sea Diver” (Dive 4 steps, 5 reps IC per step)
Mosey back to AO – 20 Flutter Kicks IC, Alphabet A-M, Toy soldier set (35-25-20)
Feet on the wall – do 1 Merkin, climb feet to 45 degrees, do 1 Merkin, go to full balls to the wall and hold for the six. Lt. Dan to opposing wall and repeat at 2 reps, then 3, all the way to 10.
Mosey to East Adams St. for The Thang 2:
The Thang 2: Ascending Curb Crawl
PAX complete 1 dip on the curb, bear crawl across the street to complete 2 dips, back to initial curb for 3 dips, ascending to 10.
Break for Third F: Discipline Will Win
“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment”
“Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you.”
2 Timothy 1:7 – “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.”
Winning the small battles gives you the momentum and the self-image necessary to conquer the larger ones. 62% of wealthy people floss every day. This isn’t a sign of vanity, it’s a sign of discipline. Momentum in personal discipline sets the tone for discipline in all areas of life. Discipline is a cornerstone for ALL success.
Mosey back to National Guard Steps for The Thang 3
The Thang 3: AscendingSquats
Box Jump up the steps to first platform, complete 1 Squat, Box Jump to 2nd Platform, complete 2 squats, Mosey down to platform for 3 squats, mosey to base of steps for 4 squats, box jump to platform 1 for 5 squats, box jump to platform 2 for , 6 squats, on and on to 10…
Mosey back to AO
The Thang 4: Mary-Go-Round
10 Jack-Knives
Run a lap around the circle
20 Flutter Kicks IC
Run a lap
10 Big Boys
Run a lap
20 Scissor Kicks IC
Run a lap
20 Plank Marches IC
Run a lap
20 Side Plank Ground Taps, Switch sides, rinse and repeat
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.” -Abraham Lincoln
To get the results we are seeking, we often need to slow down. Excellence takes time and patience. Sometimes this looks like returning to the basics and focusing on fundamentals. Other times it looks like growing your skill set and increasing your capacity. Either way, 100% of the time it is about taking personal responsibility for your personal growth. Constant growth of self is the key component to going the distance in your fitness, family, relationships, faith, etc. Sometimes this process is slower than you’d like it to be. But slowing down to improve, helps you to speed up in the long haul and most importantly, finish strong.
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” -Galations 6:9
Ended with Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, & COT/BOM
Special Welcome to our newest High Impact Man, Semi! It won’t get easier, but you’ll get better.