Author name: Brandon Mallon

F3 Aegis 3.18.2023 “Invigotate”


20 – SSH

20 – Windmill

20 – Moracan Night Club

10 – Mountain Climbers

Mosey to School

Split in teams

Suicide Run while team does Merkins, Squats, SSHs, Crab Jacks, Plank Jacks, and LBCs.  

Carolina Drill in circle both ways

3rd F

To invigorate is to fill with energy or a feeling of vitality, renewal, or refreshment.

Invigorate is especially used in the context of things that make people feel “alive” or renewed or refreshed physically, mentally, and emotionally. Such a state or feeling can be called vigor, which is at the root of invigorate.  In other words, to invigorate is to fill with vigor.  Someone who feels this way can be described with the adjective invigorated, as in I feel really invigorated after that long, restful weekend.  Something that invigorates can be described with the adjective invigorating, as in I love an invigorating swim in the ocean.  Sometimes, invigorate is applied to things other than people to mean something like stimulate or boost, as in These measures are meant to invigorate the economy. 

There is one undeniable truth; Men need authentic relationships with other men who are working to be strong fathers, husbands and leaders. Isolation will destroy a man! We have the opportunity to change our community and the trajectory of our families.  Getting in the best shape of your life is just a by-product. The workout is what draws most men like a magnet but the relationships, brotherhood and community keeps men coming back. An F3 workout helps us accomplish F3’s mission to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Call out each HIM and ask who brought and why they keep coming back. 

Yeah we like to joke around and poke the bear, but we need to focus on the main thing stated above “Isolation will destroy a man”.  It almost destroyed me when I was young. 

Patriot to the Armory in Teams

Stair hops to top – 10 Burpees while others hold 6”, Hello Dolly’s, Flutter Kicks, Big Boys, and American Hammers.

Mosey back to the circle

Announcements – Memorial Day Beatdown is still on a Monday this year

Prayers – Quattro’s Feet, 2.0 hurt at F3 Houston Area, T-Rex Dad, All HIM needing that support these days to avoid temptation HIM – T-Rex(Q), Yukon, Pick, Quattro, Looney Tunes, Whirlybird, Semi, Sherlock, Ruxpin, Fireplex, Probe,


F3 Workout 3.8.2023 – 1st Town

Warmup VQ (Rooster)

Side Straddle Hops (20 reps)

WindMills – 20 Reps

Moroccan Night Club – 20 Reps

Mercans(10 reps) – 1st Rep Lean Left and Right in middle of Mercan)

Hip Circles – 10 each direction

Flutter Kicks – 20 reps

Mosey around Parking Lot

Tip Toe Squats

Running Leg Kicks

Dips – 30 Reps OYO

Wojo Squats(20 OYO) – slap pavement

Indian Run – front person steps aside and does 15 merkins then sprints to the back of the line

ATMs – 15 Alternating Shoulder Taps, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Fast Merkins

3rd F

ANGER – Ways to deal with Anger, hold them in or let them out.  I heard in a homily a few weeks back the following questions:

How much anger do you have in your heart on a scale of 1-5?

Who are the people you are tempted to get angry at?

Is there anyone you find yourself calling names that you can’t or shouldn’t say in Church?

With whom do you just need to clean up some hurt feelings?

With whom do you need to reconcile?  What percentage of that problem is your responsibility and what do you need to own?

What are your thoughts on the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation?

I used to hold in my anger and feelings which beat me up and lead to feelings towards people that lead down a dark path.  I have made a commitment in 2023 to change that.  In Proverbs 4:23 it tells us to “Above all else guard your heart, for from it flows the well-spring of life”.  If there is anger in your heart, do your best to have it washed clean and filled with love and compassion.

20 Plank Jacks

20 Crab Jacks

15 Dips by each HIM in Circle while others hold Dip Form until First HIM Completes Set

50 LBCs, 25 E2Ks, and 15 Big Boys

Name-o-Rama – Mr. Mom, Rooster, Looney Tunes, Gee Eye, WildWing, T-Rex on Q.

Santa Claus is Coming to The Aegis

F3 First State 12.24.2022


Cherry Pickers – 24 reps

Moroccan Night Club – 24 reps

Side Straddle Hops – 24 reps

Alternating Shoulder Taps – 24 reps

Mosey to Fire House

Bolt 45 with Coupons

24 Alternating Mercins with Coupon

Curls for Girls – (10 reps, 20 reps, 20 reps, 10 reps)

Wall Sit with Coupon while Team Member walks up stairs with coupon shipping a step.  Hit all steps on the way down.

Murder Bunnie Relay

3rd F “Christ in Christmas”

What is the meaning of Christmas?  For me as a kid it was being dragged to Mass on Christmas Eve and ripping open presents on Christmas Day while spending time with Family and eating food.  Now as a Father of 2 girls, it is more teaching my kids about the true meaning of Christmas.  I have learned from my kids going to Sunday School and Sunday service with me that they are being taught the right way to celebrate Christmas.  Keep Christ in Christmas.  My 5 year old MacKenzie told me when we asked her what she wanted from Santa, she said she wanted to be nice and donate gifts to kids who couldn’t afford gifts.  Caroline said she wanted a Hooverboard but also wanted to take her old toys and donate them to Casa San Francisco.  Think about ways we can do things ourselves:

  • Forgive someone you needed to forgive for a long time. 
  • Make sure to keep a Nativity Scene in your house and talk to your kids about the meaning of that display
  • Plan a charity event to help those less fortunate
  • Christmas morning instead of opening presents right away, read a Bible Verse like Matthew 1:18-25.  Or read a book to your kids about the meaning of Christmas.

Back on July 21st here in Aegis, I asked everyone to think of three things you wanted to accomplish by the end of the year.  How many of you did that?  What did you do?    

Mosey to the Circle

24 Big Boys

24 E2Ks

24 LBCs

24 Four Count Freddies

Name-o-Rama – Blue Pill, Quattro, Cinco, Bunt, Hoss, Woodstock, Pick, Biddie, Yukon, Bolt, Mr. Mom, Looney Tunes, Whirlybird, Semi, Deez, Beeker, Cinnabon, Ruxpin(200 Posts!). Chattahoochee, Chauffer, Chappie, Fireplex, and TRex on Q.

9.3.2022 AEGIS Beatdown

F3 Baseball Themed Workout


Side Straddle Hops – 30 reps

Cherry Pickers – 20 reps

Compass Squats – 30 reps

Alternating Shoulder Taps – 20 reps

50 LBCs

Mosey to Baseball Field

7 of Diamonds – Performed on a large diamond (i.e. a square); we use the outside of a baseball field, but any large area will work. For the first round, do 7 reps of an exercise (burpees) at each of the 4 corners with a mosey (or sprint) in between corners. Each round, increase by 7 reps with a different exercise each round, for a total of 4 rounds. Round 2, 14 four count flutter kicks at each of the 4 corners. Round 3, 21 merkins at each of the 4 corners. Round 4, 28 squats at each of the 4 corners. Round 5, 21 merkins at each of the 4 corners. Round 6, 14 flutter kicks at eac of the 4 corners. Round 7, 7 burpees at each of the 4 corners.

3rd F

Everything that has been holding me back is about to leave my life.  I am ready and able to make the necessary changes in my life to push myself to the next level.  My future is bright and full of blessings just waiting for me to arrive and receive them.  Daily Affirmation from ThirdEyeThoughts on Instagram.  There have been times in my life where I felt something or someone was holding me back from getting promoted, making Captain on the Baseball Team, or being a better person.  Don’t let feelings hold you back on what you want. 

Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plant to give you hope and a future.”

Goes back to my last Q, how many of you wrote down things you want to accomplish by the end of the year? 

Mosey to the Circle

25 Big Boys

15 E2Ks Each side

Name-o-Rama – Bolt, Itty Bitty, Yukon, Pick, Softy, FNG, Bunt, Lunchables, Wood, Bitty(?), Whirlybird, Spreader, Mr. Mom, Chattahoocie, Chauffer, Probe, Fireplex, Bubba, T-Rex on Q for Semi.

7.9.2022 Beatdown(Georgetown)

Side Straddle Hops (30 reps)

25 Mountain Climbers in Cadence

15 Cherry Pickers

50 LBCs

25 Big Boys

Patriot Run to the Baseball Field

Bear Crawl Baseball – Bear Crawl to 1st 50 Bobby Hurleys, Bear Crawl to 2nd 25 Merkins, Bear Crawl to 3rd 25 Big Boys, Bear Crawl to Home 50 Gas Pumpers(all exercises OYO)

3rd F

Normally, I talk about stress, anxiety, or some other mental health concerns going on in my life right now.  But I am going to bring up something that my cousin who is a nurse in Chicago posted on July 4th evening as she was working in the hospital where those victims were sent.  Her friends were texting her about donating blood.  When was the last time you have donated?  I donate and there will be a time when I need blood on an operating table or ER.  We can help save lives of someone who has the same Type as you!  I am not affiliated with any donation center but looked up the Blood Bank of Delmarva and they have the following donation events coming up:

Crooked Hammock Brewery(Lewes, DE) – 7/18 and 7/28 12:00-5:00

Georgetown Cheer – 7/20 12:00-6:00

Seaford Volunteer Fire Dept – 7/21 1:00-6:00

Big Oyster Brewery – 7/26 12:00-5:00

Milford Elks Lodge – 8/1 12:00-6:00

You never know when your life might be dependable on the donation of someone else’s blood. 

Bridge of Hate – One pax will then be lifted and passed down the line of the pax that are laying on the ground. When the pax that was being passed down the line gets to the front he lays next to the last man and the man at the rear of the line then gets passed down, so forth and so on.

Curls for Girls with Coupons from home plate to right field

Patriot Run back to Circle

Name-o-Rama – Sherlock, Spreader, Doodle, Quattro, Whirlybird, Cinco , Woodstock, Bunt, Silo, Cowbell, Mr Mom, Semi, Ruxpin, Chattahoochee, Chappie, Fireplex, Bubba, Trex(Q)

CHOP 6.21.2022 Beatdown

F3 Workout 6.21.2022

Side Straddle Hops (30 Reps)

Arm Circle (20 reps each direction)

Fox Hole Merkins – aka Gas Station Hotdogs(20 reps)

Sally’s Cousin – Play Flower by Moby

Curls for the Girls with Coupon(15 seconds, 30 seconds, 45 seconds, 30 seconds, and 15 seconds) – max reps by each PAX

Hernia – Lay on Back V-Ups with Coupon

50 LBCs

25 Big Boys

15 E2Ks

3rd F

Lots of people are experiencing some hard times with work, family, themselves, or another person.  I see this with my own life.  The stress at work with a new system is leading people to look for another job.  The stress of how are we going to afford our next mortgage payment, the stress of not connecting with your spouse, not having that close friend be that close anymore leads people down paths that  need to have a little light shined on them.  Whirlybird called me the other day to ask about my Mom, that means a lot, lots of guys in this group have come to be there for one another.  If you have that feeling of needing to reach out to someone to check on them, do it.  If you need that support, call one of us here in F3. 

Psalms 34:17-18

When the righteous cry out for help, the Lord Hears, and rescues them from all their broken troubles.  The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves the crushed in Spirit”

Make that call today to someone you haven’t talked to in a while.  Brighten their day and make them smile because you could be that person that saves them from going down that dark path.

Welsh Dragons – Bear Crawl 4 Steps, 1 Merkin, 1 Plank Jack, Should Tap each side(10 Reps) use driveway to side road

110s – Split into Groups and run 110 yard sprints(3 sets of Sprints)

Name-o-rama- Quattro, Whirlybird, Mr. Mom, Semi, Flat Tire, Focker, Baa, Sherlock, Flat Bottom, Wooley, Looney Tunes, Spreader, Toy Soldier, Fire Plex, Struedel, T-Rex on Q.

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