Author name: Lance Holt

Split Deuce


Q; Sharkbait & Beach

Pax Beach & Sharkbait

As YHC (Sharkbait) remembers it.


SSH 25

IW 25

Abe Begotas 20

11’s box jumps bear crawl 40 yards Merkins Mosey back

Switch Q to Beach

1/4 Mile + Lap

Peter Parker’s to failure

1/4 Mile + Lap

LBC’s to failure

1/4 Mole + Lap




VQ Jagger

Pax Beach, Bruhaja, Cleveland Rocks, Burgundy, Hogs Breath and Sharkbait


1 Lap of Indian Run (surprise with 2)

20 LBCs

25 Abe Vigotas


The Thang

Deck of Death

DMC Routine Best on a football field but can be done with any designated points or posts. From the goal line Duck walk to the 10 yard line, 5 merkins, reverse bearcrawl back to goal line. Repeat to the 20, 30, 40 and 50 yardlines increasing # of merkins by 5. Duckwalk-Merkin-Reverse Bearcrawl.


Burpee Mile +

Q Sharkbait

Pax Priorities, Burgundy, Ponch, Cleveland Rocks, Flea and Great Clips

Warm Up


Copperhead Squats

Imperial Walkers

Hill Billies

Sun Gods

Abe Begotas

The Thang

Burpee Mile

First Stop Wharf Marker

Second Stop Plaza then some work

Alternate 3 rounds of 4 count In Cadence

Dips and Derkins

Lunge Walk across Plaza

20 Plank Jacks

20 Box Jumps onto Ledge

Bear Crawl Back Across Plaza

Finish Burpee Mile same midpoint stop

6 Minutes of Mary

Gas Pumps 20

Flea’s round?

LBC’s 101

Team Leg Raises 20


Words of Wisdom

I am currently riding a high point and I am very grateful and aware this to shall pass.

Beaching Obamas

Q Sharkbait
Pax Beach & Burgundy

Warm Up
Hill Billies
Abe Begota
Copper Head Squats

The Thang

Mosey to the Plaza

Grateful Dead dancing bear
Basically a plank-o-rama with some stupidity mixed in. Do 5 Merkins. Rotate 360° in place to the left. Left arm up, right arm up, etc. Do 5 Werkins. Rotate 360° in place to the right. Left arm up, right arm up, etc. Do 5 Diamond Merkins. Now while in place, lift left arm and leg up, then quickly swap to right arm and leg up. Do this back and forth as quick as you can, making sure to get full extension. Now you look like a Dancing Bear!

5 rounds of Obama’s and Jonny Drama’s
In honor of the 44th POTUS, this traveling exercise consists primarily of a Bear Crawl, but after every 4 hand moves PAX must stop and perform 4 Merkins. (The 4 and 4 for the 44th, in case you needed that explained to you…)
Jonny Drama
Stand with your toes on a stair. One hand on the handrail to the side. Drop your heels below the stair, and then do a calf raise (Technically a Negative Calf Raise). Johnny Drama wanted Calf implants because his calves were not big enough – get them bigger using this. Will smoke the PAX when multiple sets of 25+ are done in workout and folks start running funny

She Hate Me
10 Lunges (20 movements)/10 Burps (Burpees without the pushup and the standing)/10 Pushups. No rest, as many sets as you can, for as long as the QIC deems necessary.
Mosey Back to the Flag’s

Stand by your Men

Q Sharkbait
Pax Hogs Breath & Burgundy

Warm Up
SSH 25
IW 25
Copperhead Squat 20
Abe Begota 20
Hill Billies 25

The Thang
Burpee Merkin Pyramid to 10
Begin a traditional burpee with a single push up at the bottom, then complete. Drop back down for a second burpee with two push ups, then complete. Hooah!

Mosey to the Bench at the end of the Municipal Wharf Parking

Tammy Wynetts’s
Starting position: PAX 1 assumes the merkin plank while PAX 2 remains standing beside ‘his man’ Pax 3 does dips on the bench. Exercise on Squaters count 10 reps. At multiples of 10, the partners rotate workout stations. 10 rounds.

Mosey to Old Wharf Market

Captain Thor
An ab exercise done in a 1:4 ratio. 1 big boy sit up to 4 American Hammers. 7 rounds.

COT Stay Dry and leave a positive Impact.

Super 21 Slightly Modified

Q Sharkbait
Pax Flea & Beach

Warm Up
25 Side Straddle Hopps
20 Imperial Walkers
20 Abe Begotas
20 Copperhead Squats
20 Hill Billies

The Thang
Mosey to the school
Super 21’s
Pike Pushups, 4 count LBC’s with 21 Monkey Humpers for rest #1-10
Derkins, Mountain Climbers with 21 Air Squats #11-15
Ranger Merkins, Gas Pumps and 21 Calf Raises #16-21
Mosey Back to Flags

COT When we say NO to one thing we are saying YES to something else. Are we spending our time and resources on the things that matter most?

Red Sky


Q Sharkbait

Pax Breu Haha, Beach & Jagger


Squat Hold

SSH IC 4 rounds of 10


Hill Billies

Abe Begota

Copper Head Squat


Man Makers 5, Thrusters 10, Bear Crawl to Rail, 5 Aussie Merkins, Lunge Walk  Back X3

Mosey to Amphitheater

10 Box Jumps, 10 Dips, 10 Toes Raises up 10 levels

Incline Merkins 10, Bulgarian Split Squat 5 reps each leg, 4×4’s 5 reps X3

Mosey around School Buildings


LBC’s 20, Flutter Kicks 15, Rosalita 10 X3



Q Sharkbait

Pax Priorities & Flea




Hill Billies

Abe Begotas

Copperhead Squats

Plank Dips

Calf Raises

The Thang

Mosey to Wharf Market

Peoples Chair Air Press

Calf Raises

Assisted Pistol Squats

Mosey to the Plaza

Pax SSH Burpees while one Pax sprints to the other side of the Plaza and Lunge Walks Back.

BoxJump onto raised Seats


Mosey to Shuffle Ball Court Picnic Tables


Aussie Merkins

Mosey to Municipal Wharf

Peoples Chair Air Press

Mosey Back to Flags

Wet Grass


Q Sharkbait

Pax Priorities & Flea




Abe Bigota

Copperhead Squat

Hill Billies

Toe raises / Rocky Balboas 3 Rounds

The Thang

ATM’s 3 Rounds

Bearpees to 5

100 yard sprint / backwards run return

Mosey ¼ Mile

1 Pax does 10 Dips while others perform Squats

Mosey Back.

COT Ponder if this was my last week on earth what would I do & who would I connect with?

15 Minute Pacific Ocean Cold Plunge.

Air 53 degrees, Water 62 degrees

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