Author name: Josh Walstead

Nugget beatdown

11/29/18. Milton, DE. Nugget on Q.

Warm up- 20 SSH. 15 windmills. 15 cherry pickers. 15 shoulder taps. Capri lap.

C2C (corner to corner) sprint in between telephone poles and plank until 6 is in to food lion parking lot for beatdown.

8 pax divide into 2 lines of 4. first guy does a crawl exercise about 20 yards then does 10 hand release merkins then does another crawl exercise back. while second guy does calf raises. while third guy does squats. while fourth guy does SSH. 1st crawl exercise was lt. dan there and jump squat back. 2nd was bear crawl there and crawl bear back. third was dragon crawl there and inch worm back. 

3rd F on Planning. Make sure we plan our lives to live out God’s plan and to fulfill ultimately His purpose and good works and not for our own selfish plans. Make sure you use God’s word for counsel and the wisdom from others who have achieved success in what you are looking to accomplish to help you reach your goals.

12 tricep extension push ups. 25 mule kicks. 50 big boys, all OYO. Mosey home back to AO for COT. 

Good push HIM!

‘slower-lower’ body beatdown

11/17/18 Georgetown DE Nugget on Q.

warm up

20 ssh. 15 windmill. 15 cherry pickers. 20 clockwise plank. lap around circle with high knees, butt kicks, left shuffle, right shuffle, cupid shuffle (just kidding to make sure you’re paying attention!)


Werkin (wide merkin) 50, American Hammer 100 single count, Step ups LONG 150, Hip thrust 200… awkward but funny.


pax side by side in plank by stair case, first pax does 1 merkin then runs up and down stairs to back of line. next pax does 2 merkins and so on to 12.

mosey to middle school for 3rd F. Jeremiah 33:3 “call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” had good discussion about how we hear God.

red barchetta.

run 100 yards do 100 ssh nur to start. run 75 yards do 75 mt climbers nur to start. run 50 yards do 50 lbcs nur to start. run 25 yards do 25 merkins nur to start.

mosey to circle. AYG tricep extension push up until we were saved  by the bell. 

ended in COT. thanks for posting HIM!

bear crawl bridge

11/7. Lewes, De. Nugget on Q.

Warm Up. 20 SSH. 20 windmills. 20 cherry pickers. 20 clock work planks. 10 oppo planks.

Indian run with last man doing scissor jump to bridge

Bear crawl bridge. Partner 1 bear crawls while partner 2 does 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 lbcs then runs to other side of bridge before picking up and continuing to bear crawl where partner 2 was. Partner 2 runs to start and does exercises. Rinse and repeat until there and back.

Wosey to Second St. C2C (corner to corner). Short sprint from start of Second St to Shipcarpenter Square, stopping and planking in-between each roadway/intersection. The sugar rays hold a plank until 6 is in then sprint to next stop.

3rd F on “all it takes is all you got”

AYG (all you got). One pax gets in middle of circle and calls an exercise for all pax to do until he gives AHG (all he got). We did merkins, 6 inches, four count freddys and x’s and o’s.

Mosey to courts for COT and handing the shovel flag and site Q responsibilities to Leatherman!

Milton Murph


Nugget on Q
Warm up20 SSH 15 windmills 15 cherry pickers 15 mountain climbers. 
Mosey to Milton park for the Milton Murph. 
We completed 3 out of the target 4 rounds, so we finished with 75 pull-ups/dips if needed to modify, 150 push ups, 225 squats and 1.75 miles! 

3rd F was about how what we can accomplish together. Example was 2 horses could individually pull 8,000 lbs. But 2 together pulled 24,000 lbs. Lock arms with the men who are fighting the same fight and are in your corner and you’ll be amazed at what you’ll accomplish. 

Ultimate football

10/2 Nugget on Q. 

Warm up. 20 each. SSH. Plank jack. Cherry picker. Windmill. Tempo merkins. Tempo squats. Tempo big boys. (Kinda). 

Ultimate football!
Like ultimate frisbee. Can only take two steps once caught. If team with possession drops they have to do 2 burpees while opposing team can move down field. When team scores they call out exercise all PAX do BUT the team that got scored on does double the reps! Play for 30 minutes!
3rd F. On the platform we have and I used the Eagles as an example for when they won the Super Bowl and glorified all the glory to God rather than beating their chest.

Patriot run-story time.

9/6/2018. Nugget on Q. 7 HIM posted for a beat down in Milton, DE.

Warm up.
20 SSH.
15 cherry pickers.
15 windmills.

Patriot run with the flag ((for election today) with last man doing 1 burpee before he runs to front of line), to Spruce St. for first of 3 ‘story time chats’.

***Instead of one third F message I broke it up into 3 story time chats where i gave some personal background and thoughts on how we can be HIM in our home, businesses, community etc, while we all held a squat.

Patriot run plus burpee to baseball field for 2nd story time chat/squat.

Patriot run to water tower hill for pain station on hill.
All IC. Bear crawl up hill. At top do 10-4ct big boys while declined. Then do 10–4 ct flutter kicks while inclined. Do 10–4 ct inclined merkins. Then 10–4 ct declined merkins. Crawl bear down hill.

Patriot run to fire hall for final story time chat/squat.

Patriot run to AO, made it in right on time!

Ended in COT.

Thanks for coming out today men!

    99 Problems

    8/11/18 Georgetown, DE beat down.

    Nugget on Q!

    4 HIM posted to get a full body beat down.

    Warm-up. 20 ssh. 15 windmills. 15 cherry pickers. 15 maracon night clubs. High knee lap half way around circle. Switch and do other half as butt kicks. Mosey to middle school.

    Leg station. 3 workouts, 33 times =99 sets and a problem at the end. 1. Single leg lunge. 2. High jump squat. 3. Scissor jacks. Problem was wall sit til Chatahoochee said stop. Mosey to microtel.

    Arm station. Same 3×33+pain station. 1. 1,2,3 tempo merkins. 2. Elbow extensions. 3. Dips. Pain station. Balls to wall til vanilla says. Mosey to circle.

    3rd F on Excuses. Proverbs 22:13. The lazy person says, “There’s a lion out there, if I go outside I might be killed!” F3 says, “Go chase that lion!”????

    Mosey to fire hall. Ab station. Same style. 1. Reverse crunch. 2. Superman’s. 3. Big boys. Pain station 6” till 7:59:40 and 20 seconds of insane courage to finish with a sprint to the circle. Except for summit because he though he saw a sniper. ????????

    End in COT and name a rama!

    Shipcarpenter Square

    8/8/18 Work out. Lewes, DE.

    Warm up. 20 SSH. 15 cherry pickers. 15 windmills. Start on baseline, high knees to half, butt kick to end. Start on opposite baseline, right shuffle to half, switch and left shuffle to start. Warm up basketball. First team to 5 wins. After every point, opposing team does 5 burpees. Losing team does suicide. 

    Run to ship carpenter square. 

    While going clockwise,complete 2 rotations of square. Starting at bottom left corner you run to first station and do 25 merkins. Right shuffle to second and do 25 big boys. Nur to 3rd and do 25 shoulder taps. Left shuffle to 4th and do 25 mountain climbers. 

    3rd F is on utterly obsessed vs uninterested.

     Have the right priorities. Be more all in with things that matter like your relationships, especially with wife and kids & with God. Be utterly obsessed with things that matter in your life but also turn away from things that don’t move you and your family, and your relationship with God forward.

    Run back to AO. Quick game of knock out as cool-down. End in COT. Excited for guest Q tomorrow! Continue to be HIM!

    Circle station

    QIC: Nugget

    Date: 7/28

    AO: The Aegis

    Warmup. SSH, Cherry Pickers, High Knees, Butt Kicks & left and right Karaoke.

    Run to first station, do 33 big boys, 50 American hammers & 50 Heal Touches x2. Mosey back to circle.

    Run to second station and do ladder of 9’s. With Scraper Merkins and BTTW Derkins (45°). With Lt. Dans in between. Mosey back to circle.

    Run to third station and do quick core workout: Mt. Climbers & Shoulder Taps. Mosey to fourth and last station.

    Do Inch Worms. Dragon Crawl. And Bear Crawl. Mosey back to circle.

    End in COT! Ran 2+ miles and had a nice full body workout! Thanks for joining HIM!

    Knocked Down


    6 HIM posted

    warm up- tubthumper -chumbawamba. Every time he says “I get knocked down” you do a burpee. Follow Q doing SSH and marrocan night clubs in between.

    Start upper body station at circle. All with cynder block as coupon. 10 irkins. 10 dirkins. 10 left side stagger merkins. 10 right side stagger merkins. 20 triceps extensions. 20 shoulder press. 20 curls.

    Run .5 mile to middle school.

    Ab station. 75 lbcs. 50 reverse crunch. 50 flutter kicks. 25 big boys.

    Run .5 mile back to circle.

    Rinse repeat.

    3rd F. 2nd Corinthians 4:7-16. Definitely would recommend reading this again on your own and digesting it. So much good information.

    Because time restriction did 1 more set of upper body station and ab station all at circle. Without the mile run.

    Totals- 27 burpees in warm up! A lot of arm and ab stuff! And 2 mile run. Great push HIM!

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