Author name: Alan Jackson

Goodyear nope just Blimps

6 HIM posted in lewes this morning for the beatdown

Warmup-  25 SSH, 20 CHERRY PICKERS, 20 SEAL JACKS, all in cadence then a little annie 10 circles each arm while in plank position


Mosey to parking lot by bike shop for 3 rounds of blimps with a ten count between rounds

B   5 burpees 

L.  10 lunges each leg

I.   15 imperial walkers 4 count

M  20 meekins

P 25 plank Jack’s

S 30 squats

Mosey to lot by drawbridge for just a little ab workout

25 flutter kicks, 20 4count freddies, 20 boxcutters all IC then 30 LBC oyo

Mosey to and up second street and back to AO for a round of mary which I do not recall all 6 exercises

The message for today were a few qoutes from Eric thomas

1 which was I’ve got a dream worth more than my sleep

The Burpee mile plus Abs

 3 pax showed up at the circle for another beatdown in this glorious saturday morning. The message for today was a quote on leadership by different  presidents after each pain station i believe the burpees got to me after the 3rd one and i forgot a couple.

Warm up—  20 SSH, 20 Seal Jacks, 20 Windmills, 20 Cherry Pickers, 20 MNC, followed by high needs half way around circle and Toy Soldiers the other half.

The Thangs- – mosey down north bedford to the park by church. 12 burpees and 25 flutter kicks. 

Quote by George Washington Associate yourself with men of good quality,  If you can esteem your own reputation  for tis better to be alone than in bad company.

Mosey to the old NAPA building 12 burpees and a toy soldier set 35 LBC , 25 E2KS and 15 big boy situps.

Thomas Jefferson. No thing can stop a man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal, nothing on earth can help a man with the wrong mental attitude. 

Mosey to the library 12 burpees , 25 4 count freddies.

John Quincy Adams. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more you are a leader.

Mosey to firehall. 12 burpees 15 crab jacks did someone  mention a wall to intentionally poke the bear  took a seat on the wall for 25 overhead handclaps then 15 squats rinse and repeat once

George W. Bush.  A leadership is someone that brings people together.

Mosey down to Dominos and out to East market back to the circle i did not like the number 48 so 12 more burpees for a total of 60 for anyone that wants to work them in today and finish with a round of mary 20 hello dollies, 10 Xs and Os then low plank until the first pax drops.

Number-rama, Name-o-rama and the COT

Prayers to the victims of Florence, and all the PAX or their Ms that are traveling or about to travel this weekend

LOTS OF RESPECT to Chappie for rucking to and from the beatdown this morning

Dirty Dozen Beatdown

10 HIM posted at the CHOP in the misty gloom for the dirty dozen circuit course

Date: 9/13/18

QIC: Chattahoochee

WARM UP– 20 SSH, 20 Windmills, 20 Cherrypickers all in cadence followed by 10 arm circles forward 10 backwards OYO

THE THANG–  12 stations set up in the parking lot at the AO

1) weighted run 20 lb weight vest run the back entrance to the street and back the runner was the timer for the other stations.

2)  Dips on the bench

3)  Box jumps

4)  Slosh pipe lunges

5)  Flutter kicks

6)  Rowing Merkins with 15 lb dumbells 

7)  Squats

8)  Bearcrawl

9)  Abyss Merkins 

10)  WWII situps

11)  Burpee

12) Tire flip

We completed 2 complete rounds

Message for the day was a poem by 

Robert J. Robicheau titled the Eleventh of September.

COT: Prayers for Chairmans mother, All of the people in the path of Florence, Waterfall and family , Leatherman and Ruxpins Ms in their upcoming women’s retreat

4X4 by chattahoochee

30 july 2018

9 pax posted for a 4×4 beatdown

chattahoochee,fireplex, leatherman, vanilla, skipper, chairman, toy soldier and 1 FNG (gristle)  welcome gristle

warm up

35 ssh threw in a few extra as chairman was coming across parking lot , 20 cherry pickers, 20 MNC, 20 windmills

Mosey to first corner for a little merkin mania

15 merkins. 15 hand release merkins, 15 ranger merkins, 15 diamond mekins

Lt dan to light pole mosey to 2nd corner 20 glutter kicks ic, super toy soldier set 50 LBCs, 30 E2ks each side, 20 big boys

Dragon crawl to  telephone pole mosey to 3rd corner,  20 lunges, 20 squats, 20 split jacks,20 monkey humpers

Mosey to 4th corner 50% to 1st pole 75% to 2nd and 100% to corner  20 mt climbers, 15 water striders, 10 mule kicks, 10 burpees

Mosey to AO for a wall sit and 50 over head claps

Finished off with a round of mary which i cant remember everything (respect has a couple minor setbacks with memory sometimes)

Ended with number rama. Name o rama and COT.

My notes got a little damp couldnt read all of my message  on struggle

  Struggle makes you stronger

struggles challenges and hard times offer you much more value than any other time in your life, you can not grow without struggle you can not get stringer without resistance. Think about a time in your life that may have been hard but forced you to become better. Get grateful for the struggles and work on yourself to ensure your future has much more pleasure than pain

Back-2-Back beatdowns

27 June 2018, 7 HIM posted for my Back-2-Back beat downs and to watch a beautiful sunrise over the canal and fishing fleet

Warm-up  50 SSH, 25 cherry pickers, 25 windmills

The Thang-  Mosey 1 lap inside tennis court, 1 lap karaoke switch sides at half way, half lap high knees, half lap toy soldiers.

Deck-of-death –  Deck of cards each suite represents an exercise  deal off 1 card at a time face value represents reps lots of spades seemed to of showed up during the beginning to create a little chatter

Diamonds- diamond merkins

Clubs- prisoner squats

Spades- big boy sit ups

Hearts- Bobby Hurleys

left 2 Jokers in the deck if joker showed up that was 5 burpees

With the message I asked each pax to tell the group what F3 meant to them lots of good input

ended with Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama and COT


50th Birthday beat down

26 June 2018

12 HIM beat the fartsack  and posted for my 50th birthday beatdown

Warm-up  50 sidestraddle hops, 25 cherry pickers, 25 windmills, 25 MNC

The Thang,  Mosey from the AO to the town fishing pier for the  pain station #1

dragon crawl the length of parking spots, 10 merkins, crawl bear back to starting point, 10 merkins.

Mosey to grass lot across from firehouse for pain station  #2

25 flutter kicks,  Toy soldier set 30 LBCs,  E2Ks 20 each side, 15 big boy sit-ups

Mosey across footbridge to town park for pain station #3

50 prisoner squats, 20 step ups on benches,  10 burpees

Mosey back to AO

Quote from John Quincy Adams- If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more you are a leader.

Talked about how to me being in the military along with F3 is a brotherhood

Ended a great beat down with count-o-rama, Name-o-rama and  a COT







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