Author name: Alan Jackson


Chattahoochee on Q

5 HIM posted for my Comeback beat down at the circle on this beautiful saturday morning

WARM UP– 25 SSH, 25 windmills, 25 MNC, 25 cherry pickers, 25 imperial walkers.

The Thang- Mosey out west market street to the bank at 113 cut thru parking lots to possum point players.

15 diamond merkins 10 SSH

15 Ranger merkins 10 SSH

15 Finger tip meekins 10 SSH

15 wide arm merkins 10 SSH

15 Merkins 10 SSH

Mosey to steps on the east side of GMS for Aiken legs 20 Squats, 20 box jumps on steps, 20 Lunges each leg, 20 split Jack’s (4 count)

Mosey to Armory 25 Flutter kicks IC, Toy soldier set 35 LBC, 20 E2Ks each side, 20 box cutters.

Mosey to circle 20 forward arm circles, 10 backward arm circles, IC 20 seal claps, 20 overhead claps.

Every set back is a set back for a comeback God wants to bring you out better than you were before. Unfortunately failure and setbacks are a part of life. No way around it, gotta go through it. However just because folks are experiencing a personal setback whether it be an injury, illness, job loss, financial pitfalls or just hard times in general it does not mean you are forever doomed. It is important to remember that a setback is just where a person is right at the moment not where they will always be. With time, patience and trust in God it is possible for everyone to comeback one way or another both physically and mentally

13 pax 13 stations

A great morning for some HIM to gather for a nice nice little circuit course beatdown

QIC- Chattahoochee

WARMUP- 20 SSH, 20Cherry pickers, 20MNC, 15 Sealjacks 15 Merkins all IC followed by a short mosey out back entrance of the AO around to the front

13 pax showed up so I set up 13 stations with a couple stations on standby in case more pax showed up

  1. Weighted run with 20 lb vest for our timer to switch stations
  2. Bench dips
  3. Box jumps
  4. WWII sit ups
  5. Slosh pipe squats
  6. Burpees
  7. Flutter kicks
  8. Bear crawl
  9. The rowing merkin with choice of 25 lb or 15 lb dumbbells
  10. Abyss merkins
  11. Coupon squats with concrete block
  12. E2Ks
  13. Crab cakes. Almost 1 complete round completed and stopped for a quick 3rd F about leadership. Leadership is not about being the best leadership is about making everyone else bette. Philippians 2:4 Not looking to your own interest but each of you to the interest of others

Just the 2 of us


2 HIM posted for A nice warm morning at the circle with no rain at first and then just a nice cooling mist followed by a good soaking down pour for about the last ten mins of the beat down I washed my weinke so hope my memory serves me correctly

WARM UP- 30 SSH , 25 Windmills, 20 cherry pickers, 25 MNC, Butt ki kersey half way around the circle followed by high knees then other half.

THE THANG– Mosey to the school bear crawl to first sidewalk 20 squats. LT danger to 2nd sidewalk 20 mountain climbers, NUR to third sidewalk 20 split Jack’s

Wosey to the wall- 10 4 count chicken peckers ( balls to the wall with alternating shoulder taps) followed by taking a seat against the wall for 20 overhead claps and 20 seal claps next we took a nice wosey to the opposite end of the school then a mosey to the library for an ab station.

30 flutter kicks IC

Toy soldier set- 50 LBCs, 30 E2Ks, 15 big boy

20 Xs and Os IC

Mosey to gazebo in front of Dominos luckily we had cover this is where the rain got heavier

15 Ranger merkins, 15 wide arm merkins, 15 regular merkins, 15 diamond meekins, 10 knuckle merkins 10 finger tip merkins followed by 1 last mosey down 2 blocks and back around to the circle

Signs signs everywhere a sign

QIC- Chattahoochee

9 HIM posted on a brisk tuesday morning for a nice little workout launching from.the CHOP

Warm up- 20 SSH, 20 Smurfjacks, 20 Windmills, 20 MNC, 20 Merkins all IC

The Thang– Mosey over to the sign shop upon arrival to the sign shop started of with a toy soldier set 35 lbc, 25 e2ks, 15 big boys we then followed that up with walls of Jericho 7 exercises, 7 reps, 7 laps.

7 merkins, 7 diamonds,7 rangers ,7 wide arm,7 derkins, 7 hand release, 7 burgers each followed by a lap around the shop.

Finished up walls of Jericho and a little 3rd F time to hit the Abs. 20 flutter kicks, 15 Hello dollies, 10 Rosalitas all IC with no rest in between after that it was time to mosey back to the AO here we finished up with a round of Mary to old and been to long to remember who done what . After the beatdown time to pay the bank of Chappie with owed burpees from Febng and the crayon drive some HIM still owe.

3rd F A pastor once said in church if you can trust a puzzle company to make sure every piece is in the box to complete the puzzle then why cant you trust that every piece of your life is there for a reason.

Trust in the lord with all your heart and on your own understanding.

Modified mini cooper

8 HIM posted on this glorious Feburary morning to partake in a slight Chattahoochee beatdown starting off with a little warmup at the AO then a mosey downtown

Warmup- 22 SSH, 20 seal jacks, 15 windmills, 15 MNC, 15 Merkins all in cadence

The Thang– Mosey down union street to the firehouse for a round of Howling Monkees Pax in a circle all pax grab ankles in the monkey humper position first pack does 10 monkey jumpers while all pax hold ankles until all pax do 10

Mosey across footbridge to the park for a modified mini cooper.

10 pullups, 10 squats, 10 Merkins, 10 War Hammers then mosey a lap around gazebo rinse and repeat taking of 1 rep of each excersise until 1 rep per exercise finished up with a mosey back to the AO .

3rd F pulled from the Q source:

TEAM DEVELOPMENT = Dynamic teams are essential to both communities and organizations. If a task can be performed by one man than there is no reason to form a team, but when it is to complicated or difficult for a single person acting alone then people must combine to see it through and as soon as they do then BOOM a team is formed whether they realize it or not. For a team is nothing more than a proximate combination of 2 or more people formed to perform a specific mission for the benefit of a community or organization or both.

F3 uses the acronym TEAM

T- is for trust reliance between team members builds a leaders trust.

E- is Equipping a leader ensures his team has what it needs

A is Accountability setting and maintaining high standards within a team

M is for missionality prioritizing team accomplishments


8 HIM beat the fartsack this morning for a good ole leg beatdown

WARMUP- 25-ssh, 10 side lunges each side, 20 windmills, 10 arm circles forward 10 backwards.

THE THANG- Mosey to H and R block 20 flutter kicks IC, 20 4 count freddies, mosey to alley between Walgreens and Family dollar, half pax take the peoples chair while other half does 10 meekins, 10 LBC , 10 burpees switch off followed by 21s between walls 20 Mike tyson’s without the merkin , bear crawl to other wall 1 squat Lt Dan back to first wall for 19 Mike tyson’s bear crawl back to 2nd wall for 2 squats you get the idea. Half way thru there was not much chatter but plenty of grunting and groaning. Took a short break for a 3rd F then mosey back to AO made it with just a couple minutes to spare so 10 War Hammers ( 1 world war II sit up 4 american hammers) The legs may be a little tight but the end of the day.

3rd F I read Isaiah 40: 28-31 the part I thought fit i with today’s beatdown was He gives strength to the weary and Increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall.

Quote by Bruce lee. You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing everything with logic. If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass

1st 2019 Beatdown

10 HIM showed up for the first beatdown of the year. To start of the year we passed the baton to give everyone that wanted it a chance to get in on serving a beatdown to the other Pax. Hopefully I can remember everything and get the order close to being right.

Warm up by Chattahoochee



Mosey out back entrance of the AO and around to the front Chappie took the baton on the first round with a little bring sally up bring sally down merkin beat down

Another repeat mosey followed by 40 squats IC by leatherman

Repeat mosey and Summit took the Baton with a toy soldier set with a surprise between sets 30 LBCs, Lt Dan to next parking row bearcrawl back to start, 20 E2Ks each leg, Lt. Dan/bearcrawl, 10 big boys, Lt. Dan/ bearcrawl

I think it was one more mosey after that and Vanilla took over with 20 alternating shoulder taps, 10 side plank 4 count shoulder taps.each side,

Fireplex/ Semi combo by fireplex descending merkins staring at 10 end in at 1 with a burpee after each set

Vanilla again with 25 American Hammers

Chattahoochee with 20 scissor kicks

Chappie with 20 4 count Freddie’s

Chattahoochee with 5 wall crawls start in the plank with feet against the wall crawl up to balls to the wall position crawl back to the plank

I believe I hit it all but still have the feeling I missed something

Number-rama, Name-o-rama followed by COT.

Afterwards we enjoyed some coffee, juice, breakfast casserole and fellowship thanks to Chappie and his M

Frosty 4×4

9 HIM beat the fartsack this morning for a little 4×4 action  to warm things up  at the CHOP


The Thang- mosey to Mercer dental

20 Merkins, 20 Diamond merkins, 20 Wide arm,and 20 ranger meekins

Lt Dan to light pole mosey to shipbuilders

25 Flutter kicks OC, 35 LBC ,25E2Ks,15 big boys

Bear crawl to first light pole then mosey to next corner

30 squats,20 Bobby hurleys,20 monkey jumpers 20 Mexican jumping beans,

Mosey to next corner 50% to first pole,75% to next and 100% to corner

25 mountain climbers ic,20 4 count Freddie’s ic,15 mule kicks 15 burpees

Mosey back to AO to visit the wall  wall sit with 20 overhead claps, balls to the wall for 10 count by leatherman another wall sit with 20 overhead laps

A little mary to finish up

Crabby patties by hideous 

Hello dollies by Chappie 

Rosolitas by Chattahoochee  

And crab Jack’s by fireplex to finish it off

Burpsgiving Beatdown

4 HIM beat the fartsack on this beautiful brisk 30 degree morning to burn of some calories  so they can prepare to partake  in a big meal with family and friends later today.


15 SSH, 15 Seal Jack’s, 15 Cherry Pickers, 15 Windmills, 15 big arm circles forward, 15 Backwards

The Thang-

The Burpee mile- Mosey to HOB  15 Burpees, Mosey to the old Norma’s for 15 more Burpees, Mosey up to top of the Hill you got it 15 more Burpees,  Mosey to Milton elementary  for 15 more burpees where we to a very short break for a 3rd of to touch on the 1st Thanksgiving. Then had to workout the Abs a little before heading back to the AO.

30 flutter kicks IC

30 American Hammers

30 LBCs

Mosey back to the AO into a stiff headwind going back up Mulberry street. Upon arrival at the AO with 5 minutes left the number 48 did not sit well with me so we hit another 12 burpees  for a total of 60 burpees and somewhere in the neighborhood of a 2 mile mosey plus abs

Finished up with Number-rama, Name-o-rama and COT

HOB walk and crawl

7 HIM posted on thos fine morning for a pre-thankgiving beatdown

Warmup – 25 ssh, 20 sealjacks, 15 cherrypickers,15 windmills,15 MNC

The Thang- Mosey to HOB access road

1st light pole 25 monkey jumpers, lt xan to 2nd pole for 20 squats toy soldier to 3rd pole for 15 Bobby Hurley’s, butt kickers  to 4th pole for just  10 burpees 

Mosey around parking lot and picked a nice spot for ascending curb crawls bear crawl to opposite curb 1 derkin, bear crawl back for 2 derkins rinse and repeat until 10 deakins, a short break for a little message on leadership  from former navy seal commander Leif Babin followed by 25 flutter kicks  IC and a super toy soldier set 40 LBC, 30 E2K, 20 big boys. 

Mosey on back to the AO it pays to be up front the first 4 HIM stopped at back lot on mulberry and picked up Chappie s sandbags and returned to his shed with the other coupons finished up with Count-0-rama, Name-0-rama and COT

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