Author name: Chappie


Date: 9/11

QIC: Chappie

It was truly the Gloom for this workout–parking lot lights were not functioning and on top of that the fog was swimmable. The Gloom lived up to its name for this 9/11 workout. YHC was honored to Q it for that reason, along with the fact that it’s youngest 2.0’s 16th birthday. Here’s how it went down:

Disclaimer given


SSH – 9 IC, 11 IC

GofMerkins – 9 OYO, 11 OYO

Rev. Lunge – 9 OYO, 11 OYO

Seal Jack – 9 IC, 11 IC

Plank Jack – 9 IC, 11 IC

Windmill – 9 IC, 11 IC

Calf Raises – 9 OYO, 11 OYO

The Thang:

So…we have this log at the CHOP. A log purchased just for F3 workouts, but one we tend to avoid because, well, THAT SUCKER IS HEAVY! (Guesstimation from a log measuring app–yes, it exists!–is about 250 lbs.) Well, avoid it no longer, we finally got the logout for this workout. Mosey to the other side of the parking lot to get the log and pickup a few Cindy’s too. Here’s a pic of what it looked like:

8 PAX: 4 on the log, and 4 on Mary – Switch after each round of 11x reps on the Log (L to R, R to L = 1 Rep – shoulder to shoulder)

Log to Mary AMRAP:


American Hammer

E2k – 11 each leg, switch AMRAP

Flutter Kicks – courtesy called by Chattahoochee

Took a breather here for 3rd F Message: YHC briefly shared how his youngest was born. When his M conceived the due date for their 3rd 2.0 was 9/11/02, the one year anniversary of the attacks. Simon, was actually born on his due date, and YHC shared how that blessing actually put a new face and a new outlook on the day. The interesting part was that he (2.0 Simon) was born at home. THAT was NOT the plan. Long story short, after some miscommunication with the hospital (2x!), 911 was called and Simon was born while 6 first responders looked on, and 2 church deaconesses delivered him. One of the first responders was an ordained minister heading to the Pentagon later in the day to marry a couple who’d survived the attacks there the year before. What a start to the day! And what a wonderful blessing! Now for the planned 3rd Word:  The mission of F3, represented by the shovel-flag at every AO is: To plant, grow, and serve small workout groups of men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Invigorating leadership is our bread & butter. Because of that and because of ongoing commitment to F3 and gaining ground in our own leadership abilities, we tend to have our ears tuned to leadership talk and leadership principles whenever and wherever we hear them.

The idea, however, is to put what we hear and what we learn into practice. After all, “LEADERSHIP IS AN ACTION, NOT A POSITION.”

One of the leadership concepts I heard recently on a GoRuck video caused me to stop the tape, back it up, and listen to it again so I could write it down (and share it with you guys). Plus, if I write something down I’m more prone to remember it, and, therefore, more apt to apply it. Here’s what caught my ear:

In order to have high performing teams, you have to have high performing individuals who are selfless and committed to the cause.”


First things first: Are YOU a high performing individual? Do you represent your team well? Do you represent your community well, as a high performing individual?

Secondly, and this applies to each member of a team, whether they’re the leader of the team or not; if you’re going to be a high performing individual as part of a high performing team, you must check your ego (because, likely, it ain’t about you), and, as they say, you gotta get in the zone!

If you want the guy to your right and the guy to your left to be guys who are aware of the standards and take those standards to the next higher level, then YOU have to be the guy on their left or right who’s aware of the standards and takes those standards to the next higher level. This means [to the best of your ability] knowing what is ahead of you and being prepared for it — physically, mentally, spiritually, materially, etc.

Scripture records that “iron sharpens iron” (Prov. 27:17); we’re all familiar with that verse, but the outcome is obvious: that of becoming a high performing tool (a sharp team member, husband, father, athlete, community leader, etc.) because YOU sharpen and are being sharpened. High performing teams could also be likened to the “chord of three strands that is not easily broken” (Ecc. 4:12). Each strand performs at a standard, if you will, when he is selfless and committed to the cause.
HOME causes?
CHURCH causes?

No matter the cause, be a high performing member by finding out the standards, upholding them, AND taking them to the next higher level. Aye?

*Changed Log reps to 9x

Gas Pumpers


Both groups of 4 PAX got in their fair share of rounds on the log (6 rounds); seems to YHC that the last round we might have been going down, ducking under the log, rather than actually lifting it up from shoulder to shoulder… Time for one last set of Mary. PAX partnered up for…

Cindy Sit-ups/Block Big-boys: 9x (PAX interlocked feet to perform big-boys while exchanging Cindy back and forth when in the up position)

That’s a wrap – time to logout!


Announcements: Later today at Crossroads a special “5 to 10” service with 1st Responders in memory of 9/11, 10 am; Delmarva Christian School fundraiser, Oct. 5; Grace Church Father/Son Campout, Oct. 5-6

Prayers: Several items entrusted to the Lord of behalf of the HIM present.

Anybody else’s shoulders screaming? Whew! Great push by HIM, men who I’d call High Performing Individuals. And yes, it’s ’bout time we use that log. Fartsackers, y’all missed out! Think we might have to name her!

~Chappie, [Logged] out!

Checking Things Out

Date: 9/8/18

QIC: Chappie

SSH – 4000 IC

Cherry Pickers – 2 IC

Quadruple Backflips with a half pike – 18 IC

Bla, bla, bla…eiuhheiuuhcuhuhewjbclibibewiuughbui hhh ciuhdfdfiuihewihicjiidwcijewliidwlihhdewdljjc

liihheliuhudfdfiihlcwjjniuihuewiublioibloibl e wlh bliulweiuu liuudliuiuhlicgluwegliuig ,kk gliug liug liug liuugs gliu liuewbliuliuuweuvyliuuybliweuliuuvvlweieuubliuuewliuubliewuliuweliuiglewiuigliuweliubwleewiuukliuwueewgliuew

Not sure I like this new set-up. Trying to figure things out

Head & Chest Crud — Why Not a Trip to the Hospital?

QIC: Chappie

Date: 8/29/18

YHC was pumped to Q 2x in less than a week, though he wasn’t 100% sure he was even going to be able to make after battling head & chest crud since Friday evening. Skipped what sounds like a serious beatdown at the hands Leatherman who Q’d at CHOP yesterday. The goal was to try to rest up and stay/get healthy for today. #summercoldsuck

Seven awesome PAX posted in Lewes, DE at the Primis AO for a trip to the hospital. Well, actually there were only 6 of us til deer slayer himself, Chairman, rolled in after bringing the gavel down on Bambi. She did a job on your ride, man! Here’s what YHC’s ride looked like when he showed up at the Aegis AO one Saturday morning right after the AO was planted…

Have to get a shot of your ride and post it for posterity purposes. Looks like we’ve got a special way of initiating new AO’s; don’t say anything to the insurance companies! Chairman, we’re all glad you’re okay brother. …and this just in…

Of course, anytime you’re in an accident they say its best to go to the hospital to get checked out. So, here’s how that developed…


  • Disclaimer…uh, thought about…kinda. It’s hard to think when you have a cloud raining down snot inside your head.
  • SSH – 10 IC
  • Nipple Scraper Merkins – 10 IC
  • Hello Dolly – 20 IC
  • Windmill – (we heard him coming — enter the deer slayer, so YHC forgot the rep count)

Omaha’d the Weinke due to time constraints: Also had planned to do Peter Parkers, Merican Hammers, Shell Picker/Crab Flippers, and Delmarva Drydocks. It’s not a bad trip to the hospital from the AO, but last time YHC ran out of time and had to make a withdrawal from PPB (the PAX Patience Bank) to get the job done. So off we go with a steady  mosey to Beebe Hospital’s parking garage.

The Thang:

  • Swift Mosey up Level 1
    • 25 Merkins
    • 25 Gas Pumpers
  • Swift Mosey up Level 2
    • 50 Merkins
    • 50 Gas Pumpers
  • Swift Mosey up Level 3
    • 10 Burpees
  • Double Decker Mosey up Level 4 & 5
    • 100 LBC’s
  • Double Decker Mosey up Level 6 & 7
    • 10 Burpees
  • Swift Mosey up Level 8
    • 50 E2K’s

Top-O-The-Garage, great location for 3rd F:  Did you know that at the age of 67, Thomas Edison watched a fire destroy much of his work and equipment? Time to retire? Time to hang up the old lab coat? No way! “All our mistakes are burned up,” the inventor said, “now we can start anew.” There is a time to retire but Edison knew this time had not come. The fire that consumed his work didn’t destroy the fire that burned within him to continue his work. Edison’s commitment remained.

People tend to associate commitment with emotions. If they feel the right way they can follow through on their commitments. But true commitment doesn’t work that way. Commitment is not an emotion. It is a character quality that enables us to reach our goals. Emotions go up and down all the time, but commitment must remain rock solid. A solid team, whether it is in sports, business, workplace, marriage, or ministry, must have team members who are solidly committed.

3 things we need to know about being committed:
1. Commitment is usually discovered in the midst of adversity. You never know the level of your commitment until things get tough. Commitment is revealed, not necessarily built, by adversity.
2. Commitment is revealed in choices, not conditions.
3. Commitment lasts when it is based on values. Establishing commitment from a team is a critical piece of leadership. The only way to sustain commitment is to link it with personal values. Values drive your choices and they stand up to the test of adversity.
(Adapted: TFC President’s letter, D.O. Young)

  • Psalm 37:5 ESV
    Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.
  • Proverbs 16:3 ESV
    Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.
  • 2 Timothy 4:7 ESV
    I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there’s a man, along with our Savior, Jesus Christ, who was committed regardless of conditions!

Commitment. One character trait of leaders leading leaders—of HIM!

As they say, what goes up must come back down; here goes on the descent back to Level 1:

  • Lt. Dan (1 of YHC’s favorites, especially descending…hits the muscles a little differently)
  • Nur to Level 5, waiting for the six, we realized we were in a motorcycle parking spot. So…
    • 20 Four-Count Freddies IC (get on your bike and ride!)
    • 20 Derkins (high wall created some chatter from Chattahoochee. Hmm…name change? Chatterhoochee? Oops! Didn’t mean to poke the bear, he’s on Q in the Gloom.)
  • Lt. Dan once more
  • Bearcrawl (Whoa! watch the traffic! The PAX definitely created some chatter as the shift change was nearing and people were racing to their parking spots and trying to kill the bears. Hey, YHC thought this was deer season. Chairman?)

We made it! Kind of funny to hear hospital employees talking about what they saw as they arrived for work at the hospital. Parking Garage Playa’s! Aye!

Mosey back to the AO.

Great group of HIM to workout with today. YHC was pushed and pulled (mostly pulled) on this Gloom. Ruxpin you’re a beast brother! You jumped right in to the crazy amazing thing called F3 and nothing has stopped you. Seriously, that’s commitment! Think about where you’ll be a few months from now. Vanilla, thanks for posting even while you’re battling the same kind of head & chest crud–Site Q leadership! Summit, what can be said? If YHC’s not mistaken you led the mosey all the way back to the AO. You against you, better and faster! Not to mention, Chairman who was right up there with you — it’s like he was looking for deer or something. Leatherman, you’re bringing beatdowns that leave the PAX chattering, and then you post for another Q’s serving the next day. Way to step it up, keep raising the bar brother (brothers)! Chattahoochee, always appreciate you “picking up the 6” — you never fail. Never leave a man behind, but never leave him where you found him.

After a little trip to the hospital, we made it back on time.



  • Run, White, & Blue 5k, next Thursday, Sep 6 at Del-Tech
  • Monday, Sep 3, First State F3 Annual Labor-Day Beach Day Beatdown Convergence: 7 am north end of the boardwalk. See the Pre-blast. (Site Q’s bring your AO Shovel-flag)


  • Troopers involved in shooting yesterday at Harbison
  • YHC and his M as they’re raising teenagers — tough times (but praise God anyway!)


Honored to lead again. Thanks for the op!

~Chappie, out


And, oh, who was that doing 60 catch-up Squats? LEA-THER-MAAAAN!

Pre-Blast…Labor-day Beach Day Beatdown

Our 2nd Annual Labor Day Beach Day Beatdown

Date: Monday, Sept. 3

Location: North end of the boardwalk. Park in the public parking at the corner of Lake Ave. & Surfside Place (no fees that early in the Gloom).

Time: 7 a.m. sharp

What is it? A workout on a different day and at a different location. This year it will be more of a “convergence” (i.e. all Site-Q’s bring your AO Shovel-flag. We’ll plant ’em all in the sand). Commit now, men, maybe Labor Day will be the day we get to record numbers!

Each HIM come prepared with a few of your favorite exercises because we’ll be “passing the baton” from PAX to PAX. Don’t forget we’ll have some different elements that “add value” to the beatdown: Sand & Water. To some degree, you can think CSAUP. Plan on going home nasty!! Ohhhh, yeahhh!

(Being so close to the coast I’m not sure we use the beach enough–let’s not take it for granted!)

Guys, this is a great time to invite some FNG’s too, so hit up those guys you’ve been working on. This promises to be a great way to start your Labor Day. Last year we jumped into some waves after the COT/BOM and got a good cool down compliments of the Atlantic. Plan some time afterwards to hang out with your M and 2.0’s on the beach, or just plan to grab some Coffeeteria with some of the other PAX for some of that 2ndFYOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS!

Shot from last year:

~Chappie, out!

Staying Power

QIC: Chappie

DATE: Aug. 25 2018

6 HIM posted for a beatdown in perfect weather. It’s still August but several mentioned the temptation to wear long sleeves or turn on the heat in vehicles on the way in. It’s been cooler than normal, Chappie still wants Summer!

Let’s talk about staying power. YHC announced that today’s workout would tag-team with Vanilla’s 3rd F message from Wednesday (See “Finishing Strong” Backblast from 8/22). Vanilla’s message spoke of 3 ambushes which most men will face at one point or another (maybe even repeatedly) throughout their life:

  • the ambush of another woman
  • the ambush of money
  • the ambush of neglected family

These were written about in the book Finishing Strong by Steve Farrar. Great book and a recommended read for all men! Today’s workout (based on the book as well) was designed to complement what Vanilla shared on Wednesday, and revolved around how to avoid or overcome the aforementioned (that sounds sophisticated, ain’t?) ambushes—the workout itself will be offered as today’s 3rd F.

So here’s how it went down:

Chatter about the wet grass? OMAHA! To stay out of the wet grass, PAX moseyed to parking lot in front of Justice the Peace Court.

Disclaimer given. Made it official, even though no FNG’s were present. Practice makes perfect.


  • SSH – 20 IC
  • Imperial Walker – 18 IC
  • Windmill – 18 IC
  • Shell Pickers – 15 IC
  • Calf Raises – 30 OYO (toes in)
  • Calf Raises – 30 OYO (toes out)
  • FULL Squats – 10 OYO (not that we don’t always do full squats)
  • GoFMerkins (Good Form Merkins) – 10 (single count cadence on YHC’s d/u – not that we don’t always use good form)

Mosey down Pine St. to ARNG Armory…

The Thang:

How do you avoid the 3 ambushes of another woman, money, & neglect of family?

By STAYING in the Scriptures (each exercise begins with S for Scriptures)

PAX were asked by YHC at each pain station to pick the number of rep counts prior to each exercised being announced. Fun! (generally we did 20 reps, but Chattahoochee did call out 22 to keep us mindful of the avg. number of veterans who take their own life every day)

  • Seal Jacks
  • Stagger Merkins
  • Squat Jacks w/cross
  • Sphinx Merkins (Do Not do these on asphalt! Lol. We switched to the grass at the half)

Mosey to side lot of Georgetown Middle School… Same question about the ambushes:

By STAYING close to a Friend – (someone you can share your challenges with and who will ask you the tough questions – F is for friend)

  • Fiddler Crab to cone, switch at the half
  • Finger-tip Merkins
  • Flying Squirrel
  • Flutter Kick

Mosey to Wall 2.0 on the opposite side of the school…

By STAYING away from other Women – (set up protective hedges to keep yourself from the ambush of another Woman)

  • Wall Plank (interesting, kinda)
  • Windmill
  • Wheel of Merkin (5 rotations)
  • Wall of Fire: PAX hold Air Chair, while in turn each does 10 Merkins, 10 LBCs, & 10 Burpees

Mosey back toward AO to lot behind building on the corner of W Market & N. Front Streets…

By STAYING Alert to the tactics of the enemy (A is for Alert – “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” 1 Peter 5:8)

  • ATM’s: 10 Alternating Shoulder Taps, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Merkins Fast)
  • Air Squared
  • American Hammer
  • Aiken Legs: 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps (skipped), 20 Lunges, & 20 Split-Jacks, all OYO)

Mosey back to AO…


Announcements: Labor Day Beach Day Beatdown. Rehoboth Beach, North end of the boardwalk near Henlopen Hotel. Start Time: 7 a.m.


  • Those taking 2.0’s to school
  • Waterfall/Felicia and newborn bay girl 2.0
  • Meg & Rachel (Vanilla & Stretch’s M’s) – both due to deliver 2.0’s in Nov
  • Prayers for all PAX to have STAYING POWER and avoid the ambushes of other women, money, and neglect of family by STAYING in the Scriptures, STAYING close to a Friend, STAYING away from other Women, and STAYING Alert to the tactics of the enemy. After all, it’s what HIM do!
  • Prayer for YHC, who has a sore throat and is preaching a funeral message later in the morning

Honored to lead the 6 HIM who posted at the Aegis on a beautiful (perfect weather for a workout) Saturday morning. Thanks for the push, men!

~Chappie, out!

The book:



Yea, Though I [Mosey to] the Valley…

Date: 8/7/18

QIC: Chappie

What happens when you buy sidewalk chalk at Family Dollar (not a commercial) and pick up a prescription next door at Walgreen’s (not a commercial)? You discover a yet-to-be-minted F3 pain station. YHC couldn’t believe these two walls separated by about a 20′ alley-way had somehow been overlooked for the past 2+ years, even after working out in and around the parking lot so many times. How’d we miss this grand station of a beatdown location? Who knows! YHC noticed it a few weeks ago and could hardly wait to get his Q on and personally introduce it (like a new found friend) to the rest of the PAX from the Milton Mustard Seed CHOP AO – Semper anticus! Well, this little “canyon” or “valley” IS ON THE MAP NOW! YHC will tell you all about it. In meantime, what say ye, men? Shall we call it The Valley of the Shadow of Death (even though there really was no “walk” through it) or Death Valley (because it was so doggone hot and there was no air)? The place will live up to its name either way. Here’s what it looked like after the Gloom — YHC had to go back and get a shot for this post:

Well, call it what you will…here’s how it all went down:


SSH – 18 IC

MNC – 15 IC

Shell Picker, Crab Flipper, Cherry Picker – 10 IC

Hillbillies – 18 IC

Flying Squirrel – 10 OYO

Calf Raise (toes in) – 20 OYO

Calf Raises (toes out) – 20 OYO

The Thang:

Mosey to the new station (The Valley of the Shadow of Death  or Death Valley): Steady Mosey interchanged with a Picked-Up Mosey, switching between power poles/light poles all the way to Food Lion parking lot, ending in front of Walgreens:

Between the Walls (in the valley) – all OYO

5 Mike Tysons on one wall

10 Bombjacks in middle of alley

5 Mike Tysons on other wall

15 Burpees in middle, and so on…

5 Mike Tysons

20 MJB’s

5 Mike Tysons

10  Count/Breather (PAX had to get out of the valley because it contained no air!)

Back between the walls…

BTTW – 10 Count

People’s Chair – 10 Count

BTTW – 10 Count

PC, Leg Up (L) – 10 Count

PC, Leg Up (R) – 10 Count

YHC  forgot all who counted, but some counts were brutally slow. But, hey, it was in the valley of the shadow…

3rd F Message – a Brief Shared By YHC:

One leadership principle I’ve been pondering lately is this: “OUR REFERENCE POINT IS CRITICAL.”

Years ago I heard someone say that “if the whole world stinks, check your mustache.” The idea being that if there’s some old moldy cheese or other leftover food in your stache and that’s all that you’re able to smell, then from THAT reference point the whole world is going to stink. The metaphor is clear. It may not be the whole world at all; it might be your perspective, the reference point from which you “smell” [see] the world.

HOW WE SEE ANYTHING DEPENDS ON OUR REFERENCE POINT. I shared that thought in a recent sermon, but I think it’s just as applicable here, in F3. In fact, part of what we do here at O-GAWD-THIRTY (the Gloom) just about every day of the week, in some measure gives us a reference point for leadership. We get up very early; that’s the hard thing to do. We Q and prepare workouts and 3rd F messages hoping to inspire one another in spiritually, mentally, and physically in leadership; that’s the hard thing to do. We push ourselves and each other past self-imposed limits; that’s the hard thing to do! And we do all this and more, not just because of the fitness but because it does make us better leaders.

How does all this make us better leaders?

I believe one of the ways it makes us better leaders is that doing the hard stuff gives us a reference point. Let me explain, Mark Batterson mentions that psychologists refer to this as the contrast effect: If you lift a really heavy weight, then lift a lesser weight, it will seem lighter. We do this simply enough by doing really hard workouts. We do this with sandbags and cinderblocks. We do this with our rucks especially — we carry around 40lbs and then when we carry around 30lbs or less and everything else seems lighter. The reference point is the 40lbs or its the hard workout before anything else in the day comes along. Having that reference point is to help us to see things from a different perspective, one that is meant — in terms of leadership — to give us the reference point that just about everything else that follows throughout the day will not seem all that tough or difficult because we’ve already done something incredibly harder by comparison. This, again, is called the “contrast effect.”

The practice of Q’ing a workout also leads to the same outcome: We practice that leadership here regularly, and, in part, that practice carries over where it ought to most (it’s supposed to) — at home, in the workplace, and in the communities in which we serve.

In real life, it might bring about a different reference point after going through difficult circumstances. We are to see them differently after God carries us through them. (Point being that He is the One, then, who actually carried the weight…POINT BEING that Christ must be our reference point.) That’s why we cling to verses like Romans 8:28, “AND WE KNOW THAT GOD CAUSES ALL THINGS TO WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THOSE WHO LOVE GOD…”

Those words of Scripture and the experience or fulfillment of them train us and give us perspective — and how you see anything depends on your reference point. When we’ve been through something, tough circumstances, and we can see how God turned them around for our good, it gives us a new critical reference point. Doing the hard thing here, carrying the extra weight here (in the Gloom) trains our bodies and our minds with the reality of these truths.

Back to work:

YHC’s failed attempt at the Hands of Time (one of his favorites, but its been awhile and he forgot how to do it. Oh well, still got in some ab-burn)

Steady mosey return to the AO.

Meanwhile, back at the AO…

GFerkins (Good Form Merkins) – 10 OYO

Mary, all 9 PAX got in a round but YHC can’t recall all that was chosen

Time’s up, only thing we missed on YHC’s Weinke was a round of Partner Push; next time. It’s all good, the Valley of the Shadow of Death (a.k.a. Death Valley) took a good bit out of us.

Great push by all the PAX.



Everyone is welcome to join Grace Church’s Warriors for Him men’s ministry for a hot dog cookout at The Home of the Brave this evening at 6. Home of the Brave is a homeless shelter for our veteran’s. Join us for some dogs and a few rounds of cornhole as we serve those who’ve served us.

Thursday Gloom we’ll have a guest Q – Nunchuk will be here serving up the beatdown and getting his F3 Passport stamped; let’s make a good showing in support of our brother from York, SC!

Prayers: Prayed for the substance abuse blanket to be lifted from Sussex County; prayer for others…


Welcome back Ying Ying, we’ve missed you brother! Good to see you. It was a privilege to lead all the fine HIM who broke the hold of the Fartsack and posted! Humbled and honored to lead the way.

~Chappie, out!

Not So Safe Harbor

Date:  7/25/18

AO:  Primis

A couple of HC’s from the day before went soft, but five HIM broke the grip of the Fartsack, dropped a dose of the DRP (cf. the Matrix or F3 Lexicon), did the hard thing, and posted for another Q greeting in the Gloom.

Warm-O-Rama(Q tried to get the warm-up in on the move)

  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Shell Flipper – 10 IC
  • “Good Form” Merkins – 10 Down/Up on the Q
  • Wosey to Lightship Overfalls dock bollard’s for…Derkin Wave: PAX placed feet up on bollards, each did took turn doing 1 Derkin down the line and back until reaching #10 (a crowd-pleaser it was)
  • Bearcrawl across field to walking path
  • Lt. Dan, length of deck


The Thingy Thang:

Mosey south on Pilottown Rd. across canal bridge, left on Anglers Rd. to parking lot of Safe Harbor Hotel (herein affectionately referred to as Not-so-Safe Harbor) …mmm, smell that bacon!

Took a 3rd F breather here:

Q began by taking about the privilege he had last week in going to see his nephew graduate from Army Ranger School in Ft. Benning, GA. Great time had by a proud uncle! Ft. Benning is THE infantry training post for the Army. It has statues all over the place of a soldier in a forward moving stance, mouth wide open, and waving onward those who were apparently following him. You can, in fact, buy smaller desk-top versions of this infantryman. YHC used the statue all week as a life lesson for two of his 2.0’s who joined him on the trip. The soldier in the statue is an infantry icon. He is shouting “follow me!” That’s what leaders do, they lead…from the front. No cli-boarding there! The Rangers take it even further with their motto: “Rangers lead the way!” RLTW!)

YHC pointed out to the PAX that there was one more critical element; that to be a good leader, whether in the infantry or elsewhere, one had to first be a good follower — a follower of Christ, that is. Many of his 3rd F’s come from his Army experiences, so here’s the tie in: The words, “O well” were the infamous words of Drill Sergeant Allen, one of my DS’s in basic training. DS Allen was a SFC (platoon sergeant) and any time there was an issue, or we got ourselves into a pickle of sorts, that’s what he’d say…”Oh well, private!” He said it real slow and cool, of course.

DS Allen taught me to walk circumspectly, to be watchful–a good discipline for all warriors…for all HIM.

Once, while we were in the field the chow hall had trucked out hot food to us for lunch, a precious commodity especially in the winter (-30 windchill). After eating chow I went to dump my food tray into the trash-can, and as I was doing that, I kind of had my head down and wasn’t paying much attention to who else was around me. Another soldier came up and starting stuffing his trash into the can, but he was stuffing it down in between the outside of the trash-bag and the trash can. I distinctly remember trying to stop the guy, saying, “Hey! Hey! Hey!” The other soldier put his hand firmly on top of my Kevlar helmet and promptly lifted my head. I was ready to come up swinging. But it was at that point that I discovered the “other soldier” was DS Allen! Oh man, I must have turned 10 shades of red! Either that, or I turned white as a ghost! I was so glad I didn’t come up swinging!

And DS Allen, well, he just stood there looking at me face to face. He cracked a “possum eatin’ crap” grin, and then, without saying a word, he turned and walked away. In that moment he taught me a lot about being a good leader, he could’ve really busted my chops but didn’t (he wasn’t worried about his own ego). Also without saying a word, he taught me a lasting warrior lesson: Walk circumspectly, be watchful and alert. Know who’s around you and what’s going on around you at all times.

In Galatians 5:16 Paul wrote, “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.” Here the Greek word for walk is “peripateo“; it is from this that we get our English word parapet: A barrier which is an extension of the wall at the edge of a roof or terrace. This is a protective wall that keeps one from going over the edge. Paul was likening that to the Holy Spirit who the Lord has given to help us to walk circumspectly, to keep us from going over the edge. To protect us with a proper boundary.

In the same chapter in v. 25, he goes on to say “If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.” But in this verse he uses a different word for walk. Here it is “stoicheo.” This word means to proceed in a row as the march of a soldier; to go in order. So the Bible says that living and walking by the Spirit is like marching precisely in formation, staying in step with the One who is leading us, the Spirit of God. He is the One saying, “Follow Me,” the One we must stay in step with and follow. If you’ve ever seen troops walking in formation, marching to the cadence of their commander, then you know how noticeable it is when one gets out of step. (Note: It is actually noticed by others around him!) In order to be a good follower, the one who misses his stride must correct his step and begin again to listen to the one leading the troops, and stay in step with him. Just some things to think about. But whatever you do, don’t say, “Oh, well!” because in order to be good leaders we must first be good followers.

Leaders leading leaders, aye! Back to the workout…

PAX partner up. Being the odd man out, YHC joined in with Chairman & Nugget. Objective: 1 partner runs parking lot to road loop (with descent or ascent on opposing ends — nice loop!) while other partner does exercise. Partners run then continue to switch until each of the following was accomplished accumulatively:

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Dips (curbside)
  • 300 American Hammers (because we’re Mericans!)
  • 400 Squats

Well, that makes Safe Harbor not-so-safe! 🙂  Mosey return to AO. Time flew by today, but here’s some extras the Q had on his Weinke: 500 Plank Jacks and Hands-of-Time in the pavilion on the return. Maybe next time fellas!


Announcements: Keep EH’ing men in and around Lewes. Ownership is especially important for Lewes PAX in order for the Primis AO to grow—its time to lock shields with Vanilla, your QIC. Aye!

Prayers: Prayed especially for guy in motorcycle accident (details shared on site)


Nothing like overcoming the Fartsack and doing something hard and which most other people simply won’t do. YHC wouldn’t do it if you guys weren’t there! So, thanks for being HIM and posting. Great work by all, even those who didn’t have fresh legs (Summit, Chairman & Chappie). Eh, hem! Boom! Always honored to Q!

~Chappie, out!


ReeeSPECT Workout to [try to] Remember

QIC: No-Show Jones

Lol, a little humor at Waterfall’s expense. Apparently our fearless leader suffered a foot injury from Roving RuckF3st Friday and put himself on the IR, so he could not make his Q. Word was put out but no one stepped up to Q (Somehow Chappie missed it on GroupMe). That left Chattahoochee and Chappie to fend for themselves. Tempted to go for a cup of Joe and just do some coffeeteria, instead we tag-teamed a Wienke-less workout and filled the hour with some beatdown at the hands of two, count ’em, two, respectables. (That is to say we’re both over 50 and might not remember every part of the beatdown but we’ll give it a shot.) Help me out Chattahoochee; here goes…


SSH – 18 IC

SJ – 20 IC

CP – 15 IC

WM – 18 IC


The Thang:

Mosey to side entrance steps of County Admin Building

1 PAX ran steps up and down, while other did Merkins. Kept switching out until reaching 100 Merkins combined.


Mosey to library

Lt. Dan, length of lot

Bearcrawl back

Lindsey Vonn parking lot lines, length of lot


Mosey to Georgetown Elementary

On the short steps:

100 Squats, bottom

10 Burpees, top

100 Squats, bottom

10 Hand Release Burpees, top

100 Squats, bottom

10 DerkinBurps, top (on the high wall!)

Total: 300 Squats/30 Burpees

Wosey to nearby curb, 30 Dips (Chattahoochee said 25 but YHC did 30, so they’re being counted)


Mosey to intersection of N. Margaret & W. Laurel Streets

4-Count Freddies – 25 IC


Mosey to intersection of Robinson & Laurel Streets

Toy Soldier Set


Double-time Mosey (not quite prison-break) to intersection of Elizabeth & W. Laurel  Streets

…drawing a blank, again!


Mosey to wall @ County Bank

*discovered a new set of two-story steps on the way (for future reference, Q’s)

Aussie Mt. Climbers – 15 IC

20 OH Claps – OYO


Mosey to AO



Called it a day. Good stuff Chattahoochee, glad you posted brother! Waterfall, hope your foot heals up quickly so you get off the IR. Hang tough, see you soonsday.

All PAX: Keep EH’ing anybody and everybody you know in Georgetown.

Let’s own the mission: Plant, grow, and serve small workout groups of men for the invigoration of male community leadership. It won’t happen if we don’t make it happen!

Chappie & Chattahoochee, out!


Much Bigger than We Are

10 July 18

QIC: Chappie

This Backblast has less to do with the workout itself than it does its title–YHC will get to the explanation of what that means, but in the meantime here’s the breakdown for the sake of recall and as a catalyst of remedy for those who lost THAT FIRST BATTLE to the Fartsack.

With a good number of Q’s in the rotation there is a longer break in action than what most QIC’s prefer, so YHC was actually disappointed in what turned out to be more of a slow burn than a memorable beatdown. I.e. it seemed like a wasted opportunity to leave one’s mark on the other PAX’s minds and bodies. Gotta hate it when that happens! Okay, here’s how it went down:


SSH – 20 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs – 18 IC

Italian Night Clubs  – 18 IC

Shell Picker, Shell Flipper, Cherry Pickers…WTB??? This somehow turned out to be some crazy, off-cadence, retarded form of the Windmill. Holy smokes, did YHC get inside of his own head for a brief moment! Thankful the PAX were gracious enough to give a good laugh from this total screwup, what else could they do? YHC has no idea What The Bombjacks he was  doing!


Cherry Pickers – 10 IC

Windmill – 18 IC

Imperial Walker – 18 IC

The Thang:

Living next door to the AO has its privileges — YHC was able to work his way around the parking lot the night before and go to work with some sidewalk chalk (to write different exercises on the asphalt). 13 different stations. 1 PAX ran from AO to Willow Street and back while PAX did exercise at given stations. Switch on the return and continue rotation til all 13 were visited by all PAX. Here’s what was written:

  1. Run to Willow and back – Good hustle by all PAX!
  2. Sledge Hammer Row
  3. Box Jumps
  4. Slosh Pipe
  5. Rapido Merkins (18) – swap – Rapido LBC’s (36) rinse & repeat. Rapido = as fast as you can
  6. Hair Burners (compliments to Flutie Flakes, I think)
  7. Squat Press Lunge w/cindy
  8. Upright Rows w/40lb. ruck
  9. Burpees
  10. Tire Flip
  11. Dragon Crawl
  12. Burpjacks (exactly what it sounds like)
  13. Plank

Somewhere in the middle YHC had the privilege to share the following 3rd F message:

Last Wednesday for an off-the-cuff 3rdf, I’d mentioned a “secret to success” borrowed from Jack Hayford that Mark Batterson mentioned in his book “If.” The secret? “Make decisions against yourself.”

We’re already onto something here in the Gloom, because, fact is, if you’re here it’s because you already made a decision against yourself. You can see how this applies to leadership.

As a secret to success it is exactly what the Bible teaches in Romans 8:4, where it says, “walk not according to the flesh…” If you know someone who has 6-pack abs, they made a decision against themselves to go to the gym when, as Mark Batterson writes, “the rest of us went back for seconds.” (57)

Not only does this apply to workouts, but many other areas of life:
• My nephew, Aaron, who once again is in Ranger School has repeatedly made decisions against himself toward accomplishing his goal of becoming one of the army’s elite combat leaders. He’s in swamp phase once again. Go Aaron!
• Earning any type of degree, whether it be a BS, BA, MA, or a PhD brings with it memories of going to the library instead turning on the TV. Those who earned degrees or other credentials made decisions against themselves. The piece of paper on their wall is a key that opens doors.
• Successful (and I should say fruitful because Paul does add, “walk not after the flesh, but according to the spirit”) athletes, musicians, professionals, ministry leaders, etc. are successful and fruitful in large part because they made decisions against themselves–both when it came to right/wrong issues, and often times when it came to personal convictions.

This is key because some decisions we have to make against ourselves are not right and wrong, or black and white. Paul also wrote in 1 Cor. 10:23, “everything is permissible—but not everything is beneficial.” We need to understand, then, that often times “if we really want god’s best, we won’t just say no to what’s wrong. we’ll also say no to what’s second best.” (Batterson 58)

We have to prepare for times when we must recognize that we cannot settle for what we want in the moment in exchange for what we want most! The kind of success and fruitfulness this refers to is that which involves sacrifice beyond what most of us are willing to make.

F3 workouts provide a superb laboratory in which to train ourselves and each other for this kind of leadership:

  • Setting your alarm very early and posting in the Gloom (at O-Gawd-Thirty) for a workout which will push you past your limits…if that’s not making a decision against yourself, then what is?

Some are used to hitting that snooze button on the alarm, both literally & metaphorically speaking! When you’re not willing to make decisions against yourself, you’re kind of hitting the snooze button on success and fruitfulness in your spiritual life (temptation & sin), your family life, your work life, and in many other areas…you’re delaying doing the right thing—the hard thing—9 minutes at a time!

So, what do him do? As a general rule and practice, they are High Impact Men because they make decisions against themselves!

Well, that was the workout. A slow-burn, as mentioned, but a burn nonetheless.

Now allow YHC to explain the title of this Backblast; it’s more important than the workout itself. So…Keep Calm and Read onMuch Bigger Than We Are

If you follow what’s going on, either on or then you have at least some sense that F3 is Much Bigger Than We Are. We’re a Mustard Seed–pioneers!–and so we tend to think small, within the limits of our own line of sight. But we are Much Bigger Than We Are.

F3 is blowing up across the nation; we’re privileged to be a part of this explosion of men being rescued from Sadclown Syndrome and to rescue others from the same condition through Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith. Still, we tend not to see very far down the road from our own AO’s.

Each Tuesday Mustard Seed Nantaans from across the nation participate in a half-hour long conference call from 07:30 – 08:00. The call is about leadership and its where we encourage, challenge, build-up, and basically sharpen one another “as iron sharpens iron” (Prov. 27:17)

Yesterday’s call was different. It reminded me that while the fitness that brings men out, its the fellowship (the glue) that brings them back. We’ve been impacted by this incredible force in our lives, making us better leaders. But here’s how yesterday’s call was different:

Our call Q, Fountainhead (Columbia, SC), essentially began the call by telling us how hard a weekend it was for many of their PAX because F3 Gump had lost his 19-yr-old son this past Friday night in drowning accident. He talked about the camaraderie (2ndF) of other PAX that jumped into action to come along side Gump and his M. He’d also mentioned that Gump was a pastor there in Columbia.

Having lived in Columbia for nearly 3 years, I asked what Gump’s hospital name was. Since I’m also in ministry I figured I might at least know the pastor’s name.

I was utterly floored and speechless when Fountainhead told me Gump’s name was Scott Fleischer! Frankly, it was a punch in the gut. It still hurts; that’s why I’m writing because it helps to grieve rightly.

Here’s the thing. I didn’t know Scott from my time living in Columbia. I knew Scott and his M, Victoria and their 2.0’s Jack, Isabella, and Sam from my years pastoring in York, SC. Scott and I connected in York through ministry and immediately hit it off. Our families spent time together celebrating birthdays, eating dinners together, swimming, etc. Our kids (3 a piece) are practically the same ages. We got to know each other well before ministry took he and his family to Columbia. When I heard that Jack died on Friday my heart sank for Scott and his family. I’m so deeply grieved because Jack and my oldest 2.0, Zeke, were good buddies. “Running through the woods and playing laser tag” were my son’s fondest memories when I informed him yesterday of Jack’s death.

When Scott moved his family from York to Columbia, SC there was no F3, so I didn’t even know Scott was involved with F3. We’d lost contact with each other over the years. So you can imagine my shock just hearing his name when I’d inquired. Following the conference call I called Scott immediately. The phone rang only 1 time when he picked up and simply said, “Hi Todd!”

It was great to talk with Scott (F3 Gump). It was painful to find out how Jack died. Scott and I simply picked up where we’d left off, but this time we reconnected in a rather providential way (Godincidence) because of F3! I’m so glad I didn’t find this out later. This time we reconnected because we serve a God and Father “who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves have been comforted by God.”

Indeed we’re Much Bigger Than We Are. I’ve never lost a son, but I have suffered great loss in other ways and I have been comforted by God and by brothers in Christ at times when it was desperately needed. Scott and I grieved together as we spoke on the phone. I grieve for Scott and his family. We all grieve with the family over this heartbreaking loss. But, you see, as believers we “do not grieve as those who have no hope” (1 Thess. 4:13). There’s so much more to this than meets the eye but we really are amazingly Much Bigger Than We Are. I know Scott personally, he’s truly a brother and has been since long before F3. But he’s also your brother. That’s F3, so please keep the Fleischer family in your prayers.

Well guys, if you’ve made it this far thanks for reading. I appreciate your patience.

~Chappie, out!


A Trip to the Hospital…Uh, oh!

Date: 6/20/18

QIC: Chappie

YHC was given the honor to Q it up at our newest AO. He was actually a little “giddy” the night before, knowing that he would FINALLY get to take the PAX to the hospital. To borrow words from Hetfield, Hammett, and Ulrich, YHC was so excited about Q’ing the new AO he “slept with one eye open, gripping the pillow tight.” (First to name that tune, sets me up for 10 Burpees in the Gloom.) So, yeah, the title of this Backblast is a little misleading, but since it got your attention…Keep Calm and read on!

Technically we did go to the hospital, but not because anyone was hurt. We simply went there for a STS (Sadclown Therapy Session). He, he! Anyway, the hospital has a great parking garage that YHC has been drooling over. With that said, 4 HIM won an undoubtedly hard-fought battle with the Fartsack and posted for the therapy session. It went a little something like this…



SSH – 18 IC (There’s a reason for YHC’s 18 rep count. To be shared at a later date; stay tuned)

Shell Pickers – 10 IC (Cherry Pickers with a local culture name — When in Rome…)

Sealjacks – 18 IC

Imperial Walkers – 15 IC

Smurfjacks – 18 IC

Steph Curry’s – 10 OYO (Warm-up on basketball court prompted us to move to 3-pt. line for this)

Mosey to Beebe Hospital Parking Garage

The Thang:

Mosey up first level, Prison break second level

Mosey up third level, Prison break fourth level

Mosey up fifth level to bottom incline on sixth level

Escalator by 5’s

Crawlbear to top, 5 Mexican Jumping Beans OYO, mosey to bottom of incline

Segnul (reverse lunges) to top, 10 Stagger Knerkins OYO, mosey to bottom

Fiddler Crab to top (switching on the half), 15 Burpjacks OYO, mosey to bottom

Karaoke to top (switch at the half), 20 Apollo Lunges OYO, mosey to bottom

Lt. Dan to top, 25 Plankjacks OYO, Lt. Dan to bottom (well, because its different)


Breather for 3rdF Message – YHC shared this as a repeat from a couple a weeks prior, when it was only he and Summit who posted, the reason for the repeat speaks for itself:

My buddy Wade (F3 Nunchuk) put the EH on me early in 2016, and I remember the very first workout I ever posted for. After the warmup, in which I was trying to figure out all the new lingo (not to mention trying to do Imperial Walkers IC!), we Mosey’d to the opposite side of the AO where I was inducted into F3 with a rigorous set of “21’s”.

I was seriously out of shape, doing Merkins at one end and then LBC’s at the other. I actually never finished 21’s that day. Pretty much everyone else had completed their rounds and was waiting for me, when it was simply time to move on. But I knew immediately I’d found something I wanted (needed) to be a part of!

You see, when I was running back and forth from end to end, between Merkins and LBC’s, veteran F3 PAX were running past me or running in the opposite direction low-fiving me and saying things like : “Great job, brother! You got this man! Hang tough, keep going!” I LOVED THAT SPECIAL CAMARADERIE, especially because I was thoroughly gassed, and these guys were encouraging me to keep going! To some degree, all the encouragement was ALMOST overdone. But because of that, there was no way I could stop!

Have you ever wondered why we encourage one-another so much (instead of the opposite)? I think I discovered it a few months later when I read this in Freed to Lead: “A leader has to reward I2 (individual initiative) wherever and when ever he sees it, and take responsibility for any adverse outcomes that may result. LEADERS ALWAYS GET MORE OF WHAT THEY REWARD AND LESS OF WHAT THEY PUNISH.” (81)

That phrase and concept has had more of an effect on me and my leadership than any other principle or truth I’ve encountered, outside of Christ who is Himself the truth.

What I mean is that, for a man with a critical eye, who more easily sees what is wrong and what needs to be fixed, it has changed my whole attitude in terms of leading and relating to those whom I lead—whether it be family, the church, or in the community!


I.e. there is life created or life diminished by the way we either encourage one another or by the way we tear one another down. Speaking life, though slightly overdone in the moment of my first F3 workout, has been experienced in every workout since. Coupled with that statement I read in Freed to Lead, it has literally proven true and produced fruit in every area of leadership in my life–not just the workouts.

Being more critical in nature, I’ve had to be intentional about “rewarding” and encouraging the behavior I see or want to see, but I can tell you that it works! Though it might seem overdone, maybe even a little superficial at times, try it on for size and see if you’re not a better, more productive, and more respected leader because of it. After all, it’s what HIM do!



ST Session cut short (actually a little OT…sorry guys)! Full session would’ve been a reverse of the escalator (see above) but we ran out of time.

Mosey back to AO – total mosey distance according to Measure My Run = 1.75 miles


Name change ceremony: Spokes changed to Cupcake, here’s the reason why…




  • PAX encouraged to EH Lewes but also to check out other AO’s to get in more days
  • F3 Mustard Seed Shirts – see the link of GroupMe, deadline July 2 (tell Chappie what you want, pay him, and let’s order together to get free shipping


  • For Leatherman’s M
  • For Chappie’s nephew, Aaron, getting another shot a Swamp Phase in Ranger School
  • Something else? …YHC forgot

So, as it turned out a trip to the hospital was much needed. Sadclown Therapy Sessions continue…check out an AO near you!

Honored to lead and to workout with such HIM, special thanks to Vanilla for putting YHC on the Q Schedule.

Chappie, out!

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