This is How Winning is Done

Date: 01/22/22

AO: Aegis, Georgetown, DE

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 30 IC

Cherry Pickers – 30 IC

Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

SSH – 30 IC

Windmills – 30 IC

SSH – 20 IC

The Thang

Mosey to County Building Steps.  Each PAX crosses the steps without skipping any steps.

Mosey to Armory steps and completes Aiken legs – 20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges (10 each Leg), 20 split Jacks (10 each Leg).  The twist is that each PAX will take each step up and each step down before performing each individual exercise of Aiken legs.  Rinse & Repeat.

Mosey to Library and complete the Burp & Merk – Burpee with ascending merkins up to 10.  Each PAX will Bear Crawl to each parking space and complete a Burpee with a merkin.  Bear Crawl to the next space and complete a Burpee with two merkins.   Continue until completing a Burpee with ten merkins.

F3 Message – See below

Mosey to School and complete the bottom feeder/deconstructed toy soldier set exercise.  Crab walk to first sidewalk and complete 100 LBC’s.  Crab walk to second sidewalk and complete 50 E2K’s to one side.  Crab walk to third sidewalk and complete 50 E2K’s to the other side.  Crab walk to fourth sidewalk and complete 25 big boy sit-ups.   

Mosey back to Aegis.  PAX completed @.9 mile for the workout

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayer. 


You may not be able to tell over the radio – but I’m not a very big guy. Oh, I’m big inside. But outside, more of a Volkswagen than a semi. Which makes it amazing that both my sons ended up playing line in football. That’s usually where they put the monsters. Actually, we used to joke that linemen wore their IQs on their jerseys – you know, like 75. But it was brawn more than brains they needed to either hold the line while their opponents were trying to move them or to break through those gorillas on the other side of the line. There are just a few simple instructions that every coach wants every lineman to learn and live by. Our guys heard this one all the time – “Keep your feet moving.” No matter what. Even if it feels like you’re going nowhere. Even if you’re getting hammered. Even if you think it’s doing no good. As long as you keep driving – as long as you keep your feet moving – you’re making a difference. The alternative – getting knocked down.

Well, I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You about “Keeping Your Feet Moving.”

The Divine Coach has assigned you a position to play right now. And He has a word for you today from our for today from the Word of God. Galatians 6:9 – “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Or in the words of a football coach to the guys on the line – “Keep your feet moving, no matter what. It’s true in football – it’s true in following Christ. If you stop driving, if you stand still, you’re going to get knocked down. And you’ll stop making a difference.

It could be that you’ve been taking some pretty hard hits lately. Don’t become weary in doing good – keep your feet moving. Maybe you feel like nothing’s moving – you’re not seeing much in the way of results – the good you’re doing doesn’t seem to be doing much good. Your Coach’s word – keep playing your position. Keep your feet moving in God’s direction. This isn’t about results. It’s about faithfulness at your position.

There was a point where you knew God was leading you in this direction, when you felt motivated to make a difference or to start living God’s way. But you’ve been hit hard a few times. Maybe things seem to have gotten worse instead of better. Or it could be that there has not been much appreciation for what you’ve done, or much progress. The feeling isn’t there like it was at the beginning. You’re tired of driving in the direction God led you. Your feet are slowing down, or you’re standing still. You’re tempted to give up – on your ministry, on your marriage, on financial freedom, on conquering the old you, on the miracle you’ve been praying for.

And along comes God today saying, “The payoff is coming. You will break through if you keep driving in this direction – even when you feel like quitting.” He likens it to a farmer waiting for his harvest – there’s a lot of work and investment without any visible result for a long time.

And then one day, that crop appears – if he doesn’t give up on it. The harvest of all you’ve put in depends on one very big if – “if you do not give up.” In the words of a wise old man of God, “Never doubt in the darkness what God has told you in the light.”

There’s no standing still on this Jesus-road. If you do, you get knocked down. There are some wonderful victories, some powerful breakthroughs later in the game – if you keep your feet moving.

Respectfully Submitted,


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