7/13/2019. Nugget on Q.
Warm up. 20 SSH. 15 windmill. 15 cherry pickers. Butt kick around half the circle, high knees other half. Right shuffle around half circle, left shuffle other half. Right karaoke around half circle, left karaoke around other half.
Mosey to middle school.
Start at first sidewalk (five total). Bear crawl to second and do 25 super squats. Lt Dan to third sidewalk and do 25 switch kicks. Lt Dan to fourth sidewalk and do 25 windshield wipers. Bear crawl to fifth and do 25 leg bicep curls each side.
An set. 10 big boys. 20 leg raises. 30 reverse crunches. 40 long arm crunches.
Do the same workout above except backwards, so we nurred where we lt danned and we crawl beared where we crawl beared.
F3 LAX (crab vs bear soccer. Split into teams. And everyone on one designated side of field (offense or defense) did crabwalk and the other side did bear crawl, switch every goal. (15-20minute game). Ended 5-4 with a ruxpin game winning goal.
3rd F on how to pray and the Lord’s Prayer Vs our prayers.
Mosey to AO. End in COT.
Good push HIM!