C’mon -Lewes is fun! EH the men!

QIC- Summit 

WarmUp  IC 

Chairman lap around the courts


Moroccan NC

Wind Mill 

Cherry Picker 

Mountain Climber 


The Thang-

Before leaving the Courts- 

Modified Toy Soldier set – IC 

20 lbc 

15 etk 

10 big boy sit-ups 

1 round of Bolt 45s 

Mosey to Park Pavilion 

3 rounds of merkin/squats/lunges 

20 merkins 

20 squats 

20 lunges (10 each leg) 

Mosey to park behind Museum

3 rounds of dips/step ups/sit-ups 

20 dips 

20 step ups (10 each leg)

20 Ruxpin Sit ups  

Mosey to public Parking Lot 

3 rounds of Parking lot suicides 

Lt dan to 1/3 way and back 

Nur to 2/3 way and back 

Side shuffle to end and back 

Mosey to steps by bathrooms – split group in half 

1 round of burpees/merkins/ Am Hammer

1 group does burpees at bottom of steps 

Run up steps 

20 wide merkins 

20 American Hammers  

Switch for 1 round 

Mosey back to courts 

Quick 3rd F- 

Never let someone’s opinion or rejection of you dictate who you are.   Often their response to you is simply a lack of self image on their part.  



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