3 pax showed up at the circle for another beatdown in this glorious saturday morning. The message for today was a quote on leadership by different presidents after each pain station i believe the burpees got to me after the 3rd one and i forgot a couple.
Warm up— 20 SSH, 20 Seal Jacks, 20 Windmills, 20 Cherry Pickers, 20 MNC, followed by high needs half way around circle and Toy Soldiers the other half.
The Thangs- – mosey down north bedford to the park by church. 12 burpees and 25 flutter kicks.
Quote by George Washington Associate yourself with men of good quality, If you can esteem your own reputation for tis better to be alone than in bad company.
Mosey to the old NAPA building 12 burpees and a toy soldier set 35 LBC , 25 E2KS and 15 big boy situps.
Thomas Jefferson. No thing can stop a man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal, nothing on earth can help a man with the wrong mental attitude.
Mosey to the library 12 burpees , 25 4 count freddies.
John Quincy Adams. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more you are a leader.
Mosey to firehall. 12 burpees 15 crab jacks did someone mention a wall to intentionally poke the bear took a seat on the wall for 25 overhead handclaps then 15 squats rinse and repeat once
George W. Bush. A leadership is someone that brings people together.
Mosey down to Dominos and out to East market back to the circle i did not like the number 48 so 12 more burpees for a total of 60 for anyone that wants to work them in today and finish with a round of mary 20 hello dollies, 10 Xs and Os then low plank until the first pax drops.
Number-rama, Name-o-rama and the COT
Prayers to the victims of Florence, and all the PAX or their Ms that are traveling or about to travel this weekend
LOTS OF RESPECT to Chappie for rucking to and from the beatdown this morning