CHOP Crunchville

Date: November 14, 2019

QIC: Wildwing

Lovely 22 degree morning greeted HIMs at the CHOP. Little known fact (since she never told anyone her age): Wildwing’s Mom would be 100 years old today.

WARM-O-RAMA: Side Straddle Hop, Imperial Walker, Windhills, Cherry Picker, Morrocan Night Club (IC x 20)

Stage I: CHOP circuit run

Stage II: Thirty and Ten Workout: Intense exercise for 30 seconds followed by 10 second recovery

  • Firefighter, Knee Crunch, Glute Bridge, Bike Crunch, High Knees, Reverse Crunch, Mountain Climber, Windshield Wiper, One Leg Bridge Crunch, Spiderman Crunch Standing Side Crunch

Stage III: Lt. Dan’s with blocks

Stage 4: Thirty and Ten Workout Repeated

Third F: The theme was Leadership and Elections. Once upon a time, the President faced dismal reelection prospects because the country had largely lost faith in his Administration. Losses in the Wilderness and in the Crater Massacre outside Petersburg were astounding. Lincoln met quietly with Grant and warned that he should expect McClelland to be elected President within months. A few weeks later, Sherman entered Atlanta and Lincoln was reelected.

Query: How often do Presidents (or any leader) display the following qualities that help define an ethical leader?

  • Justice
  • Respect for others
  • Honesty
  • Humane treatment of others
  • Commitment to team building
  • Value driven decision making
  • Intolerance of unethical behaviors

These are not the easiest standards to uphold and Lincoln, like all HIMs, certainly missed here and there. Nonetheless, it is still worth aiming high even when we fall short.



Friends facing medical diagnoses and nephews on deployment along with any number of requests that were unspoken over the years.

Respectfully, Wildwing

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