Sunny Sunrise


Q Sharkbait 

Pax Burgundy, Flea, High Ball & Beach

Warm Up

SSH 50

IW 50

Don Quixote 20

The Thang

Super 21

Super 21: Do 1 merkin followed by 1 situp; 2 merkins / 2 situps; 3 merkins / 3 

situps, etc., etc. ……. up to 21 merkins/ 21 situps (total of 231 merkins and 231 

situps). Insert other exercises in between to allow for recovery (Super 21 

#1 – #10,Monkey Humpers x 21, Super 21 #11-#15, Squats x 21, 

Super 21 #16-#18 Calf Raises).

 Imperial Walker Squats 10 OYO.

Gas Pumps IC 20


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