Diamond Beat Down


QIC- Leatherman

PAX- Ruxpin, Chairman, Wildwing, Gump

Warm up – 30 SSH -15 Cherry Pickers – 15 Moroccan Night Clubs – Arm circles forward and reverse.

Its the All Star Break for MLB so we Mosied to the ball fields for the beat down .

The Thang : two teams broke off one team held plank while first team started the Workouts

Home Plate to 1ST base – walking lunges

1st Base -15 Squats with 3 second hold at the bottom.

1st base to 2nd Base – Bear Crawl.

2nd Base -15 Merkins.

2nd Base to 3rd Base – Walking high knees.

3rd Base – 15 E2KS each side.

3rd Base to Home Plate – Crawl Bears.

Home Plate – 10 Burpees

Repeat for two more rounds .

We broke for 3rd F Message:

I do not know who wrote the quote .
But in my quick 3rd F fashion I hit on how this can impact us as Men.
Ruxpin added to it since we all need a little more of a break lol . Thanks brother !!!

The Thang 2 :

We took a wosey to the Tennis Courts and pulled out the Corn Hole Boards broke off in to teams again. Throwing 6 bags each. if your bag landed on the board the team had ten merkins if you miss you owe 10 merkins. if the bag drops in the hole the team owes 20 merkins. we played this for the last 10 min of the workout .

Ended with Count off -Name-O-Rama and COT.

Yours Truly , Leatherman

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