Super 21 Slightly Modified

Q Sharkbait
Pax Flea & Beach

Warm Up
25 Side Straddle Hopps
20 Imperial Walkers
20 Abe Begotas
20 Copperhead Squats
20 Hill Billies

The Thang
Mosey to the school
Super 21’s
Pike Pushups, 4 count LBC’s with 21 Monkey Humpers for rest #1-10
Derkins, Mountain Climbers with 21 Air Squats #11-15
Ranger Merkins, Gas Pumps and 21 Calf Raises #16-21
Mosey Back to Flags

COT When we say NO to one thing we are saying YES to something else. Are we spending our time and resources on the things that matter most?

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