Tres Amigos Reforzar

Date: 12/1/18

QIC: Chappie

Three PAX (Tres amigos) posted on a fairly mild morning to bring in the 1st of December by “Stepping up” (reforzar). You’ve heard the phrase, please pardon my French, well this is YHC’s shot at Spanish, which he doesn’t know, but if you do and his is wrong, just go with it. The type of workout was more of a slow-burn but it’s theme was stepping up: Stepping up in the workout and stepping up our 2nd F game a bit. Allow me to esplain…


  • SSH – 10 IC
  • Imperial Walker – 15 IC
  • Cherry Picker – 18 IC
  • Flying Squirrel – 10 OYO
  • Peter Parker – 10 IC

Mosey around the County Admin Building to the STEPS on S Bedford St. side


Each PAX:

  • 10 Calf Raises – 1 PAX does calf raises, runs up/down steps, switches with next PAX
  • Mike Tysons – Other PAX did Mike Tysons while calf raises and step runs were complete – AMRAP 
  • Rinse & repeat 3 rounds (Tres amigos)

Mosey to STEPS in front of National Guard Armory

All PAX:

  • Jump steps to top, run down – 50 American Hammers (single count)
  • Jump steps to top (wide legged, thanks Summit), run down – 50 E2K (each leg)
  • Crawl Bear steps to top, run down – 50 Gas Pumpers
  • Jump steps to top in reverse, run down – 50 American Hammers (double count)
  • Jump steps to top, run down – 50 E2K’s
  • Jump steps to top, run down – 50 Gas Pumpers
  • Crawl Bear to top, run down

Mosey down Front St. to W. Laurel to the STEPS on the backside of County Bank. (Steps. Anybody seeing a theme? …reforzar.)

Each PAX:

  • 1 PAX run up/then down steps, then switch with next PAX
  • Squats – AMRAP
  • Merkins – AMRAP
  • Rinse and repeat 3 rounds

At this point, we took a breather for the 3rd F:

Tomorrow is the first Sunday of Advent , so I figured I’d share a message about Christmas for our 3rdF. (Advent = Coming. Christmas season celebrates the anticipated birth of Christ and it anticipates Christ’s 2nd coming). One of the most well-known Bible verses in connection to Christmas is found in Luke 2:14, which says, “GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST, AND ON EARTH PEACE AMONG MEN WITH WHOM HE IS PLEASED.” 

I didn’t become a believer until I was 21. Growing up my only church experiences were on Christmas Eve. I still remember the ambiance and PEACE of those services, the smell of hot-cross buns baking, and the PEACE of my family going to church together–there was peace, everyone got along. Christmas is about peace!

In Basic Training we were sent home for what is known in the Army as Christmas Exodus. While it felt “wrong” to go home for a break half way through Basic Training, it was a time of PEACE…peace was the sense. Even our 1st SGT and Senior Drill Sergeant came in peace, as they were assigned to take several of us to the airport. Guys who were normally yelling and barking orders at us, were actually friendly while taking us to the airport. It confused us a bit. But, then again, Christmas is about PEACE.

At Christmas men/women tend to act differently towards one-another…we tend to act in PEACE. Romans 12:18 says, “If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.” That verse tells us that PEACE is not just for Christmas time. In fact, Christmas is about the “child born to us,” who, according to Isaiah 9:6-7, was to be called the “Prince of Peace.” That means PEACE is a practice which is derived from God Himself through faith in Christ. What’s interesting is that Christ Himself later said, “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Mt. 10:34). So how do we reconcile that with Luke 2:14: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” First, we cannot rely on things which bring both false and temporary peace (that’s NOT the peace Christ is author of). He came to give us peace with God, with heaven, and in our very souls and consciences; peace with the Holy One whom we Wholly offended by our unholiness! So, secondly, God’s peace (true peace) is LIMITED to those who are recipients of His grace–those who receive him by faith in Jesus Christ. As the saying goes: “No God, no peace. Know God, know peace.” Christmas is the celebration of the very birth of peace and the source of peace WITH GOD. And if any HIM is going to be a man of peace himself (not JUST at Christmas), it must start by him first being a follower of peace personified. That should give us something to think about as we go through this Advent/Christmas season. Christmas is about peace.

YHC had announced along the way at each STEPS pain station that there was a plan in mind. Here’s where the plan was announced: We need to step up our 2nd F game a little. YHC challenged the PAX to make it back to the AO in 3 minutes, and if we did we were cutting the workout at 45 mins. in order to partake of some 2nd F.

We made it back with a minute to spare…looks like we’re going to get some coffee!




Ending 15 minutes early was the plan all along. PAX are generally so busy Saturday mornings after workouts that too often the 2ndF Coffeeteria is neglected. YHC figured out a way to subvert that tendency: Cut the workout at 45 mins and go from there. YHC declared he was buying coffee and breakfast for the Tres amigos, so off we went.

Mosey to Georgetown Family Restaurant.


P.S. – Keep an eye on the check. YHC was going to pay, but Fireplex stole it and wouldn’t give it back! Come to think of it, keep an eye on your Weinke when he’s around! Seriously, thanks to Fireplex for covering breakfast. And thanks to both Fireplex & Summit for good conversation over breakfast (i.e. the rest of y’all missed out–the Fartsack will do that to ya!). Good fellowship guys!

Honored to lead!

Chappie, out!

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